Until I Met You

Sang Hee's P.O.V


When school was over I decided to make a vow to myself, which was to avoid being put into situations where Luhan could take advantage and do things that would make me a terrible girlfriend. Sehun was one of the sweetest guys I knew, and I couldn't just sneak around with Luhan when he's the one actually trying in this relationship right? I can do this, if not for me then for Oh Sehun. 

When I got to work, Luhan wasn't around, fortunately, so I quickly changed into my uniform and started work. At first there was quite a few customers coming in and out who gave a very generous amount of tips. Keke..  After a couple hours, business seemed to die down and I was left with nothing to do. I was tired and yawned. Maybe I should take a quick 10-15 minute nap? I mean there isn't anyone around so I might as well right? I sat in the comfiest chair that was in the room, and quickly dozed off.


Luhan's P.O.V


I came in with Sehun today because he said that we had to discuss something which I believe has to do with his cousin's birthday that's coming up soon. Sehun and his cousin Ha Ni were close enough to be siblings, since they were both raised in the same household by their grandparents because their parents were always abroad doing business. I looked around and noticed that there weren't any customers today or employees. 

"Huh.. is Sang Hee not coming today? Aish.. I hope ditching doesn't become a habit for her.." I seemed to say out loud.

"Well, I bet there is a reason she's not here. I'll text her later and see if she's fine."

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go put some stuff in the break room so make yourself some bubble tea. I'll be right back." I turned and walked towards the break room, only to see that Sang Hee was fast asleep on a chair. 

" must be pretty exhausted to be sleeping on the job.." I poked her forehead and started to trace her facial features. "Sang Hee-ah... you're so beautiful. Why do you have to belong to my best friend?" I leaned in and kissed her. "Well, it seems that you haven't told him about us yet seeing that he's still talking to me. Could this be because you also have feelings towards me.. or is it because you just don't want to lose your job?" I sighed knowing that losing her job could be the reason being that no one really hired teenagers. "Well, I'm not going to lose hope now. If it is the second reason, then I'll just have to assure that it's because of the first." I leaned in and kissed her passionately on the lips, and I felt her kiss back. However she seemed to still be asleep, so I continued to kiss her until her soft whisper.

"Luhan..." she seemed to be sleep talking, but why was she calling my name? Could she actually have feelings for me? "Luhan.... I can't do this. No. Not to Sehun.." Of course she doesn't.. quit dreaming Luhan. I was about to leave, when I heard her start to speak again. "Luhan.. I'm starting to believe that I do have feelings for you.." And with those twelve words, I guess I'm going to have do something that I'd thought I'd never do before. I'm going to have to hurt my best friend, Oh Sehun because Kim Sang Hee is mine. 


A/N: I know short chapter, but I'm just exhausted and have a mixture of emotions right now. Graduation is over, and I still have not hit the point of realization that it is. Sigh. I have no idea how I feel. Oh and since it is over that means.. no more school and it's time for summer break! And that means more updating! Yay! Ahaha. Sorry that my chapters are so short ;-; But will you guys leave comments? Pleaseeeeee. It'll make me super happy if you guys subscribe or comment. I'll love you forevverr <3 I really wanna know what you guys think about my story so feel free to comment away! <3 

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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4