Until I Met You

Sang Hee’s P.O.V


Luhan had dropped me off at my house an hour ago, but I didn’t feel like sleeping right away, so I decided to go to the park and have a walk. There was something strange about Luhan though.. At first I believed I felt safe with him, but when he started telling me about his plan to get back at Sehun..

"Revenge?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Why yes of course. I mean.. don't you want to get back at Sehun for cheating on you with some other girl? Playing with your feelings?"

"W-Well I guess I do.."

"Then of course. It's revenge that you need.. and I already have a plan ready.."

"Mwo? How could you have already planned something?"

"H-huh.. oh erm.. well I just thought of one while I was setting up.."

"Oh.. jinjjia? But how could you think of one so fast?"

"Well.. it was just fast thinking? But I thought that I should tell you now, so we could go over it because I thought of it so quickly.. there could be errors in it, but I doubt there are.." he said the last part in a whisper.

"Well.. what is the plan?"

"Ha Ni's birthday is this Friday which is why Sehun was looking for a gift. They're planning to have some extravagent party in the evening, and the theme is masquerade. So you'll be who I bring. Just stay close to me and be affectionate. When I formally introduce you, take your mask off and smile in Sehun's face. Don't worry. That's all you need to do. I'll take care of everything else."

I don't understand why Luhan would be helping me get back at Sehun.. I mean they're best friends.. Huh.. maybe it's because I'm knew to relationships and pain, so that's why everything's confusing. Luhan seems to be an expert at these things, so I guess I'll just trust him on this.. I came home to see a stressed out Jongin.

"Oppa.. what's wrong?" I asked after shutting the door.

"Aish.. it's nothing.." he scratched his head in thought and continued pacing around.

"Doesn't seem like nothing. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Sang Hee.. you're still working right?"

"Uh yeah of course.."

"When will you get your pay by?"

"End of the month.. like always.."

"Aish.. Okay."

"Oppa waeyo?"

"Nothing.. Erm.. I just want to calculate something.."

"Oh okay.." I walked into my room to see Hae Won sitting there wide awake. "Yah.. shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I was waiting for you to get home unnie.. I can't sleep."

"Wae? Does it have something to do with why Jongin's so stressed?" I laughed, but Hae Won looked serious. "Is it related to why Jongin oppa is like that?"

"A-ani! I just missed you! You slept out on the couch last night and left me here!"

"Aigoo.. kyeopta!" I ruffled her hair. I changed into my pajamas and slid into bed with her shutting off the lights. "Good night Hae Won.." I said tiredly while I yawned. 

Luhan's P.O.V


When I was driving home, I kept hearing a vibrating sound. I looked at my phone and saw nothing, so I ignored it until I reached my house. Then I realized it was Sang Hee's cell phone. She must've left it here. I'll give it to her tomorrow.. I decided to put it away, but changed my mind after I saw Sehun's name pop up in a text along with several others.

To: Sang Hee Unnie

From: Yoon Ji


Unnie! That jerk Luhan was just lying! We questioned Sehun today! He's telling the truth. I did some research on his family. Ha Ni is his cousin! That just made it up to win your heart or something. I don't know. Text/Call me back ASAP. Dont believe a word Luhan says!

To: Sang Hee

From: Zitao


Yah pabo. Stop crying your eyes out. We've figured it out. Luhan's been lying to you. Your boyfriend isn't cheating on you. That girl is his cousin. You've misunderstood. Looks like I don't need to kick his . Yoon Ji said to answer her. Hurry up. She's been bugging me nonstop. o; 


To: Sang Hee <3

From: Sehunnie <3


Babe, I know you might be mad at me because you think I'm cheating, but I'm not! I swear! Luhan made it all up! Ha Ni is my cousin! I promise you. You can even talk to her. I don't think I can afford to lose you.. please forgive me bby. I think I'm in love with you.. I've never been this happy until I met you. So please.. I swear I'm telling the truth. Just give me a chance.. 


I scoffed, and deleted all the texts. 'Until I met you' Pft. How cheesy. So Sang Hee really is Sehun's happiness huh? Well, looks like he'll finally know how it feels like when his best friend takes away someone he loves.. 



A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been able to update! I've been sick the past couple days, and still am a little, but since I felt better I decided to update! Hope you guys will subscribe or comment! <3 Ily. <3

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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4