Until I Met You

Luhan's P.O.V


To: Luhan 

From: Sang Hee


*Sigh* Wait, but you said she called him Oppa. Did you mean it like boyfriend or brotherly wise? Maybe I'm just overreacting.

Being the selfish I was when I wanted something, or someone, I decided to lie and make her hurt. Then she would run into my arms for comfort right?

To: Sang Hee

From: Luhan


Sang Hee, I don't want to hurt you, but it's as a boyfriend. Sehun has another girl named Ha Ni. He loves her so much.

To: Luhan

From: Sang Hee


If he loves her so much then what am I to him? Why did he even ask me out? Waste his time and money with all those things he gave to me? 

To: Sang Hee

From: Luhan


Because he was hurt. Ha Ni went to America a couple weeks ago, when he met you. At that time, I actually had feelings for you, but then he stole you away. He was just using you. He thought of Ha Ni with everything he did with you. He doesn't like or love you. He loves her.

I didn't get a response after that, so I assumed that she got my message. She was probably hurting right now, and I'll be the one who stops that hurting soon. Even if I no longer have Sehun by my side. It was all worth it for this girl. Sehun and I had continued conversing for another hour or so, until he had to leave to go to homework or something. I was pretty distracted during our conversation because I was busy wondering about how Sang Hee was taking this. Did I push it too far? I guess now that Sehun was gone I could go check on her. I walked towards the break room, but instead of finding Sang Hee, I saw no one. Did she leave already? Why didn't I notice? I walked into the employees changing room and saw that Sang Hee's uniform was already folded neatly and tucked away into her closet space. Sigh. So much for swooping in and cheering her up. Ugh. My plan probably backfired.. or maybe this is how it should turn out? If she's hurt by Sehun, I could be the one who's always there for her.. and eventually she'll fall for me right?

Sang Hee's P.O.V


I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't just going to sit here in this damned break room and cry alone. Crying doesn't help anything. I snuck out without neither Sehun or Luhan noticing me, since they were so engaged in their conversation. Whatever. I had never took a chance at love before, and my first, Sehun cheated on me with some Ha Ni girl that he's known all his life. How could I be so stupid to have him play with me like this? Ugh. A thought creeped in from the back of my mind. Well, you cheated on him too, with Luhan. Then again, he's probably been cheating on you this whole time. Maybe kissing Luhan and having feelings for him wasn't a bad thing.. 

Tao's P.O.V


I started to make some kimchi soup, when there was a knock at the door. Huh? Wonder who it is.. I walked over to open it, and Sang Hee fell over. 

"Aish! At least give me a warning before you open the door!" she yelled as I caught her in my arms. I could smell alcohol coming from her breath. 

"Ew. You smell. Who gave you alcohol? Don't you understand that you're underaged! If Jongin hyung knew you were like this, he'd kill me for not watching over you!" I scolded her, while carrying her to the couch and placed her there.

"Hey! If you were me, you'd be out drinking to. Underaged or not."

"Who in the right mind would give you alcohol?" I flicked her forehead. 

"Ow! Tao! That hurts! I'm telling Jongin on you!" she rubbed her forehead. 

"Not if I tell him, you had alcohol first. Now let me finish making some kimchi soup. I'll call Yoon Ji over, so we can all discuss why you're like this alright?"

She nodded, and sat up. "Gege.. you're making kimchi soup?" Her eyes seemed to sparkle. 

"Yeah. I was going to call you over, but I guess you're already here. So let's eat as soon as I finish alright?"

"Alright!" she said with a happy tone, and slouched back down on the couch. "Gege.. you haven't cooked for me in so long.." 

"Heh.. I know. Now sleep a little. I'll wake you up when it's ready." 

She didn't respond after that, so I assumed that she knocked out I texted Yoon Ji and she said she'd be right over. I went over to check on Sang Hee, who looked like a mess. Her eyes were puffy, and her hair was everywhere. Not to mention the stench of alcohol on her. She must've manipulated some creep on the street to give her some. Thank goodness that she's alright. I should probably tell Jongin too. I dialed his number and told him about Sang Hee's situation. He sounded pretty worried and said that he'd come home as soon as he could.

"It's a good thing you have a lot of people who cares for you Sang Hee." I brushed her hair with my fingers.

"Y-yet the one who should care for me, doesn't. He cares for his Ha Ni girl more than me. I was probably just a toy he played with when he was bored..." Sang Hee said in a soft whisper. 

"Yah.. I thought you were knocked out?"

"Aniya.. I don't think I can be knocked out after what happened today.. I've been hurt too much by one person. I guess I trusted the wrong person, when I should've trusted his best friend instead.."


A/N: How you guys feeling about Luhan? It's pretty hard for me to write Luhan as this type of character, since I love him so much, but I hope it's working for the story. This is my first fanfic so I hope it's not too bad. Will you guys leave comments and tell me how it's going? :D Hope you guys will subscribe or comment. <3 Thanks to my new and old subscribers, but I hope you guys aren't ghost readers. Ahaha. I really wanna know how this is going. <3 Thanks everyone! ^-^ I'll be able to update more now, so you guys don't have to wait too long. (: Byeeee~ <3

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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4