Chapter 9

And I Will Try To Fix You












Tiffany and Yoona was in the bathroom, the girl curling Yoona's hair into soft, beautiful curls that fell down on her shoulders perfectly. Looking into the mirror Yoona couldn't help but smile. It felt nice to be taken cared of.

"So, are you excited about your first party?"

"Kind of. I'm nervous though." Yoona confessed as Tiffany finished with the hair, looking at her in the mirror.

"You have nothing to be nervous about. You're gonna look just gorgeous."

Yoona smiled. "What are you gonna wear?"

"A new Chanel dress." Tiffany answered with enthusiasm, admiring her work of Yoona's hair. "You wanna to see?"


Tiffany led the way to hers and Nickhun's bedroom where a beautiful dress hung on the door. "Wow, that dress is to kill for!" Yoona exclaimed and went to touch the silky material.

"We're gonna match colours." the tall girl pointed at the dark green colour on her dress. She then giggled and took it down from the door. "Let's get dressed."

Yoona quickly fallowed, enjoying getting ready together with a friend. Everything was so much more fun and she loved being in contact with this glamorous side of life where everything felt like a dream.




Looking out over the big crowd of people, Taecyeon sighed. He was getting worried that Yoona wouldn't come.

Maybe he should have been the one to take her, that way he'd be able to pep her before and tell her that this night was going to be fun. She had insisted on going together with Tiffany though, while he went with Nickhun.

"Man, are you okay? You look all pale," Taecyeon had completely forgotten about Nickhun who stood next to him, now looking quite concerned.

Taecyeon blinked. "No, I'm fine. I was just seeing if Yoona had arrived. She's a little late."

"Well, Tiffany's always late. You know how women are. And it's fifteen minutes, nothing to worry about."

Taecyeon just nodded. "Taecyeon, what's this thing about Yoona?" Nickhun asked after some time of watching his brother stare out over the people, desperately searching.

"Nothing. I'm just worried because she's late."

"No, you're not."

Taecyeon turned his gaze over to his dear brother for the first time. "What are you talking about?"

Nickhun shrugged and casually spoke. "You like her."

"I don't like her." Taecyeon laughed, not sounding so convincing though.

"You do, man. You like her a lot."

Taecyeon shook his head. "You're insane, man."

To that Nickhun did not reply. He only shrugged again and gave Taecyeon one of his looks.

"I'm not into her." Taecyeon defended himself, frustrated that Nickhun didn't believe him.

"Then tell me that you've never imagined her ."

Taecyeon half laughed/ half yelled. "What?"

"You heard me." his brother calmly said.

Taecyeon tried to look innocent. "Nope."


"I am not into Yoona. She's my…" Taecyeon suddenly stopped, becoming awfully quiet.

Nickhun looked confused and was about to say something but as he saw both Tiffany and Yoona walk toward them he gave up on their conversation as well.

The girls were both gorgeous.

"Hi." Tiffany said as they stopped just in front of them. Yoona made a little wave and blushed.

"Hi, honey." Nickhun gave his girlfriend a kiss and smiled as he turned towards Yoona. "Hi, Yoona. It's good to see you again."

She nodded politely and accepted his kiss on her cheek. "You both look gorgeous by the way, don't they Taecyeon?" Nickhun said, maybe intentionally.

"Yeah." Taecyeon stuttered and met Yoona's gaze. Her hair was all shiny and curled into perfect waves. It fell down on her bare shoulders and made her skin look even paler. The dress fitted her perfectly and she was by far the most beautiful person in the room in Taecyeon's eyes.

He saw all these beautiful people with pretty dresses but none of them could compare to Yoona tonight. She was breathtaking but that was just not something that Taecyeon would admit to anyone.

"Hi, Taecyeon." she said shyly.

"Yoona." was all Taecyeon was able to get out.

Nickhun and Tiffany looked at their friends and smiled to each other. "Hon, why don't we go get something to drink?" Tiffany said and dragged Nickhun away.

After the couple had left Yoona anxiously looked at Taecyeon. Why did everything have to get so awkward sometimes?

"So, I was starting to get a little worried when I didn't see you here." Taecyeon started, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh, well it took forever to get ready and we kind of lost track of time." Yoona quickly explained suddenly looking anywhere but at Taecyeon.

It was weird how they so many times could talk about whatever for hours while they at times like this were pushed into awkward silences.

Taecyeon cleared his throat. "You look very nice."

"Thanks. So do you."

"Want to say hi to my parents?" Taecyeon quickly asked, feeling like he would die if he didn't say anything.


Ok Hana and Ok Jinyoung stood just near the windows with two glasses in their hands. They'd probably said hi to most guests by now.

"Mom, Dad." Taecyeon gave them each a hug.

"Taecyeon, I'm so happy to see you here." Hana said and smiled. "And you brought Yoona."

Eying her up and down his parents smiled brightly. "Welcome, Yoona. It's so good to see you here again." Jinyoung said kissing her cheek.

"You're beautiful." Hana smiled and leaned in for a hug.

A hug. From Taecyeon's mom.

Yoona hugged her back and felt her eyes start to get glassy, she'd never been hugged like this. She'd never even been liked by a friend's parent. She'd never felt this welcomed.

When they'd pulled apart Taecyeon smiled, he could see how happy Yoona was and by locking eyes with his mother for just a second or two he saw that she'd noticed too.

"Let's go get something to drink, Yoong." Taecyeon said and offered his arm.

Yoona gladly accepted and placed her small arm into his, letting him lead her to the bar.

Somehow things weren't as awkward anymore.




"So, Yoona, I've never seen you here before." the middle-aged woman said as she places a loose strand of hair back behind her ear.

Yoona smiled politely, tired of these kinds of questions. "I don't live here in Incheon. I'm a friend of Ok Taecyeon."

"The buffy guy?" the woman asked, again replacing some hair behind her ear.

"Yeah. Ok Taecyeon." Yoona simply said.

"Hana's son? Yes, I know who that is. I'd never think though that he would…" she stopped and gave Yoona a meaning wink.

"He wouldn't what?" Yoona asked, suddenly feeling the need to defend Taecyeon.

The woman cleared . "I've just never seen him together with a girl before. He's always been a little, odd."

"Well, he is with me. And you wouldn't be able to find a better person here tonight." Yoona said firmly. She wouldn't let some of these people say things about Taecyeon.

"If you think so."

"I do." Yoona looked at the woman who stood beside her with a glass in her hand again fixing her hair. For the first time she could remember she felt like she was so much better. Who was this person anyway? Yoona had listened to her talking about some Hyuna having had her s done and how she'd described in detail how her gardener couldn't do his job.

Weren't there more important things in life?

"Will you excuse me?" Yoona said and hurried away from the woman who looked quite surprised. It didn't matter though. It didn't matter what that woman thought about her.

As Yoona reached an empty table in the backyard she sat down on a chair, looking out over the ocean. Smiling to herself.




"Hey." a voice said and as she turned around she saw Taecyeon.

"Hey." she softly said back.

He sat down next to her. "Have you been here for long? I've been looking for you inside.”

Yoona nodded and noticed that the two of them were sitting further away from the others than she'd really thought. "I've been here for a while. It's so beautiful out here."

"Yeah, it is." Taecyeon agreed with her, fallowing her gaze out to the ocean. He couldn't help but studying her though; she was so beautiful. "You, are you okay?"

Yoona smiled and nodded, turning her head away from the ocean and focusing on him. "What about you?"

Taecyeon looked surprised but he smiled. "Me? I'm great."

"Good. But if you wouldn't feel okay you know that you can talk to me, right?" Yoona asked, slightly afraid that he wouldn't be honest with her.

"Of course."

"Even though I'm the one who needs the most support I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me. I want to be a good friend."

"You are."

The sincerity in his voice made it impossible not to believe him. Yoona smiled and looked straight into his eyes. "So are you. The best."

He held her gaze and felt like he could drown in those deep brown eyes. Then, without really thinking he leaned closer to her.

She felt his breath on her face as he kept looking at her. A little uncertain, she closed her eyes and touched his lips with her own. It was a light peck and only lasted for a second but to Yoona it was perfect.

Neither opened their eyes though and a soft kiss followed. Everything was so slow that the tiniest move could ruin everything. Yoona leaned her forehead onto Taecyeon's, still with her eyes closed.

Taecyeon captured her lips again, this time in a real kiss that lasting longer. His hand cupped her chin and she placed her own over his. As his soft lips touched hers, Yoona felt like she could faint. He was so gentle and his lips against hers felt so good.

After the kiss ended Yoona slowly pulled away, taking Taecyeon's hand that had been on her chin into her own, placing them in her lap. She looked at them, his bigger one and hers so small. She intertwined their fingers and finally looked up to meet Taecyeon.

He reached up his hand and lightly caressed her cheek, so careful that it sent shivers down her spine. He was so adorable that Yoona couldn't help but kiss him again, this time more passionate.

Her hands found their place on his neck while his were in her hair, pulling her face closer to him as the kiss was urgent and needy.

It was the first time someone cared enough to not rip her clothes off after just a few kisses. No one had ever just wanted to kiss her and no one had definitely been this gentle with her before. It was almost as if he was afraid that she would run away and disappear and it was as if he was waiting for her permission before he did anything.

But once he got, he was still amazing. Everything was amazing, and perfect.

"Mmm…" Yoona said as they pulled apart, for the first time since they'd started kissing really watching each other. She didn't even realize that she was enjoying this this much but as Taecyeon smiled and kissed her cheek Yoona couldn't help but let a small giggle out.

"What?" Taecyeon asked keeping a hold of her hand, fumbling with her fingers.

Yoona smiled while shaking her head. "Nothing."


Another giggle escaped from . "We just kissed." she said as if that would be something unusual.

"I know." Taecyeon smirked.

"Isn't that weird? I mean we just kissed and now we're sitting here. God, this is so weird." Yoona blushed.

"How is this weird?" Taecyeon laughed.

"It just is."

Yoona was about to continue but was stopped by Taecyeon kissing her again. This time a lot more intense.

"Is it still weird?" he asked as they pulled apart, catching their breaths.

After breathing for a few seconds Yoona once again crushed her lips against his, figuring that nothing could be a better response.

















TaecYoon Fighting!<3












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ooo i love this
bakura_revengr #2
Chapter 24: Great story. Thx
kaiyoonhae #3
Chapter 24: lovely story... thank u :) please keep on writing yoona ff godbless
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 24: how interesting story...^^
I love this one... >. <
Chapter 24: i like this story so much.. im happy that taecyeon and yoona have a happy ending.. hope you will write more story about taecyeon and yoona because im taecyoon shipper!!
Chapter 24: Everytime i read this fanfic i'm crying so hard, i dunno why i'm cry but i love this story ><;;;
risti89 #7
Chapter 24: nice job... really...
CZTachyonsVN #8
Your stories are just like sweets...
Cute like a candy, sometimes bitter yet savoury like a dark chocolate, sweet and colourful like a turkish delight, everyone like them just like crisps (I dunno if I can consider it as a sweet but who cares).The more I read the more I want just like... eh... umm... drugs?(hehe! That ain't sweet fo sure)
It doesn't matter if they have a simple plot. I'll always love it.
LuvFFWorld #9
Chapter 24: What a great finale. I love it how you keep describing how they felt for each other, it's so touching that I can feel how strong their love is. Thank you so much for this marvelous and heartwarming story.
Chapter 24: Your stories are always the best! This fic is beyond amazing! Please keep writing~ ^^