
My Handsome Neighbour

Sooyun POV

It has been 6 months since i'm dating Chunji. Everything is fine and i've never bored going out with him. Sometimes, he would pick me up at school then we would have a little date together. We can have an ice cream then just sitting in the park and looking at people. I also like to see his performance. It  made me fall in love with him even more after seeing him singing. His voice is very beautiful and i like it very much. If we had no money then we would just hang out at my dorm. We can watch TV, disturbing L. Joe and sometimes we even cooking together. In our 100th day anniversary, i got a mosaic photo from Chunji. I put it on my study desk. While me, i made a scrapbook with a lot of pictures of us together and our memorable moments. I decorated a lot. Chunji really likes it.

But, there is something wrong with Chunji these days. I thought he is avoiding me. It is very hard to contact him right now. I'm really worried with him, so i asked L. Joe.

"I don't know either. I think he also avoiding Teen Top or something,"

"Really? Since when?"

"About 2 weeks ago, he's never showed up whenever we hang out,"

"Same with me, it's even hard for me to contact him. What happened with him?"

"It's true, he's never answered our text,"

"*cough* *cough*"

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, don't worry,"

"Don't get sick just because Chunji hasn't contacted you for awhile, he will be worried if you're sick,"

"I know. It's getting cold, i'm going first. Bye,"


I went to my bed and saw my phone. There is no answer from Chunji. I texted him about an hour ago but he hasn't answered it yet. It made me feel even more worried about him.


L. Joe POV

Today i go to school with Sooyun. She looked a bit pale today. Not as cheerful as usual. Is it because of Chunji? On our way, Sooyun keep coughing and sneezing all the time. I ask her condition but she said she was Okay. Did she even take medicine already? Her cough and sneeze sound really bad. Make me worried for her. When we arrived at the class, as usual there was no one there. I looked at Sooyun and she has already fall asleep. Probably she is really sick. Eunjin and Jimin arrived then. They are also worried to her.

"L. Joe-ah, what's wrong with Sooyun? Why is she asleep?" said Eunjin

"I don't know. She fell asleep right away after we arrived at school,"

"Maybe she is tired or something. Just wake her up when the bell rang," said Jimin

Good decision. If you guys even tried to wake her up right now, i will probably explode now. I looked at Sooyun for a whole day. Really, she isn't as cheerful as usual. Her cough and sneeze really getting worse too. Where is Chunji when she needed him the most?

"YA! Lee Chanhee! Where are you? Are you avoiding us and Sooyun? Sooyun is really worried about you."

I decided to text Chunji like that. It has to be fixed. Chunji can't just dissapeared like that.

I also went home with Sooyun today. I almost has never gone home with her. I usually will play basketball first or whatever but it just i can't let Sooyun go home by herself. Not in her condition like this. In the bus, she looked even more pale. Probably because she is tired.

"Are you sick?"

"Don't worry, i'm just tired. Probably because i miss my parents? keke i don't know,"

I touched her forehead.

"You have a fever,"

"It's fine, i can just take medicine later,"

Then both of us not talking anymore. We finally arrived at the bus stop. She walked really slow and somehow i think she can fall anytime. When we finally arrived in front of our dorm buildings, she said bye right away and went to her dorm. So did i. After changing my clothes, i look at her room. She is looking at her phone and call someone. I think there is no answer so she just throw her phone to the bed. Why is she like this the whole time? I look at my phone and still there is no answer from Chunji. I look at her again and she is just laying on her bed. She said that she would take medicine but i don't think she had taken it.

Just because i'm really curious and worried with her condition, here i am right now, in front of Sooyun's room. I knocked her door. Not long after, she opened the door. She looked really surprised.

"You haven't taken your medicine, right? Do you even have any?"

"I'm fine, you can go,"

I touched her forehead again.

"You are 1st rank in the class but still don't know that you are sick?"

"I'm not,"

"Let me in, i will make porridge for you,"

"You can cook?"

"Of course, i live by myself, if i can't cook then i would just starving now,"

She finally opened her door and let me in. I went to the kitchen right away and looked if there is enough ingredients. Luckily there is. While i'm cooking, i saw that Sooyun is just sitting on the sofa and reading a book. Well, because i have to wait for the porridge to be cooked, i looked for a towel and water.

"Sleep on your bed for awhile,"

She just nodded and sleep on her bed. I put the towel on her forehead and she looked surprise.

"You have a fever. Rest some more,"

I went to the kitchen again and continued my cooking. Finally the porridge is cooked. I tried, and it's delicious. I brought one bowl to Sooyun's bed.

"Here eat this, and don't forget the medicine after you eat. If you want more porridge, there is still some left in the kitchen"

"Are you leaving?"

"I just want to make porridge for you,"

"I'm sick, i can't eat a lot. Just take the porridge in the kitchen and we can eat together,"


"I am sick. It's a request from a sick people,"

"Okay then,"

I took some porridge from the kitchen and went to Sooyun's bed. I still left some for her, probably if her appetite back, she would eat it.

"L. Joe-ah, where do you think Chunji go?"

"I don't know, he's never like this before,"

"Is it because of me?"

"I don't think so,"

"I've just remembered that CAP oppa once said that there is tension in Teen Top because of me,"

"Really? When did he say that?"

"When Chunji and I just started dating,"

"Don't worry about hyung, he likes to act weird sometimes,"

"I text Chunji everyday. I have said sorry many times, but he didn't reply any of my messages,"

"I also texted him but he is not replying either. It's not your fault,"

"Why is he like this?"

For the whole time, she was just talking about Chunji. It made me really mad with him. He said that he would protect her forever but what is this? He is even the reason why Sooyun is very sad now.

After finishing our dinner,  i washed all the dishes. When it all finished, i went to Sooyun again. But suddenly, she was crying.

"Sooyun-ah, what happened with you?"

"If he really want to break up, why does he avoiding me like this? Why doesn't he just say it?"

"No, he doesn't want to break up with you. He is really in love with you,"

But she's just keep crying. It made my heart broke. Chunji is not a bad person. Why did he go? Where is he actually?

After Sooyun finally calm down, she asked me to wait until she's fall asleep. I want her to just skip school tomorrow, but she doesn't want to. She even asked me to call her in the morning if she hasn't waken up. When she has fallen asleep, i went back to my dorm.

Then i texted Chunji.

"YA! Sooyun was crying. I know you are a good person. Hope you realized that you've just made one person really miserable because of you and come back now. Just come back"

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Chapter 33: So sweet....they are really kind. Both of Ljoe and Chunji really have a strong bonding. Indeed they are bestfriend ^^
HyeYoungFan #2
Chapter 1: Hello new reader here, starting to enjoy the chapters, thanks for your hard work dear author-nim ^^
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 28: If he does find a girl in London she will strangle him if he tried this on her. I know I would. Hehehe.
harlibug #4
OO I can't wait to read this
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 33: Lol. Omg...what a good conversation!!!! I swear im too happy to read this chapterㅋㅋㅋ 1000000 thumbs for you author-nim!♡
swaggeyy98 #6
Chapter 30: Changjo why do you have to let it out??? Pabo-ya!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously author-nim... your story, really...mix feelingㅋㅋㅋ omg how to describe.. anyway you really did a gooood jobㅋㅋ
swaggeyy98 #7
Chapter 21: Mental breakdown!!!! I thouht sooyun wouldnt accept it....<//3 and i find it cute and soooo funny when ljoe wake up at 1pm ㅋㅋㅋㅋ innoncent...poor you ljoe:(
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
kwistal12 #10
Chapter 15: I dont see colors...