The Feeling

My Handsome Neighbour

L. Joe POV

It's Tuesday. Finally the time when all Teen Top members will gather. I can't wait until the school finished. I wanted to ask Chunji about everything he had done with Sooyun. It was a bit relieved that Sooyun doesn't play with her phone a lot today. Probably, Chunji didn't text her anymore or something happened.

Finally the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and went straight to school's gate to go to Teen Top hangout place. There were Ricky and Changjo

"Oh, Hyung. You came! Do you come with Sooyun noona?"

"Why should i come with her? And why did you suddenly ask about her?"

"Sooyun noona totally gave a big impression to me, she's really interesting, i want to see her again," said Ricky

"Well she has something to do today with her friends. That's probably why she can't come today," I looked back to see Chunji explaining about Sooyun. Oh my God, is he showing off right now that he can be close with Sooyun?

"Oooo... how can Chunji hyung know more about Sooyun noona than L. Joe hyung? Meeting her in once and already this close?" said Changjo

"Not really close, i just text with her sometimes,"

"Hyung already texting with Sooyun noona??"

"Guys, let's not talk about Sooyun again, since when Teen Top start to talk about woman? Where are CAP hyung and Niel, why haven't they arrived?"

"They will probably arrive soon,"

Chunji POV

"Guys, let's not talk about Sooyun again, since when Teen Top start to talk about woman? Where are CAP hyung and Niel, why haven't they arrived?" 

So, L.Joe wanted to change the topic, huh? I really can't understand this guy. Does he like Sooyun? But, L. Joe isn't type of person who will like someone very easily. I know that Sooyun is very interesting so probably L. Joe likes her, but shouldn't he make more move with Sooyun? Especially Sooyun is his neighbour, they can talk more together.

"Anyone looking for us? Guess what? We bring food~~" CAP hyung and Niel came

Teen Top really likes eating. We went to the food right away and eat all of it within 30 minutes. Then, we were just talking and playing games together and do all of the things we usually do together. When we were playing together, i saw L. Joe sat on the sofa by himself.

"Hey, what are you doing? Come on, play with us," I said and punch him a little

"I'm not in the mood right now, " he looks really down

"Why? are you thinking about something? Tell me,"

"Chunji, what do you think about Sooyun?" Wait a minute, what's wrong with this sudden question?

"Hmm.. i think she's nice. You have to know that yesterday i texted with her all day, and she always replied my message fast. Are you sure she is a studyholic?"

"She's always in top rank in my class. What are you talking about in your message?"

"It's just this and that all of thing. Do you know why she lives in a dorm by herself?"

"I haven't known it yet. You know?" Really?? How can? I will just show off right now

"Of course i know, she told me that her parents moved to New York because her father made a new restaurant there, but she really likes living in Seoul so now she lives alone in the dorm,"


"I think you will know more than me though. You are her neighbour and classmate,"

"I can't say that i'm really close with her anyway. Being in one class with her for 3 months and just found out her name 2 weeks ago,"

"But still, you meet her often,"

"That's true. By the way, when will you visit her?" Another sudden question

"I don't know, probably tomorrow or the day after. I want to meet her before my performance on Saturday,"


"I don't know exactly. Maybe just to make sure that she will come on Saturday,"

"Do you even know the way to her dorm?"

"Of course i know. I visit your dorm often, you know?"

"Okay okay, i just want to make sure"

"By the way, how about you? What do you think about Sooyun?" let's make sure his feeling right now.

"I'm not sure. It's been only 2 weeks i know her, but she have left big impression to me. I think ..... i like her,"

"Well, that's gonna be a big problem then. It hasn't even a week i know her but i'm pretty sure that i like her too.."



In case you guys forget

Blue : L. Joe

Sky Blue : Chunji

Purple : Ricky

Orange : Changjo

Red : CAP

Green : Niel

Magenta : Sooyun



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Chapter 33: So sweet....they are really kind. Both of Ljoe and Chunji really have a strong bonding. Indeed they are bestfriend ^^
HyeYoungFan #2
Chapter 1: Hello new reader here, starting to enjoy the chapters, thanks for your hard work dear author-nim ^^
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 28: If he does find a girl in London she will strangle him if he tried this on her. I know I would. Hehehe.
harlibug #4
OO I can't wait to read this
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 33: Lol. Omg...what a good conversation!!!! I swear im too happy to read this chapterㅋㅋㅋ 1000000 thumbs for you author-nim!♡
swaggeyy98 #6
Chapter 30: Changjo why do you have to let it out??? Pabo-ya!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously author-nim... your story, really...mix feelingㅋㅋㅋ omg how to describe.. anyway you really did a gooood jobㅋㅋ
swaggeyy98 #7
Chapter 21: Mental breakdown!!!! I thouht sooyun wouldnt accept it....<//3 and i find it cute and soooo funny when ljoe wake up at 1pm ㅋㅋㅋㅋ innoncent...poor you ljoe:(
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
kwistal12 #10
Chapter 15: I dont see colors...