Dance Skill

My Handsome Neighbour

Chunji POV

When i first heard about Sooyun from L.Joe, i knew right away that this girl was somewhat interesting. I had never seen L. Joe talked about a girl this often and this interesting. When i first i met her, i realized why L. Joe liked this girl. For a nerdy type, she is very beautiful and cool. She isn't a nerdy and not a naughty girl either. She was a very interesting girl. I really couldn't wait to see her dance. Maybe after she danced, i could find her more interesting than i thought before.

Sooyun POV

Time to perform. The DJ told about Changjo and Changjo went to the dance floor. I saw him dance. He was very cool. His dance moves were very powerful and you couldn't look away from him. He had the feeling to make people watch him and also the dance skill that was very awesome. I looked at the audiences and they enjoyed Changjo's performance too. They were clapping and screaming also some of them were dancing. Then, the song finished. Changjo went out from the dance floor and gave me a sign to came in.

I went to the dance floor. I tried to look cool first. Then, i heard the music sound. I thought it was I Got A Boy song but with remix version from the DJ. L.Joe must had told about this song to the DJ. I felt the feeling of the song first, then i started to dance powerfully. When i was dancing, i heard a lot of clapping. I saw some people were screaming for me too. I thought they enjoyed it very much. I kept dancing. Then, i saw L.Joe. Our eyes met. He gave an OK sign then i winked to him. He seemed embarrassed after that. He looked very cute though. After 2 minutes performing, the song ended. I bowed and went backstage again. I did a high-five with Changjo and Ricky. They said i was very awesome when i performed. I blushed.

The DJ then introduced Ricky, He went to the dance floor and started to dance powerfully. He was very good too. The responses were very crowd too. No wonder they were called Teen Top. They were very cool.

After three of us performing, we went to the table again. All of the Teen Top members came to the table except for L. Joe and CAP. Niel said that they were preparing for their Rap performance later. I really couldn't wait to see L.Joe's performance.


I was very happy when i saw Sooyun performed very awesomely. She was perfect. She could be a successful dancer i thought. She was a very great performer too. She smiled all the time when she was performing. She even winked at me! I was very happy to see her winked at me. I couldn't believe she could see me.

I actually wanted to go to her after her performance, but i had to prepare for my rap performance with CAP hyung. I said to Niel to told about this to Sooyun, I also texted her,

'It was a very great performance. I love it very much >_< Wish me luck for my performance'

'Really? Thank you very much L. Joe. I can't wait to see your performance ^^ Don't be nervous and fighting ^^'

I was very happy to see her reply to my message. I couldn't failed tonight. I had to perform as perfect as possible to show my skill to Sooyun


Sorry for the short update.

I will continue tomorrow ~~

Keep reading My Handsome Neighbour ^^

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Chapter 33: So sweet....they are really kind. Both of Ljoe and Chunji really have a strong bonding. Indeed they are bestfriend ^^
HyeYoungFan #2
Chapter 1: Hello new reader here, starting to enjoy the chapters, thanks for your hard work dear author-nim ^^
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 28: If he does find a girl in London she will strangle him if he tried this on her. I know I would. Hehehe.
harlibug #4
OO I can't wait to read this
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 33: Lol. Omg...what a good conversation!!!! I swear im too happy to read this chapterㅋㅋㅋ 1000000 thumbs for you author-nim!♡
swaggeyy98 #6
Chapter 30: Changjo why do you have to let it out??? Pabo-ya!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously author-nim... your story, really...mix feelingㅋㅋㅋ omg how to describe.. anyway you really did a gooood jobㅋㅋ
swaggeyy98 #7
Chapter 21: Mental breakdown!!!! I thouht sooyun wouldnt accept it....<//3 and i find it cute and soooo funny when ljoe wake up at 1pm ㅋㅋㅋㅋ innoncent...poor you ljoe:(
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
kwistal12 #10
Chapter 15: I dont see colors...