Good Night

First Love Never Dies
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Good Night

Jessica's POV


“What?” Yoong, and I said in unison.


I can't believe umma is asking Yoong to stay the night. Yoong has never stayed over before, even when he took care of me when I was sick he always left and asked Krystal to stay with me.


“Umma, why does Yoong have to stay here?” I asked


“Well, someone needs to watch over the girl tonight to make sure her fever doesn't get any worse.” umma casually replied as if there was nothing wrong with it. Like hell I won't allow them to stay alone in one room, even if Tiffany is sick.


“Why can't the maids do it?” I suggested


“Sooyeon, the maids need their break too. And its not there job to do this.” umma replied.


“Your umma is right, and Yoong did tell me that he wanted to be a doctor in the future.” appa interjected.


Why are my parents pushing Yoong to this? Aish STRESS~~


Yoong's POV


Did I hear aunty correctly? She wants me to stay here and take care of Tiffany? And Mr. Jung agrees?


“Aish fine then, but I'm going to help take care of her too.” Jessica suddenly said.


We were all surprised by her suggestion since she is Jessica Jung. If sleeping was a sport she'd probably be world champion by now, but here she is sacrificing her sleep to help me, but I haven't even agreed to this and I don't think I will.


“Umm, aunty, uncle, I don't think its necessary for me to stay overnight. I think its best if we just give Tiffany some medicine. And let her rest.” I suggested hoping they'll agree.


“Yoong, can you really leave a sick person alone?” Uncle, suddenly asked me.


Is this the first part of proving myself to Uncle? Having to take care of another girl? Aish, I'm so confused, but Uncle is right, I can't leave a sick person behind. Aigoo~


“No I cannot, uncle.” I replied.


“Okay, then its settled, you and Jessica will take care of Tiffany here for the night.” Uncle said with full authority.


Theres no point in arguing now. I just hope everything will be alright.


“Yoong, you can take Tiffany, to the guest room upstairs. Show them the room please Sooyeon.” Aunty said.


“Lets go” Jessica monotonously said.


Author's POV


While walking towards the guest room, the atmosphere between Yoong and Jessica was tense. Yoong sensed that Jessica wasn't happy with what her parents wanted, but they couldn't argue now. And Yoong couldn't find any words to say in hopes of changing the mood. And so they walked in silence.


~Skip to the guest room~


Yoong laid Tiffany on the bed, when she suddenly woke up.


“Where am I Yoongie? Who is she?” Tiffany weakly asked.


Yoongie? Where did she get permission to call MY Yoong, Yoongie? Jessica thought.


“Oh, Fany, you're awake, actually, your in the guest room of the Jung mansion, and she is my girlfriend, Jessica Jung.” Yoong said while going over next to Jessica, and holding her hand.


Finding out that Yoong had a girlfriend made Tiffany feel weird inside. She couldn't explain it but she wasn't happy with the news. Was she falling for him?


“Oh I see, I'm sorry for causing trouble Jessica-shi, oh and I'm also sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Tiffany Hwang, but please just call me Tiffany.” Tiffany replied weakly.


“You can just call me Jessica as well” Jessica coldly replied.


“Sica, can you please bring me a thermometer, so we can check Tiffany's temperature.” Yoong asked wanting to break the awkward atmosphere around them.


“Sure” Jessica replied leaving yoonfany in the room.


“Fany, how are you feeling?” Yoong asked while placing his hand on her forehead.


“oh I-I-I feel better now, Yoongie, can I go home?” Tiffany said while trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.


“Nice try Fany, but you sill have a fever, and Mr. and Mrs. Jung insist that you stay the night.” Yoong replied.


“eh? but really its fine, I can go, I feel better anyways.” Tiffany said while standing up, but she was still dizzy and her knees buckled under her, but good thing Yoong was there to catch her.


“See, I told you. Just stay here, don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Jung really insist on you staying here.” Yoong said still holding on to Tiffany.

“What about you? Are you staying here too?” Tiffany asked.


“Yes I am, aunty and uncle insist I stay here as well, to make sure your fever doesn't get any worse.” Yoong replied, as he helped Tiffany back on the bed, but little did they know that a very jealous Jessica was watching the whole time.


Jessica's POV


I got back to the guest room to find Yoong holding on to Tiffany! What is this? Seriously, that girl is asking for it. Clearly, the words that I am Yoong's girlfriend did not reach her ears.


“There you go, nice and comfy right?” Yoong said as he led Tiffany back on the bed.


“Yup thanks, and sorry for causing trouble again Yoongie.” She said showing of her eye-smile again. Gahh how many times does she need to smile at him? Once is enough, don't need to do it multiple times. And there she goes with that pet name also.


“It's okay, Fany. Sica and I don't mind helping.”


You may not mind Im Yoong, but you being touchy feely with Tiffany is something I do mind.


I was about to throw the thermometer at Yoong when he suddenly turned around and flashed me his adorable smile. Aigoo~~ why is that smile so hard to resist?

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Chapter 35: Hehe this chapter is cute :)
Chapter 32: Wow didn't see the events coming. But where is the fun if it's too predictable right? hahaha. Nice.
Chapter 13: Truth. I noticed it too. After fluffiness comes the drama then back to fluffiness haha. I'm liking this actually with the light comedy :)
mizz_maomao #4
Chapter 42: Seriously, why I just found this story,, daebak author-nim, thank you so much for yoonsic story, they also my ultimate bias.
r_sky418 #5
Chapter 42: hay author-nim.
i've finished this your story.
woww.. it's great story.
i feel so sad too.. when know if yoong's cancer comeback.
i can't imagine how sica's feel.
and jaang jangg!
finally ..yoonsic married and have daughter.. yeeeyy
r_sky418 #6
Chapter 5: haha.. yoong very romantic.
so happy read this chapter
r_sky418 #7
Chapter 2: hay thor..
i am permit for read your fanfics
zellyoon #8
Chapter 42: Another great fic just read it on a day I really dint do anything just to finish the fic well great job you make me cry and smile looking forward of more of your fic
Chapter 32: Crying now :(
deerdea #10
Chapter 41: yeay happy ending ^^ YOONSIC jjang!!
hii thor i'm new reader :)
deabak! ^^