Chapter 35



Today’s the day of the move, or just temporary on the case of Chanhee’s side. They did not take much, but sufficient amounts of required luggage with them. After all, they are just staying there for a few months, and not permanent.

Having packed and all ready, Chanhee, Minsoo and Ricky stood outside of their apartment, having last minute checks before locking up the house and depart for Byunghun’s apartment. Hyuna insisted that she will drive the family to the place, to prevent any problems, such as being lost – after all Seoul is a rather big place.

When they arrive at the compound, they found the couple ready to leave as well, but it could be that they came in a much improper time. Byunghun has his arms wrapped around the other female’s slim waist while their noses did a little touchy cuddle, before kissing, full on the lips, tongue and all.

Chanhee stuns with the scene before him, and tries his best overcome the pain that is slowly rising within his chest. His attention is averted when he felt a hand intertwine with his, and Chanhee turns to look at Minsoo, who returns with a warm smile. Chanhee never felt so thankful for the older male’s presence and gestures. He chants within his own mind that he should be moving on instead of staying on the past, and that he is with Minsoo but not Byunghun thus should be paying more attention to the older male instead.

Thankfully enough, having seen countless times the public display of affection, exclusive of lip to lip contact, Ricky knows what to do. He clears his throat, and gave a mature look to the blushing couple before him. Ricky then shakes his head, acting all disappointed then sighing. But being a kid and all, he couldn’t keep his own laughter in, and soon enough he started giggling slightly, before a full blown laughter erupted from him.

“Yah, you rascal come here!” Byunghun calls out, face still flushed in red having caught red handed. He grabs the little boy and lifts him up into his arms and tickles Ricky’s belly with his nose. Ricky whines slightly at the ticklish feeling, giggling now and then, and tried his best to push Byunghun’s face of his belly.

While the two fools around with each other, Hyuna directed the other two male to the trunk, where the luggage are being stowed for the journey. Chanhee thanks Hyuna for the offer, bowing slightly and left with Minsoo to stow their belongings. “Okay boys. It’s time to depart.” Hyuna calls out as she emphasizes the adjective. “I’m not a boy!” Byunghun whines out, as he walks to the front passenger seat door. “But you act like one.” Hyuna exclaims, chuckling slightly at the pout that is already forming on Byunghun’s lips.

The remaining passengers sat at the back seats, with Chanhee in the middle between Minsoo and Ricky. As the car started to depart, Chanhee felt a comforting pat on his thigh from Minsoo. He smiled back to the older male, before grabbing Minsoo’s hand, intertwining it together and let his head lay comfortably on the other’s shoulder. He starts to notice how huge Minsoo’s shoulder and how rough his hands have become due to his work. Chanhee felt a pang when he realizes how much the older male have suffered and worked for him and Ricky. He cuddles closer to Minsoo, and whisper softly a ‘Thank you’ that only both of them can hear.

Minsoo smiles gently, before removing their held hands, and wrap the same arm over Chanhee’s waist, placing both of them to a much closer body contact as ever. He rest his own head on the younger’s head, and allowed both of them to enjoy the warmth that radiates from both their bodies.

Byunghun, sitting in front witness the entire cuddle session of the two males behind. He wondered if the two are a couple together seeing them displaying such affection for each other. But somehow, it seems to have a negative impact on Byunghun’s mood. When he saw how close the two are, a burning sensation forms in his chest and the more he watches them get closer and closer, he felt uneasy and the burning sensation slowly turns to a piercing agony.

Byunghun rubs his chest, trying to get that feeling away. He is not familiar with such foreign feelings and is not doing him any good. He downs water into his system, and shuts his eyes, trying to fall asleep. It took a while, but he eventually drifts off to wonderland. Hyuna watches from the rear mirror the sleeping family behind, as well as quick glances to Byunghun and wished how the 3 months would be quick and over, and allow them to get on with their lives.


They quickly arrive at Hyuna’s and Byunghun’s home compound. By this time, everyone is wide awake from the three hour long journey. Ricky gapes at the large building, and constantly chants on how big their temporary home would be. Chanhee chuckles slightly before pulling Ricky closer to him before the younger wanders off to explore himself.

But luck is not on their side and with that small and tiny amount of fortune, the door swung open abruptly revealing an aged woman. “Why are there so many people outside my house… and who… you…?” Mrs. Lee trails off as her eyes land on Chanhee, finger still pointing at him. But before she could begin any arguments to come, Hyuna pulls her away and whispers something into her ear.

Byunghun puts on a confused face on all the secrecy and the sudden reaction his mother have shown. He watches intently as the aged woman nods several times and composes herself, before walking up to Chanhee. “I apologize for my rudeness. I’m Byunghun’s mother. People call me Mrs. Lee, but since we will be acquaintances for the next three months, I insist that you drop the formalities and call me Michelle.” She stated, and laid out a hand for a shake.

Chanhee blinks multiple times, before swallowing a generous amount of saliva that is accumulating in his mouth. Despite the nice speech Michelle has given, Chanhee can feel the loathing feeling in between all her words. He took the aged woman’s hand and shakes it. When Chanhee realizes that Michelle refuses to let go, his head shot up, eyes making contact with the aged lady. In her eyes, Chanhee could see hatred in the black orbs.

He winced in pain as Michelle increase her grip on Chanhee’s hands, as if trying to crush it. “Hey stop it! You’re hurting him!” Minsoo yells out, and pulls Chanhee away from Michelle. He grabs the sore hand and gently massages it, trying his best to soothe the pain away. Michelle instantly puts on a guilty look, before apologizing to the Minsoo and Chanhee, before retreating into the apartment. “Are you okay?” Minsoo asks as he place kisses on Chanhee’s hand. Chanhee nods silently, before allowing Minsoo to lean closer for a kiss.

Byunghun watches the two kiss and felt the burning sensation returning once more. Today he felt and seen so many strange things – The burning feeling in his chest and the hostile attitude his mother is radiating. He is unsure of what the meaning of all these are but he knows one thing.

It all, has link with the boy standing before him – Lee Chanhee.


Some feelings being added into this chapter, otherwise I would say Byunghun would be emotionless >_< 

Well, I never thought of giving the mother a name, but I find it a nuisance to keep typing 'Mrs.Lee' over and over again, so I gave her a name. 

Didn't exactly want to associate her with any Idol, since she isn't a good character, so a random name is given. 

So enjoy this chapter! It should be great... to a certain amount... :D

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Sorry for the very long hiatus I've been! (2 days) An extremely long chapter will be updated next! I believe it will be around 2 - 3 chapters long! Thank you~ !


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Chapter 45: this is the 6 time i read this again, it always good n interesting..but too bad that u didn't update in such a long time.. it's really bad that we don't know the end or any update form u..hope one day u remember and update this story ..i really love this story
Chapter 45: Hope you can update soon~ it's a really good story!
RavenGoth #3
Chapter 45: Ahhhh please update quick before our christmas break will be over :'(
RavenGoth #4
Chapter 41: Joke hahahaha I wish chanhee will come for byunghun not for minsoo bcuz honestly minsoo is for niel =^3^=
RavenGoth #5
Chapter 41: I want byunghun to be with minsoo ahhhhhhhhhh XD (fluttered)
Chapter 45: Update please ? :(
Chapter 45: Update please >< ..
iechannie #8
Chapter 16: Update pls :(
Do you still want to upgrade? T-T
Chapter 45: ╮(╯3╰)╭ Just in case you thinks that no one bothers about this fic any longer I gonna comment and say I do hahahhhahah

This is one of the best ChunJoe fic I read so with the lack of fics these days I keep remembering this fic and I just reread it. I need a closure though :( When is your last chapp coming out?? :(