Why it be like this?

The Only Light I See


Days passed, Boa tried to come several times and it made Yuri stressed even more. Yuri came to bars often, she came home late and drunk. She was a mess, really a mess. And Tiffany was really pissed. 
"ugghh, my head.." Yuri woke up while holding her head
"you drunk again last night.." Tiffany said coldly
Yuri sighed, "i'm sorry.."
"you always say that, and i'm tired of hearing it.."
"i know you have a hard time, but it doesn't mean you can drunk everytime you felt stressed. You have me, and you can share the promblem with me. Drunk isn't the way to escape.." Tiffany said, not looking at the tanned girl
"i'm sorry, Tiff. I really am.." Yuri got up and walked towards the other girl
"forgive me, please.." Yuri gave Tiffany a back hug
Tiffany sighed, "i need to go to work.." 
With that, Tiffany grabbed her handbag then left the house. Yuri on the other hand was scolding and cursing herself. Brownie ran to her and barked while moving his tail cutely. Yuri lowered herself then rubbed the puppy's head.
"stupid Yul!!" Tiffany and Yuri said at the same time but at different place

Yoona reached home, and Jessica was already home before her. She opened the door and ready to greet her lover, but instead of finding her precious girlfriend, she found a little boy around 9 months old playing on the carpet.
"who's this little cute boy?" Yoona bent down to the boy
"he's Kyungsan, my nephew. Yonghwa sent him here, he wants me to take care of his son since he has to go to Japan for work.." Jessica came from the kitchen
"and who's Yonghwa?" 
"he's my cousin.." Jessica took Kyungsan to her arms
"you never told me you have a cousin named Yonghwa.." 
"err, he lived in Busan and we rarely meet.."
"okay, and what about his wife?" Yoona let Kyungsan played with her fingers
"they're divorced.." 
"oh, sorry.."
"it's okay, have you had a dinner?" Jessica asked, changing the topic
"i have, what about you two?" Yoona asked back
"we have, right Kyungsan?" Jessica said, earning a clap from the little boy that made Yoona and Jessica laughed
"this boy is really cute.." Yoona took Kyungsan from Jessica
"he is.." Jessica smiled, watching Kyungsan and Yoona played in front of her
"such a cute moment.." Jessica mumbled

Tiffany walked out from her office building and she didn't find Yuri in the parking lot like always. She thought maybe Yuri didn't pick her up today because of the little fight this morning, so she decided to take a cab. 
"Fany!! Wait!!" 
Tiffany turned around to the voice, "Changmin? What's wrong?" 
"uhm, i just.....uhm, i want.."
"i wanna take you out for a dinner.." 
"i'm sor-"
"please don't reject me again this time.." Changmin said almost pleaded
Tiffany sighed, "okay.." 
"yesss!!!" Changmin smiled in victory
Both of them entered his car then headed to a restaurant. Without they knew, Yuri arrived at the parking lot right after they gone. Yuri waited there until the building was empty and always failed to reach her girlfriend's number. She became panic, and decided to look for the certain girl.
Meanwhile, Tiffany and Changmin were had a dinner in a luxury restaurant. Changmin was extremely happy, he could finally ask her out. He wanted to use this chance to get closer to her again. 
"mind to tell me what's on your mind?" Changmin finally asked
"you look unhappy since morning, what's wrong?" 
"nothing.." she forced a smile
"it's okay if you don't want to share.." 
She sighed, " i just had a little fight with my girlfriend.." 
"it's just, things become complicated lately. And she has a hard time.." 
"i'm sorry to hear that.." he said in concern
"thank you.." she smiled a little
"hey, what about you come with me after this?" 
"where to?" 
"a place to relaxing your mind.." 
"okay.." she said unconsciously, then scolded herself of saying it 

Tiffany finally reached home, it was alomst midnight. After dinner, she and Changmin went to a playground for kids. He said that the place reminded him of his childhood, and it would make him happy if he remembered that.
Tiffany thanked him before she got out from his car. Then she found her girlfriend stood in front of the entrance with her arms crossed. Tiffany gulped, but then acted normally.
"is that Changmin?" 
"yes.." Tiffany said coldly
"why are you with him?" 
"i wanna come inside.." Tiffany tried to walk pass
"answer me first.." Yuri said firmly, but Tiffany ignored it then walked inside the house
"i had dinner with him and we walked around a park after that!! You happy to hear that?? That's my answer!!" Tiffany raised her voice and Yuri was shocked
"dinner with him?" Yuri's voice cracked
Tiffany didn't answer, and regretted from saying it. She avoided the eyecontact with keep hanging her head low. Meanwhile, Yuri was trembling, her tears were ready to escape.
"i waited for you for hours till your office was empty, i tried to call you but always failed from doing that. I looked for you but i couldn't find you, i was just worried, i was afraid something bad happened to you. I'm sorry for making you pissed for these past few days, Tiff.." with that, Yuri walked to their room and cried silently 
On the other hand, Tiffany dropped to her knees. Crying as well. She regretted going out with Changmin, she regretted raising her voice to Yuri, she regretted everything. 
Brownie barked, running towards his owner. Tiffany took Brownie into her arms while crying heavily. Brownie couldn't stop barking, and Tiffany held him tighter.
"i'm so stupid, Brownie.." Tiffany murmured
Meanwhile, Yuri cried till she unconsciously fell asleep. Tiffany crawled to their bed silently, laying down beside her girlfriend and stared lovingly at the sleeping figure. 
"i'm sorry, Yuri.." Tiffany tracing Yuri's jawline with the tip of her finger
Yuri opened her eyes and held Tiffany's hand which was curently in her face then intertwined their fingers together. Meanwhile, Tiffany didn't say anything and only watched what her lover was doing. 
"i love you.." Yuri said, kissed the back of Tiffany's palm
"i love you too.." Tiffany smiled warmly
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Chapter 67: YulTi nd YoonSic is sooooo sweet😍 love this story so much❤
r_sky418 #2
Chapter 67: YoonSic and YulTi happy ending
yoonsicForevertrue #3
Chapter 67: Chapter 67: A new reader here. I really like your story.
No, actually I love it.
allayjadhule #4
Chapter 67: Yoonsic :)
Chapter 67: This was perfect thank you for doing it!
Chapter 67: Have i told you that i love read your YulTi storys over and over again?? If not im saying now... I LOVEE READ YOUR YULTI STORYS OVER AND OVER AGAIN *o*
You Rock!!!!!!
YulTi its so perfect *-*
Chapter 67: So perfect!!!!!! You rock, you know that?!
YulTi <3
LightBlueBunny #8
Chapter 67: Seriously I love this story ^^
Thx for ur writing :)
Chapter 67: Amazing story! *standing ovation and claps and cheers* I love this story and I will keep reading it over and over!
imzara #10
Chapter 67: yess , its happy ending . even i love your sad ending story so much , lol~ it's a great story indeed . honestly , i lost interest at between this story . i dont know why , maybe a lots of drama happend....but i'm relieve that i'm not stop read this fic . well , you're one my favourite author . good job *claps-2*