Chapter 12

Love Is Blind


“What?” you replied.

“Are you with Daesung?” he asked.

You chuckled but he still in serious mode to and waiting your answer. “What? I am couple with Daesung oppa?” you said and giggled. He just nodded.

“I am not with him, he just like my brother. That’s it, no more.” you said calmly.

“But, he kiss you last night?” he said.

What? He saw it?!” you thought yourself.

“_____-ah, did him?” he said as you didn’t answer him.

“If he kiss me, what’s wrong, are you jealous?” you tried to .

“WAE? Why I should jealous?” he said as he voice start to rise.

“Arasso, arasso. YA, I don’t know oppa will this sensitive. He don’t kiss me, he just tease me, satisfied?” you replied.

“Ohh,” he said in relieved.

 “Erm, oppa? Why you are here? You don’t have any class?” you said and tried to change the subject.

“Ne, I have afternoon class later. What about you?” Jiyong said.

“I also have afternoon class later.” you replied.

“Ohh, that’s great. So, would you like to have a drink with me?” he said and smile to you.

You startled. You want to avoid him, but you know you can’t. “Yeaah, sure.” you replied happily.

He just smiles. So, both of you went to the cafeteria. At that time, there are not many students, only a few students there. Before both of you have a sit you take the order at the drinks counter.

“Excuse me, can I have chocolate ice and cappuccino ice one?” Jiyong asked one of the workers there.

After he take the order, both of you have a seat at the corner of the cafeteria.

“You still remember my favourite drinks, isn’t?” you said after both of you already have a seat.

“Of course I do. Cappuccino ice, isn’t?” Jiyong said and smile.

You just smile and glad he still remembers your favourite drinks. After a few minutes, your drinks arrived.

“So, how’s your relationship with Hyo Jin?” you asked him after you take a sip of your drinks.

“Ohh, Hyo Jin? It’s fine.” he said bitterly.

“What? Is that’s it? YA, Hyo Jin is really beautiful and kind. How dare you say it’s fine, you should say it’s great.” you said to him.

“But, you are more beautiful than her.” he said try to change the subject.

You blushed after him saying that. Fortunately, he didn’t realize your cheeks getting red.

“_____-ah, is there someone special for you? I mean the one that you love.” Jiyong suddenly asked you.

You chuckled. “Actually I have one, but I don’t tell him.” you said to him.

“Why you don’t want to tell him?” he said.

“I don’t want to. I am sure he’s happy with his life now.” you said.

“_____-ah, did you want to know something?” Jiyong said.

“What?” you asked.

“If you love someone, you have to be always beside him to support him no matter what. If he already beside you, grab that chance and don’t let it go.” he said calmly.

“YA, oppa. Since when you become this cheesy?” you said to him.

He just smiles to you and doesn’t say anything.

Oppa, I hope you know, the one that I love already in front of me. But, I don’t know when I get that chance or maybe I don’t have that chance ever.”




Another updatee!! My battery was about to die. So, maybe another update will be tomorrow. Thank you so much to the one who support this story. Keep waiting :)

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Will she?


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 22: awww so sweet....
Cik_Wany #2
Amazing storryy !
parkmita #3
Chapter 22: OMG!!! i just read this story love this story soooooooooo muuucch <3333333 LOLS

it's simple but make a deep impression to me :)))

let's be friend (*^_^*)
michily #4
Chapter 23: i want sequel! kekeke...As long as its jiyongie...kekeke
michily #5
Chapter 22: but she is! i feel Kwon Ji Yong please be nice to her arasso!
michily #6
Chapter 21: oh no she leaving!
michily #7
Chapter 20: YES if Jiyongie asked me...haha...keep on dreaming....haha
michily #8
Chapter 19: Jiyongie....are you trying to win her heart now?
michily #9
Chapter 17: hmm i want to see Jiyong begging....haha....