Chapter 31

Arranged Love

Nichkhun woke up after 1 day. He waved to Victoria's parents. Then, he looked over to his right. He gasped and had a worried look on his face. Why couldn't that be me? he thought. He looked at him and compared himself to Victoria. He kept thinking Victoria was more severely injured than him.

Nichkhun's POV:

Why couldn't that be me? Why did I let her drive? If I drove, sure we'd still be in the hospital, but I'd be in more pain. I reached out my arm and tried to hold her hand. But I couldn't reach her. Dang it. Then, the cheery doctor came in.

"Ni hao Nichkhun, how are you feeling?"

"Um....I feel well."

"Well, you can get out of this hospital tomorrow. As for your girlfriend she has to get out 2 days after you."

"Can I stay with her?"

"You'd have to pay an extra fine."

"Oh. I can visit right?"

"Of course you may."

"Shie Shie."

"No problem." With that being said, he walked out. And then a nurse came in with two injections. "Ni hao. I'm here to give you you're painkillers and antibiotics."

"Two shots?"

"Yes." Then she took a needle out and inserted the injection in it. She pressed it against my skin. After that, she got a bandage with a cotton ball on it and taped it on me. She did the same but to the other arm. As for Victoria, she did the same. Victoria didn't even move. She looked dead. I looked at her heart monitor. It was slower than mine. Her heart was beating 57 beats a minute. Mine was 74 beats per minute.

-A day later-

Victoria still didn't wake up. We couldnt' have visitors so her parents just stared through the window. Then, I saw her twitch her finger. I quickly looked at her. She didn't do anything after that. When the doctor came in, I asked, "When is Victoria going to wake up?"

"Later in the afternoon. You can leave today if you want."

"Shie shie." Victoria would look like she would wake up, but she would just twitch and that was it.

At about 5, Victoria's parents took me to their house and I went to my room. I sat there. The next day I'd visit Victoria.

-Next day-

Victoria's parents took me to the hospital and I looked through the window. She was awake! I asked the doctor if I could go in. He said one visitor at a time. So I let her dad go first. He spent about 20 minutes with her. Her mom went next. Her mom started crying, but Victoria comforted her. When they were done talking, I got to go visit her.

"Hey. How're you feeling?"

"I'm feeling, pitied. But other than that, I feel ok."

"You're not being pitied, you're being sympathized."

"No, I'm being pitied."

"No, pitied is when people look down upon you and feel sorry. Sympathized is when people really feel bad for you and care for you."

She sighed at my remark. "You're being a smart alec."

"I'm stating the obvious."

"See there you go with you're smart mouth."

"Look," I sat on the edge of her bed and held her hands, "I'm sorry. I just feel like this whole accident is my fault."

"It's not yours. Don't worry."

"Can you see me ok?"

"Well, I can barely see you, but I can see you."

I held up 3 fingers.

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Ummm....." she squinted. "Uhh.....4?"

"No, 3."

"Well, I was close." she said and stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Do you want anything? Food? Turn the TV on? Magazine?"

"No. Thanks though."

She squinted and rubbed her eyes. I took her hands.

"Don't do that. You'll get bacteria in your eyes and you'll get pink eye."

She blinked at me. Then, she smiled.

"I wanna get out of here, get better, and go to the amusement park with you."

"Me too. I'm driving. You tell me how to get there, or I'll print instructions from the internet, wait," I stopped, "We don't have a car anymore. We can take the bus."

"Alright." I hugged her. I noticed that it was 8 already. Suddenly, the nurse came in.

"Sorry. Visiting hours are over in about," she looked at her watch, "6 minutes."

"Ok." And the nurse went out.

"I gotta go." I kissed her on the cheek.

"Bye, love you."

"Love you too."

"Wait, you get to leave tomorrow right?"

"Yup. You can pick me up."


Boring chapter? ehh......

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update soon ^^
KhunTaeKey #2
update soon please ;)
luv_chogifam #3
update again please...
Khuntoria #4
I love this!
leialeigh #5
nice...... love the position they are in simple but good<br />
last night im pissed too, i finish my latest chap too and i know i pposted it and the next thing i know when i checked it was gone....had done it again...but im so pissed then
hanadianti #6
doong doong, lol
leialeigh #7
hmmn cool...rally liked it
sesuciiman #8
hahaha...straight-2-d-point!!! city-hall-fill in form-submit-yeah we're married.....cute! cute! cute!
leialeigh #9
nice ...
leialeigh #10
what!!!!!! just like that...hmmn but i hope it would be simply romantic