Should we team up?

Unexpected Love

Author's POV

Tricia was waiting for Ivan outside his classroom. She’s been planning on ways how to break up Ann and James but she knows she can’t do it alone, she needs some help and Ivan can be a big help for her plans to succeed, on the other hand someone else was planning to break up our happy couple, someone from James past. But she planned to watch how things will go for now and decided to show up when the time is right.


I can’t believe James dumped me for that Ann. I’m more beautiful and popular than her. But I won’t let their love last. I have plans to break them up and I need Ivan to help me. Knowing Ivan is Ann ex fiancé or at least that what she said. by looking how Ivan hugged her that last time I was them together, he must really like Ann to get all aggressive like that. I decided to talk to Ivan about my plans on how to break up Ann and James so I waited outside his classroom so I could talk to him after his class.
When I heard the bell rang I saw him coming my way 

*His really handsome*

“Hi! You must be Ivan , right?” I greeted sweetly

“Yes and you are?” He asked

“I’m Tricia Samuels” I answered

“Well Tricia sorry to be rude but I have a next class to attend to so if you don’t mind I’ll go first.” He said

“Uhmm wait…… ahhhh” I said as I saw him walk away. I didn’t know what to do so I pretended to faint I saw him looked back and went closer to me.

“Tricia!” He yelled out my name he carried me in a bridal way and brought me to the school clinic.

*I don’t know why but hearing him call my name like that and being carried by him made my heart skip a beat*

*“Tricia focus on James “*I said to myself

Ivan's POV

I went outside my classroom and saw a very pretty girl but Ann is more pretty than her.

“Hi! You must be Ivan, right?”She greeted sweetly

“Yes and you are?” I asked

“I’m Tricia Samuels” she answered

“Well Tricia sorry to be rude but I have a next class to attend to so if you don’t mind I’ll go first.” I said not wanting to make our conversation any longer

“Uhmm wait…… ahhhh” she said as I walk away, when I looked back I saw that she had fainted.

“Tricia!” I yelled out her name. She didn’t respond so I decided to carry her in a bridal way and brought her to the school clinic.

The nurse told me to just leave her there because they’re going check up on her now.
I agreed and left

*”I’ll just visit her later after my Class,”* I said to myself, I can feel something different about her but not wanting to entertain myself about that thought so I just shrugged it off…

After My Class I immediately went to her on my way I bumped into Ann and James.

“Hey!” Ann called out but I was focusing on getting to Tricia as soon as possible so I didn’t notice her that much

“Sorry Ann I can’t talk to you right now I’m in a hurry” I replied

“Okay see you later then” she replied

“Okay Bye “ I answered back

Ann's POV

I was with James when I saw Ivan in a hurry; he didn’t even notice us until I called his attention

“Hey” I shouted at him

“Sorry Ann I can’t talk to you right now I’m in a hurry” He replied

“Okay see you later then” I said

“Okay Bye “ He answered back as he went away

“What’s wrong with him” I asked James who was being quiet for a while…

“I don’t know maybe he has an appointment or something” James replied

“ I don’t think so, I smell something fishy “ I said James didn’t reply

*What’s with Ivan something was definitely up and I just have to found out what it is”

“Babe” I said to James

“Yes babe?”He replied

“Can we follow him?”

“err.. babe why do you want to do that?” He said surprised on what I just said.

“Please I just know something is up” I said hoping he would agree but just to made sure 
I gave him my ever so famous puppy dog eyes

“Well if you put it that way, yeah sure why not” He answer

“Yes Thanks Babe” I said as I pulled his arm and went to Ivan’s direction he ended up in front of the school clinic.

“What is he doing here? Is he hurt?” I asked James in confusion

“I don’t know babe, why don’t we take a look”
We take a peek by the window and surprised to see Ivan with Tricia and the most confusing part is they are both laughing like their closed friends already

“Ivan and Tricia?” 

“well that very surprising isn’t it?” James said

“But how?” I asked

“Babe let’s just leave them alone “James said

“But babe can’t you see this it’s wrong in so many ways. Ivan is such a good guy and I just can’t let him get hurt by Tricia”

“Ann who knows, maybe they can be happy like us.”

“James, its Tricia for all we know he can be using Ivan to break us up” 

“Ann I know you don’t like her, but who knows if these two can be happy like us”


“But nothing babe… are you jealous of Tricia and Ivan?”

“No, I just protecting Ivan, he have helped me a lot and I just can’t let him get hurt” I said 

“Ann, Love happens for a reason, it may hurt a person but I could also make you strong, like it did to me when I fell in love with you” James said.

“Aren’t we a little dramatic, well I guess your right but knowing Ivan he could be a little stupid when it comes to love”

“Maybe he just needs a little push” James said

“Babe that’s it, why don’t we help Tricia and Ivan to get together that way Ivan will be happy and Tricia will finally get over her obsession over you”

“Hmm I don’t think that’s a good idea babe, why don’t we just let them find love for on their own”

“Babe, you said it yourself Ivan needs a little push but we have to confirm first if Ivan likes Tricia that way before doing anything” I said James just nodded signed that he just agreed to my plan

“Yey Thanks babe” I said and gave him a kiss on the cheeks, I looked to the window again and saw Ivan and Tricia leaving the school clinic I pulled James so we can hide I saw Tricia waving Ivan goodbye.

Ivan's POV

I went to the clinic to find Tricia finally wake I went near her.

“Hey how you doing?” I asked

“Okay now I guess, thanks to you” She answered.

*She’s really cute*

“Well you nearly gave me a scare, I thought you’re dying” We laugh at that thought

“Well I’m perfectly fine now, Just tired I guess, anyways thanks again Ivan “

“Okay if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask me okay, well I’m going to leave now, see you soon” 

“wait Ivan” she said

“Yes, earlier I approach you, I need your help”

“hmmm, what for?” asked confused

“I need your help on breaking up Ann and James “

“What? Why do you want to do that?”

“I like James” 

*What’s with James is he the only guy in this school*

“Why would I help you?”

“Because I know you love Ann”

*How did she know that, I thought I perfectly hid my feelings for Ann*

“How did you know that?”

“so it’s true?!”She said

*It’s a trick I should have known, nice going Ivan now you can’t deny it* I just remained quiet and 

“Here’s my number, just give me a call if you decided to team up with me” She said as she gave me her calling card.

“I don’t think it necessary “I said as I give it back to her

“Just keep it and please can we be friends “she said as she went out the room and I followed her

We went outside the clinic together and then she waved goodbye

*That Tricia sure is something but why would she ask me for help, does she think Ann will get jealous*

I went home and found Ann already there

“you’re home early” I said as I placed my bag on the floor and went to the kitchen to 
get a drink

“James has some things to do so I just went home”

“Owww Okay.”

“uhmm.. Ivan can I ask you something” she said hesitantly

“Yeah sure what is it?”

“ Do you know Tricia Samuels 

I was shocked by her questions how did she found out so easily

“err. Why you ask?”

“Oww nothing, I just want to know and based form your reaction you do know her”

“Yes I do”

*Is she jealous*

“That’s good”


“I carried her earlier today”

“Ehh…” she reacted

*maybe she is jealous*

“Okay I love to stay and chat Ann but I have a lot of work to do” I said

*Maybe Tricia’s right when she approached me, who know maybe her plan would work and I would get Ann back *

I went to my room and get her calling card and dialed her number

“ Hello Tricia , It’s a yes”

“what?” she asked in the other line

“I’ll team up with you” I said then I ended our conversation

“Maybe I was stupid for letting you go just like that Ann but I don’t think I’m too late to get you back” I said as I lay on my bed and before I knew it I ended up sleeping


Ann's POV

I called James after talking to Ivan

“Babe, it’s a go” She said when she heard the door bell rang and to her surprise it James

“So what’s the plan “James asked as he let himself in

“What are you doing here?” I asked in confusion

“ I wanted to see My Ann is that bad?”

“Aww your too sweet, I missed you too my James” I said he went near me and by the looks of it he wants a kiss

“Good you’re here we can talk about our plan to get Ivan and Tricia like each other “ I said moving away from his lips 

“Can we talk about it later and plan for our next kiss, like now perhaps” He said teasingly

“James focus” I said but I can’t help his cute face and his pouting lips that are waiting for me to kiss it He pulled me near him and I just gave in. we shared a passionate kiss for a good 5 minutes until I broke it up

“That’s enough, we need to talk about our plan now”

“Well just think of a plan and whatever it is I’ll just go along with it, cause I can’t stay long, just text me okay” He said as he head for the door and I followed him

“Okay call me when you get home and drive safely” I said as I closed the door after a few second the door bell rang. When I opened the door James kissed me on the lips that totally caught me off guard but surely didn’t disappoint me.

After a while he broke our kiss 

“I forgot to get my goodnight kiss and say I love you My Ann “He said as he walk away and waves goodbye 

“I love you too my James” I replied as I watched him leave

I closed the door behind me and touch my lips remembering the kisses we shared in just one night….

“Now how do I get Ivan and Tricia together” I said to myself as I lay on my bed and plan. Until I finally doze off..

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Samantha_Thirlwall #1
Chapter 29: Awww! It's so romantic. And funny!!! I love this story so much! :D