Baby James Are you Jealous?

Unexpected Love

Ann's POV

On my way out someone but into to me that made me fall flat on the floor.

“Ouch, why don’t you look at where you’re going” I shouted
He offered his hand so I could stand up I was surprise to see who it was but happier to see who it with is.

*It’s Ivan*

“Ann I’m sorry I didn’t see you, are you okay?” He said as he helps me up

“No its okay I’m actually glad I bumped into you especially seeing that you have Baby JamLi with you”

“Ohh yeah, here you go I forgot to give this back to you, don’t worry I took care of it and cleaned it “He said happily as he gave me Baby JamLi.

“Really, Thanks Ivan, I owe you one “I said as I hug him and gave him a kiss on the cheeks

“No problem it’s the least I can do after punching you “

“Forget about that okay, I know you didn’t mean it”

“Okay I need to go Ann, I have a class”

“Okay, see you later Ivan, thanks again for bringing baby JamLi”

“No problem Ann, you know I’m always here for you” He said as he messed with my hair.

“Ahh.. You messed my hair up” I said while pouting

“You look cute anyways, Bye Ann” He said as he walks away after giving me a kiss on the cheeks.

James POV

*Seeing Ann kissing Ivan even it’s on his cheeks made me furious but I just decided to keep quiet because Ivan did help us, but I can’t have the urge to talk to Ann because I’m afraid that jealousy might get the best of me and started to blurt out thing that might hurt her and I honestly don’t want to have a fight with her*

Ann's POV

After a few minutes Ms. Lee arrived

“Good Morning everyone, how’s my married couples I see everyone, are now close with their partners” She said as she walks around the room examining each married couples.

I smiled at James but he just ignored me,

“James” I whispered with a sweet voice, but it seems he doesn’t hear me.

*What’s wrong with him* I just shrugged it off and just continue listening to Ms. Lee

“So is everyone prepared for their family plans? Who want to go first?”

“hmmmm. How about Ryan and Jenny, mind sharing us your family plans?”she said

“What ?! Why us? ” Jenny replied

“Oh come on Jenny, itchoki we can do it, let’s go” Ryan said as he drags Jenny in front of the whole class.

“This is my Very ugly wife Jenny” Ryan said, everyone else in the room are laughing now even me but not because Ryan called Jenny ugly, but because they just look so good together. Jenny got angry at Ryan that she elbowed Ryan at his stomach.

“Ouch! Jenny why did you do that?!” Ryan said making everyone laugh again

“You Idiot, you called me ugly” Jenny said in defense

“I’m not finish yet, okay let me finish first. This is my very ugly wife Jenny, but even if she’s not very beautiful , she has a very big heart full of beauty and kindness. “Ryan said to the whole class

I can hear “Awwws” and “Ayiees” when Ryan said that

“And this is my very ugly husband Ryan and even he’s not the most handsome guy in the world he is really a gentlemen and a very caring father to our Baby Ryjen.
I can hear another set of “Awwws” and “Ayiees”.

“So what are your family plans?” Ms. Lee said.

“Well my Job is a chef and Ryan is a choreographer so we decided to have a Dance studio that has a mini café inside. So when Ryan’s clients are finish with their dance lesson they could take a break at our mini café.

“Wow a two in one business, that’s a very good plan Jenny and Ryan but how about your baby”

“We’ll we decided to take care of baby RyJen ourselves, we want to be hands on parents”

“Well that’s very good to hear, thank you Ryan and Jenny you may now take your sits now, who’s next” Ms. Lee said as she pick the next couple.

“Dianne and mark pleass share us your plans”

*What will James and I present we forgot to talk about it*

“James” I whispered softly but made sure he can hear me but apparently he can’t
Sigh… *why won’t he hear me, Why the sudden change of mood* I decided to write a note to james and pass it on to him

Babe what’s wrong? Can’t you hear me? I’ve been trying to get your attention for some time now?
Anyways what will we present we forgot to talk about it?

I was about to pass the note to James when Ms. Lee called out our names

“James and Ann, mind sharing us your family plans”

“Huh?! “ I replied I looked at James and he was about to stand up

*What will we present*sigh

*Here goes nothing*
When I was about to stand up the Bell rang which mean the class is over

*Yes save by the bell*

*Okay class let’s just continue this some other time, James and Ann get ready for the next meeting you’ll be the first couple to present*

“Yes Mam” I answered back. I get my things and when I looked around the room I was shocked to see that James has already left

*Seriously what’s up with him…*

*I went out the class room immediately to look for him*

He was on his way to our next class ,I keep calling his name out loud but it seems like he didn’t hear me

“Yah! James!”I said he looked at me for a while and went straight inside the room.

I followed him to the room and he sat down quietly .
*Seriously did I did something wrong* 

“James “I said with a sweet voice hopping it would charm him. But then again he ignores me

The class started and I didn’t get the chance to bother him. I tried to focus on whatever it is that the teacher is saying but I just can’t.

I was busy thinking about the things that happened earlier that may cause James sudden mood swings.

The Class ended and it was lunch time and like what he did to our previous class he left the room first.

I followed him and he went to the school garden and sit at the bench.

I carefully went behind his back and cover his eye

“Ann please don’t do that it hurts my eyes” He said with his sweet voice
*Finally he noticed me*

“How did you know it was me?” I asked as I sit beside him

“Those soft hands of yours, its touch and warmth that it gave me” He said with weakness in his voice

“Babe what’s wrong” I asked with so much gentleness in my voice

“Nothing , I don’t want to talk about it” He said

“Please just tell me” I said as I pouted

“Okay since I know you’ll just bother me all day if I didn’t tell you” He said and took a deep breath before he spoke again

“I don’t want you to be close with Ivan” He said this time with much seriousness in his voice

I can’t help but burst out laughter

“Ann I’m not kidding I want you to move out, if Ivan would continue to live with you ,I can give you one of our suites .

“Baby James are you jealous?”I said still trying to hold back on my laughter

“No, I’m not why I would? I’m ten times more handsome than him. I’m just trying to protect you and who knows what Ivan would do to you when you sleep , your too weak, you can’t stop him from harming you and—“

I cut him off by giving him a kiss on his lips

“Baby James just admit it, your jealous of him” I said after I broke our kiss.

“No I’m not” He said as he pout like a kid

“Babe, I love you, don’t you forget that, I’m your Ann and that wouldn’t change unless you change it” I said as I stand up and preparing to leave

I walk a few steps away from him when he finally stood up and hugged me from behind

“I wouldn’t change that even if the gods beg me too” He said as he kissed my cheeks..
I giggled a little which made him confused.

“Why do you keep on laughing” He asked

‘because it’s good to know that the Almighty Baby James knows how to get jealous” I said

“I told you I’m not jealous, I’m just afraid to lose you and I just love you too much ” He said I turned around so I could face him but he’s still hugging me by my waist.

“Yeah right as you say..but you can never lose me unless you want me to leave . I’m yours now and like I said that could only change if you change it I said as I gave him a kiss.

“I love you My Ann” He said

“I Love you more my James “ I replied then hugged him

I didn’t even notice that some of the students and school staff have gathered around us until we started to hear..

Awwww and Ayiessss

“Enough of that Already” one of the teacher said... all I could do is buried my face on James chest to hide from embarrassment.

Meanwhile from a far……….
He’s yours now Ann but time will come, He will return to me ….

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Samantha_Thirlwall #1
Chapter 29: Awww! It's so romantic. And funny!!! I love this story so much! :D