Friends are friends, right?



 “are we even allowed to come up here?” you said to him , “Sure, I have my connections, so just keep quiet okay?” , “But can’t you read the sign over there!” NO STUDENTS ALLOWED, “I wrote that sign” he giggled. “Crazy!” you laughed at your best friend, “ready?” “YESS!”, he opened the door to a garden which had a swing in between two trees and a table under a shed that was covered with vines and flowers, There was food on the table, all organic, (the only thing you ate), the air was fresh and the flowers bloomed happily, you went close and found the view of your town hypnotic, “It’s so beautiful”, Baekhyun looked at you “More than words can say” , you looked at him and smiled, “let’s eat!” you agreed and sat down and ate the food he prepared for you.

You headed home and said goodnight to Baekhyun, after all he just lives next door. You ate dinner and headed to your roomD.O CALLING. D.O CALLING. Your phone beeped endlessly and you just got off the shower, you noticed this small bump on your shoulder blade, it looked like an insect bite but it didn’t itch, it hurt. You left it alone and answered your phone. “Hey You!” “HEY!, iv’e been trying to reach you since this morning, what happened?” “I’m so sorry, I was kinda busy with school and everything” “Oh I see, I’m glad you actually went to school, I thought you’d run away and maybe come to stay with me here? Haha” “You know I can’t leave home”, “I’m just kidding, I miss you.” “I miss you more”.


“I think I’m falling in love with you”, D.O said as he walked you to your front porch, “What?” , “I’m sorry Ara, It’s just that at least before I leave I want you to know how I felt”  “DO, you me and Baekhyun have been friends since we were kids, I never knew you felt this way”, “I know, I was scared, but now I’m not anymore! I want you to know this and the fact that after studying in London I’ll come back for you, I just want to know if you feel the same for me” , “I.. I can’t explain what I feel” , “Then I’ll hang on to that, I don’t want to rush you to anything, I can wait”, You loved DO, you just didn’t know if you loved him the same way he did. You looked into he’s big eyes they were looking straight at you, he smiled “I will wait” he kissed your forehead goodbye and that was the last time you saw him in four months.

[End of flashback]

“DO, about the thing you told me before you left,…”, “Let’s not talk about it yet okay?”, “I just had a really bad day and.. I don’t want to..”, “Okay I understand, so how was your day?”, You talked in the phone for hours you missed him terribly.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock, you stood up and felt the bump ached more than it did last night What the hell is this? , you pulled your shirt enough far enough to see it in the mirror. The bump was bigger, even bigger than it was last night, in fact it was twice as big already. You got dressed and found Baekhyun waiting for you at your front porch, he didn’t here you come; he was humming a song while looking around. You loved Baekhyun’s voice it sounded like an angel singing from heaven. He suddenly stopped and looked at you, “OH you’re there!”, “Why don’t you sing Baekhyun?, Your voice is amazing! You should show the world your talent!”, “Nahh, stop the nonsense let’s go”, you heard some rustling from the tree behind you, you looked and saw a glimpse of a shadow, but it disappear quickly.  

You got to school and Baekhyun rushed to class, you got a glimpse of a black van pull up in front of the school’s gates, Kris went down and slammed the door behind him. You never knew someone as stylish and handsome could be studying at that school. He saw you looking and raised his hand to say hi, you looked away. At lunch time you can’t take the pain anymore, coming from the bump on your shoulder blades, you went to the clinic and found someone laughing at what he’s was watching on youtube.

“Excuse me?”, “oh sorry! What do you need?” he replied, he was obviously tall, he had glasses on and he looked so kind as he batted his eyes on you “Are you the nurse?”, “you seriously think I could be a nurse? Haha”, he laughed and he had the warmest laugh ever it was different from all the others “I’m Chanyeol, my mom’s the nurse, Nice to meet you..”, “Ara, nice to meet you”, “Do you need anything? She would probably be long since she went to the café to buy some food”, “Oh just this bump I have I wanna know what it is”, “well maybe I can help, I’ll someday be a doctor and I know how to distinguish all the bumps in the world he laughed”, you lowered your shirt just enough to show the bump and his laughter disappeard “I, I.. don’t know what it is”, “Really? What do you think could havee cauu…” “I got to go, if I were you, I would let it heal somehow, I think it’s not a big deal”, his face was so different than it used to be. “Okay I guess so, Thanks”, he already walked out the door.

You got home so tired and fell asleep on the couch, you got up late at night and walked in the dark to head to your bedroom, you heard a russtling sound on your backyard and saw someone there. “Shhh”, you heard someone say, you ran to check if it were robbers or someone else, you peeped through the window and saw a shadow behind a tree, you opened the back door and headed to the tree where the shadow was, there was no one there, the moon was shining bright and you saw something glisten beneath the tree, you picked it up and found out it was a  necklace with a pendant shaped as a leaf, it had a green stone right in the middle of it, who could have left this here?, you went back to the house and put the necklace on your study table. You took a last look at it and found a name engraved at the back, Chen, who could this be? And what was he doing at my backyard?. 

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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(