Fairy Life


You left Kris with a broken heart, you never wanted to leave him like that, The maid  took care of him since Kris' father was still out celebrating with Suho. You got home and Chanyeol waved goodbye to you. You were about to open the front door when suddenly "You look beautiful Princess", you saw Xiu Min sitting on a tree, "Thanks Xiu Min, How are you?", "I'm fine, I'm kinda just avoiding Chen's endless stories" , "Oh.. I was wondering if maybe Kai is around?", "Nope", "where is he?", "Back in Celestia" you walked closer to him, "Why is it that Kai always gets called in Celestia Xiu Min?", "He reports all the happenings here Ara", "But your the leader right? then why don't you go?", "I don't teleport like Kai", "Oh...yeah that's right different talents", "then what can you do?", He jumped of the tree, right in front of you, "Me? Nothing special" , "but you guys said that the portal is right over there" you pointed at the woods behind your backyard, "The portal? Yes. But the kingdom isn't your highnesss", "Ohh. so Kai has been popping here and there all the time?","Exactly" 

"Come with me" he said as he started walking, "Where?", "for a walk your highness, I never get to walk around here, and to think we've been here for months", "You mean, you,Chen and Kai have been watching me for months already?", "Chen and I have been here for ten months, while Kai has been here ever since", "Ever since?", "Yep ever since you were brought here","Why Kai Xiu Min?", "Simple...cos he's the most talented of us all". You felt as if tears wante to fall from your eyes, "He was with me all the time", Xiu Min nodded. 

"But Kai is like the same age as me right?, then that makes him a kid too when I was brought here", Xiu Min laughed loudly, "First of all, were immortal your highness, and second, we were never babies", you looked so confused, "come sit" Xiu Min gestured for you to sit next to him, you didn't realize you were in the village park in the middle of the night , "See here, Fairies don't get pregnant and give birth, that's kinda brutal and gross for us to handle, when a fairy couple decides to have a child, they go to the house of Fae, it's like a big garden where different kinds of buds are placed", "Flower buds?", "Yes flower buds, and a couple will stay next to that bud for days and share their magic dust with that bud, after days of being there, one day the bud will magically bloom into a flower and tada! you have your little Fae" you pictured it in your mind. 

"And as soon as that flower blooms, the little fae will speak, dance, sing and do whatever it wants and start its life right away, and for those who have special talents, that means early training", "Oh! like you, kai and chen?", "well were all of different situations really, I never chose to be a warrior since little faes can already decide, but I had to, I have power, Chen was hidden by his mother for such a long time, he was never allowed to use his power till recently and that explains his clumsiness and late training" he chuckled "and for Kai?, He was chosen for this mission as soon he sprouted from that bud", "He never had a choice?", "No, sometimes some fairies doubt him you know, he may be strong mentally and physically but, they say he's weak at heart", you looked at him strangely. "Enough of that"he smiled. you thought of Chanyeol and how his parents concieved him since they aren't both fairies, "Xiu Min, us fairies, we have all human body parts right?", "Yep", "then if the baby fae sprouts from the buds then that means that...we...i mean..", "Never have ?" Xiu Min laughed, "Is that what you wanted to ask me Ara?", you nodded, "Well if we do it with a mortal in this world then, it's possible, for the human to be pregnant, after only a week of pregnancy she'll give birth to an amazing talented, beautiful child, that explains people who are so good in music, dance, art and whatever you may think of, Fairy attributes that are handed to them by their fairy parent", "But in Celestia, it's simple for FUN", "FUN??" you were so schocked. "Yeah! how lucky are we right?" He patted you on the back. 

"Oh and Princess, you asked me what I can do right?" you nodded, "look over there, he pointed at a tree and his eyes sudenly flashed white and in a second returned to it's usual color. you looked at the tree and saw what Xiu Min can do, right in front of you, crystal clear. 

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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a prince..lol :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(