HELP! anyone?



“Goodmorning everyone, I’m Suho, as all of you know, I’m head of the student body and we are all excited to tell you the theme of this year’s welcoming party”,

The guy in front of you spoke, his voice was from heavens above and he looked so handsome and smart while saying those words, Girls squealed right in front of him and he smiled at them with a smile that could light up anyone’s heart. You hid your face since you think your starting to blush, “Anyone who wants to help with the party preparations?” A girl beside him asked, you saw Suho look at you so you quickly looked away to the window, you saw Baekhyun outside with some of his friends and he waved his hand as he spotted you, You waved back and smiled “YES! Thanks for volunteering!” the girl said, “What’s your name miss?” she was talking to you, “Ar..Arr”, “Ara, her name’s Ara” Lay said from  beside you. “We really need some help so, thank you”, “No Problem” you managed to say, you looked at Suho and he was still looking, he quickly looked at everyone “Thank, thankkss forr, uhh you know, uhmm, party well yeah”, everyone laughed at him as he stuttered, He bowed and smiled as he walked out of the room all red and embarassed.

You went to the bathroom to clear your thoughts of how handsome Suho was, when suddenly you heard something crying from one of the cubicle, she was uttering words you can’t seem to understand, “Are you okay?” you asked her as you went near the cubicle, she kept on talking, “Miss are you okay in there?”, “NO!, I’m waiting, I’m waiting” she shouted it took you aback and held on the sink , “I’m s…sorry” you were about to leave when she spoke again “Your death princess, it’s what I’m waiting for” Then the cubicle door opened and you tried to get out but you can’t. “See you soon Princess Arabella” the voice said laughing and you screamed when suddenly you fell to the ground your body was weak and you felt as if you were gonna die right then and there. You woke up and your still lying there, it was already dark you tried to stand up but you felt so weak, How could it happen that no one comes here “Help!” you let out a soft whisper, “Help me!” you tried but your whole body hurt, you were so scared that the woman was there again, “ARAAAA!!!!!! You heard Baekhyun’s voice, “Baekhyun! I’m in here!” you tried so hard to call out, “Baekhyun! Please!” you started crying, suddenly he opened the door and saw you lying there “ Oh my god ara!, what happened?!! Are you okay??” he carried you out of there and carried you home. “What happened? We should bring you to the hospital” he said, “That’s not necessary Baekhyun” , “What on earth are you saying Ara? Did someone do this to you? Huh?” ,” Just get me home please”

You figured it was so late since no car was passing by and no one was around at all.

“What time is it Baekhyun?”, “It’s almost 2 am”, “What were you doing at school this late?”, “Your mom was worried sick, I have been looking for you in hours”, “Thank you”, “You’d do the same for me right?” he said, It was going to be a long walk, you can hear his breathing getting heavier. “What do we have here?” a group of guys saw the both of you from a far you could see them holding some bottles of liquor, and you knew that wasn’t a good sign. “A young couple in the middle of night! Dude, that’s so sweet” one of them said, “Please, we’re on our way home Baekhyun said still carrying you in his back”, “Yeah I know! We can see that we’re not stupid you know” The tall one said, “But I guess both of you are stupid enough to think that you can get away sneaking from your parents at this hour huh?”, “We’re not a couple, she’s my friend, she’s hurt so please let us pass”, “Excuses! Friend? Your ‘friend’ there is quite pretty huh, “Baekhyun, what do we do?” you whisphered in his ear, “You held tight to his chest as you felt his sweat drip on his jaw line, “Can we borrow your friend for a while kid? Hahaha” one of them said as he started walking towards the both of you, he came to close and Baekhyun suddenly put you down and threw a punch on the guy’s face, “God damn it!” the guy screamed, he punched Baekhyun so hard that he fell on his face in the ground beside you, he got up and someone hit him with a beer bottle in his head, he fell down and you saw blood stream down his forhead, “HEEELLPPP!” you screamed, you pissed the guy who hit Baekhyun when he turned to you “You and your friend won’t see tomorrow honey”, 

You suddenly heard car wheels and Kris  came down from the car, “Leave her alone” he said, the guys laughed and one of them attacked Kris, you crept towards Bakehyun and he breathed normally, you tried to wake him up he didn’t respond. You saw all of them try to attack Kris but he was way taller than these guys, he kicked and punched, he punched their leader so hard that he fell on the ground. “We’ll get back to you ” they said as they ran fast away from there. “Are you okay?” he said you saw the side of his lips bleeding, “I’m fine but, Baekhyun” ,”Let’s bring him to the hospital, Let’s go”, “I can’t stand hospitals I’m sorry”, you were scared that the nurses might do some check ups on you and they might fin out that you weren’t human. “Then I’ll bring him, I’ll drop you home on our way”, “Thanks, Kris, I don’t know how else to thank you”, “C’mon we gotta go, he took baekhyun to the car as you followed. 

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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(