Living with vegans. :)


"What are you doing here!" you smacked Kai's head "And you! Go Home!" you glared at Chanyeol, "Hey, Hey" Kai said, he went near you till, your back was against the wall, "I'm your guardian okay, so don't act like a spoiled kid, okay? and because of you not wearing the bracelet I gave you, I had no chance to save you and your mom, I had to know from Chen an Xiu Min when I got back,....and this kid here", you both looked at Chanyeol, "He's half fae, that makes me, his commander, and he will serve me up until you claim your throne as princess", "Right?" he asked Chanyeol and he nodded at Kai like a little puppy, "So Princess" you looked at him "if I wanted to protect you, I have to stay as close to you as possible", he leaned in nearer to you, you almost felt his breath and you closed your eyes, afraid of what happens next. "Okay, I guess you get my point", he walked backwards and left you there, breathless. he sat on the kitchen table and high fived with Chanyeol. 

"Uggh! this is not a slumber party!" you walked to your room and slammed the door behind you. 

"Tao, this is Chanyeol and Kai, Their my friends and their staying over here till mom recovers from the hospital" Tao looked at Kai and Kai looked back, There's something so strange and familiar about him, Kai thought. You could feel the tension between the two of them when suddenly , *knock knock, You heard someone knock at the door "Who is it?" No one replied, you opened the door and found Kris standing there, Carrying a bag in his hand,

"I'm back", "I told you Kris, You can't..." you moved to close the door, he quickly pushed against you and he came in without asking your permission, "Okay what's happening here" He went in to find Kai, Tao and Chanyeol standing in the living room, "What do we have here? A party?" Kris smiled, Kai looked at him in an unpleasant way, Tao rolled his eyes and Chanyeol looked down, so scared to look Kris in the eye. 

"What's happening!!!" you slopped next to Kris, "Didn't anyone know that my Mom's in the hospital and I need someone to.....", "I'm here to help you" Kai and Kris said together. Chanyeol just looked at the both of them and Tao still kept on staring at Kai. "God, I don't know what else to do...Kris I really don't know why you're here". "Look Ara, you helped me through my rough times and I'm here to do the same for you, and since I can see something exciting going on, I just....I simply want in", "She said she doesn't need you here" Kai said over-protectively and Chanyeol started backing out as Kris went near him, "And what are you going to do about it?" You quickly rushed into the middle of them. "I guess another friend can stay," You smiled awkwardly, "Guys, Meet Kris"

Tao walked up the stairs and left all of you there, "So where are we going to sleep?", "Well, Ara, I've got to sleep with you, cos' I need to take care of you and stuff", Kris said and you glared at him, and walked to grab a glass of water, Kai followed you,  "Ara, I guess, I'm the one who should sleep with you, since I could protect you from any harm, from fairy or human" , you drank the water, Chanyeol came in, "Ara.. I..." "No one's going to sleep with me okay!!!!!" you burst out. "I was just going to say I could sleep on the couch" Chanyeol looked down. "I'm sorry Chanyeol" you felt bad for screaming. "So? who gets the lucky spot?" Kris came from the living room. "ughhh! wait here!" you walked up the stairs. *knock knock Tao opened the door, "Tao, since you're sleeping in the guest room...maybe Kai, Kris an...." He closed the door in your face, "Hey!", you started walking "I'll take the stupid one" Tao said closing the door once again. 

Well I guess he meant Chanyeol, Where will Kai and Kris sleep?!?, "Chanyeol, you sleep with Tao", "Whaaa?, No thanks! I'll sleep with Kai", "Kai will sleep outside so if you want to go wherever he does, feel free to do so",Kai and Chanyeol looked at each other, "Tao it is, I have to go sir!", "Wait!" Chanyeol grabbed his bags and headed to Tao's room to settle. "Great more retarded people", "Kris stop saying that!", "Okay I'm sorry" 

"Outside? What do you mean outside?",Kai asked "I was kidding okay, why on earth would I let you sleep outside?" you smiled. Kai smirked and knew he was going to sleep with you "You'll sleep here......" you gestured in the living room,

Kris laughed loudly, as he pointed at Kai "...with Kris", "What???" the both of them shouted, "If you can't take it, then you can go" You opened the door for them, "I'll get the longer couch", "Ara, can we talk?" Kai said as Kris lay on the couch. "What is it?", "Not here"

You went to the kitchen and Kai positioned himself close to you, "All these people, are you sure you can trust them?, "Of course! Kris might seem to be mean and all Kai but he isn't...", "I was talking about the one upstairs", "Chanyeol?? You're the one who told me..", "I meant Tao Ara", "He's a family friend Kai and, I think he's just weird in a way but, I got to talk to him and he just had too much going on that he maybe has a hard time trusting others but, I'm sure he's harmless", "You're sure?", "Yes", "Fine", "Where's Chen and Xiu Min by the way?", "They were called to Celestia all of a sudden, they'll probably be back in days" , "Why?", he shrugged his shoulders. 


"Xiu Min, what took you so long to come?, aren't you and Chen conditioned yet?", "We are sir" Xiu Min responded, "I had to call you for an important matter, I asked Kai to stay so that he can protect the Princess every single second of the day", "What's the urgent news sir?", "Ramalia has plans, she sent someone, we don't know who or what since her ways are covered up completely by a very strong source of power, and we can't track anything on the soldier she sent", "The Princess is fine sir, she's doing well, but her mother is..", "That. What made her mother sick,... it wasn't human"

"Babe, come on!, we're going to be late!", Leah complained as Baekhyun walked out of the house, he saw Kris' car parked in front of Ara's house.

 Why would that car be parked there?,

 Everyone recognized Kris' car, "I swear, Mrs Gogh will kill me if I'm late for class again, Come on BYUN BAEKHYUN!" , baekhyun saw Chanyeol walk out of the front door, Even that geek is there!?!?, Ara? what's going on? He thought. Leah drove the motorcycle a few feet away from him, "Hey!" , "I told you to hurry!", "I'm coming" he rode at the backseat. Still looking back at Ara's house as he and Leah drove off to school. 

"Goodmorning Ara!" Chanyeol was in the kitchen putting a salad together for everyone to eat, "Oh hi Chanyeol, let me help you with that", "No it's fine, I guess we'll all be eating this stuff here" he smiled. Kai stepped in from the back door, "Where have you been?", "I had to train somehow, and I had to check if Chen and Xiu Min's back, apparently they're not", "Oh I see", "I'm starving what are you making Chanyeol?", "The best salad in the world", Tao got down from the stairs, "Oh I forgot, I'll make something else for Tao", Chanyeol went for the fridge, "Oh Tao's vegan too!" Kai looked at him, Tao looked back. He grabbed an apple and headed outside "You know what guys" Chanyeol started talking, "It was so weird for me last night, I went in and I wanted to talk to Tao since he was laying in bed, maybe just introduce myself or something, then I was just about to say my name but when I looked at him, he was already asleep,", "So?" you asked "So, it was so fast don't you think?", "Fast sleeper?", "That fast?", "You never know" you said. Kai was lost in thought. ,

Kris stepped in from the living room, "goodmorning everyone, sorry for making you wait, what's for breakfast?" He saw Chanyeol putting up a salad. "What the hell is that?" He leaned in to take a look, "It's a salad Kris, we'll have it for breakfast", "Uhh Hell No, First, I can afford meat and second, that's rabbit food", Chanyeol looked at his master piece, "It's not that bad" , "Will all of you eat that???, Even Mr. 'I'm-so-weird' upstairs?",  "What do you suggest?" you asked him blankly, "Uhh, normal food. Burger? Pizza? Meat?" He looked at Kai, Kai was clueless. "Geez people, where are you from?, anyway, I'll grab a bite at school, I'm sorry I have to go to school today Ara, I'm gonna fail if I don't, I'm so close to it", "It's fine Kris, the hospital's near and you did enough", "I'll take a shower then", 

"Okay I'm going! see you tonight!", "Bye!!" Chanyeol was rushing to the door to follow Kris, "Bye Ara!", "Bye!", 

You saw Chanyeol running towards Kris as he started the car "Kris! can I ride along?", "HELL NO", "Come on! We're house mates now and my mom will kill me if I..", "I don't care", Kris drove the car and left Chanyeol. Chanyeol started moping, Kris came back "You'll get down 5 blocks from school", "Deal!", he sat in the front seat "And stop acting like a kid for christ's sakes" They drove off to school. 

"I'm going to the hospital Kai", "I'm coming with you", "Wait where's Tao" you looked around but he wasn't there "Hold on to me", "Huh? Why?", "What do you think is the quickest way to get to the hospital?" He smiled. 




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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(