Full House


You and Xiu Min were still at the park when it started raining, "c'mon Xiu Min! it's raining", "Don't worry princess, remember you're with me", He froze every single droplet that got near you for you not to get soaked in the rain. you smiled at him and walked home. "Goodnight Ara" Xiu Min waved goodnight, "Don't worry Kai will be here soon", you nodded, you went in the house and found no one there, "Mom? Mom I'm home", "She's not home" Tao said in a whisper, "Where is she?", "She said she'd visit your dad", "Yah! It's Dad's death anniversary, I totally spaced out" you looked at Tao and shut your mouth, "I'll be upstairs" he got back to sitting weirdly in the couch. 

You were on your way to your room when suddenly you almost fell of the stairs, you tumbled but someone caught you, it was Tao, "you were so fast..how could you.." you stared into those eyes of his, so mysterious, so deep. "I..I'm sorry", "are you alright?","yeah i'm fine probably just tired", you tried to balance yourself, he lifted you up and carried you up and carried you to the room "i think it's safer this way",

he was walking you to your room and you felt your hand touch his chest, his broad shoulders and strong arms carrying you, you felt weightless, you never felt a hint of effort from Tao, he was strong just like that. His black hair almost hid his eyes and his lips and nose were perfect. you looked away.

"Here, Ara get some rest", "Thanks Tao and I'm sorry","For what?"," for not being that kind to you","It's fine, I'm used to it" he closed the door behind him.  You had no school the following day and you went down still sleepy, "Ara, are you awake?","yah mom! i'm sorry I forgot about Dad, I just... the party and everything, I'm sorry","Its fine honey, we both know your dad understands" she smiled. "but to make it up to me, get dressed were going out for the day", "what?, where are we going mom?","somewhere fun, where we can bond honey, I missed you lately", "okay I'll be dressed right away",. your mom put some food in a paper bag "you too Tao, hurry up", you came back running, "What?!?", the both of you said "I'll be fine back here auntie", "No, No, No, get dressed, I never got the chance to bring you out since you came here". "I'm really fine...", "Ughh how stubborn can you kids be???" Tao got up and went to the guest room to get ready. 

Your mom drove to a beach resort, The sight was so beautiful. The sun was just about to set, you closed your eyes and you missed your Dad, it would have been great to have him here. You opened your eyes and found Tao in shock. "What's wrong?", "Nothing, just... everything's so beautiful", "yep" he was still staring , "Have you ever been to the beach before Tao?", he looked down as he played with the sand.. "Never"., 
"Ara! darling come here", you walked towards the cottage and looked back at Tao, he was still standing there. Still mesmerized by the beach. "Come on Tao!" you shout out on him, he looked at you and his eyes seemed watery he looked down and followed you. 
"bring your things to the room kids, we'll spend the night here", "just one room mom?", "there's no other room available honey, Tao can sleep in the couch, right dear?", he nodded. Your Mom settled up and you helped her cook food as Tao chose to sit on the sand looking out on the beach, and as the sun set....
"can you guys please look for some firewood? let's build a bonfire" ,"sure mom". You and Tao walked through the woody area of the beach, the moon was the only light you can see and the woods were mysterious and dark just like the person who walked beside you.The woods were close to the beach but still it creeped you out a bit. You stuck next to Tao, obviously scared. 
"So, what do you often do when you go out with your mom like this?", "well, we usually went with Dad, just play in the beach, enjoy a break from their work and just enjoy being together.", "being together? Do you usually do it?" Tao asked ever so weirdly. "Tao, these things... didn't you do it with your parents?", He looked up to the moon. "My father never wanted me, he always says it to my face, he's not in good terms with my mother","that's unfortunate","yeah it is, and my mother? she doesn't really care you know. She just wants me to follow her every single word "you helped Tao carry the firewood. "just be yourself and step up to her", "Stepping up to her isn't that simple","What makes it that difficult?","Someday Ara, you'll know", he walked back ahead of you.
"Princess", some on seemed to whisper on your ear, you looked back and no one's there, you walked again and heard someone's laugh ever so lightly, you got scared and looked around, but all you could see were trees, then you saw someone, quite far away from where you were, youtried to look closer and saw the figure again, the figure you saw at the Lakehouse, you dropped the wood and ran as fast as you can, you bumped at Tao's back real hard but he just stood there, he didn't move, "Tao, what's?.....", you looked to where he was staring at and  you saw your mother lying on the sea shore. "MOMMMM!!!!" you ran to her, she didn't answer, you took her in your arms, she was pale and she was breathless, you were already crying "TAOO HELP ME!" , he stood there standing, 'Oh my god Mom! TAO!!!", he dropped the firewood and carried your mom to the car, "Drive the car! hurry!" you screamed in panic "I..I don't know how", it was strange that a guy who looked so tough didn't know how to drive. "What do we do now, I know! Kris!", you dialed Kris' number in your cell phone but there was no signal. "God, Tao what do we do?" suddenly, a car passed by.. 
"Do you need some help?" a middle aged woman asked in the driver's seat, she had a boy probably the same age as you on the passenger's seat. "YES!" you and Tao said together, "Please bring my mom to the hospital, I don't know what happened to her", Tao carried your mom to the back seat and all of you drove away from there. 
"What happened to her doctor?", 'Honestly miss, Her body is fine, everything works perfectly, she just seems to be in a deep trance", "You mean, nothing happened to her?", "we should run more testes in case we find anything but, I'm telling you, she's okay, it's as if she's asleep but doesn't wake up", You looked at the doctor in confusion. How is that even possible
KRRRRRIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG, your mom's phone rang endlessly, Tao was fast asleep on the couch and you got up to answer it, "Hello?", "Hello? Miranda? is this you?", "No, This is Ara here daughter, may I know who's calling?", "Oh Ara darling, Iv'e been calling since last night, me and your uncle Fred is in town but no one answered....", "Oh aunt linda, I'm so sorry I didn't call, Mom's in the hospital...", "Which one?", "We'd be right there", 
"Go home darling, get changed, grab some clothes and rest for a bit, you and your....friend must be really tired", Aunt Linda said as soon as she got there, "You sure you'll be fine?", "We will" Your Uncle Fred added. You and Tao walked out the door and found Kris parked right in front of the hospital's exit,
"Ara! what happened!" he hugged you an eyed Tao from head to toe, Tao looked back with strained eyes, "How did you?.... Oh right I texted Chanyeol", "Are you okay?, we better get you home....I mean, you guys home" he opened the door for you and let Tao find his way to the back seat. Kris asked you to tell him everything that happened, but you noticed that he never stopped gazing at Tao from the car's mirror, everytime Kris looked, Tao looked back.  "Kris! are you listening??", "yeah, yeah of course".... There's something so weird about him, I just can't seem to put my finger into it. 
The three of you got home and the door wasn't locked, "Hello?, is anyone here?", you walked to the living room, Tao and Kris followed from behind, Chanyeol was sitting on the couch watching television, "Ara! you're back! How's your mom?", "She's okay Chanyeol, It's kinda hard to expla...Wait, Who gave you the permission to be here? or stay here if I may ask?", "Oh well, I thought that were already close since, we shared secrets and after his accident (he pointed at Kris), I thought we could be best friends", He laughed. 
"What the hell are you talking about? What accident?" Kris glared at him, Chanyeol straightened up and stopped laughing, "Well Ara? what do you say? My mom said I can stay here you know, after I told her that you are.. you know", he winked at you, "Kid are you retarded or something?" Kris snapped, "What's with all the secrets and winking?" , "I'm not retarded! you're the one who...", "What?", Kris went near him. "Nothing", Tao was emotionless he walked up the stairs and locked the door behind him.
"Well Ara? Come on!!!", "What's happening?" You sat down and complained, "I'll be good I swear I just want to spend more time with you, since we have a lot of things in common", Kris' eyes got bigger, "Okay Chanyeol, since I need some help with mom, okay you can stay", Kris was surprised. "Me too!", "HUH???" both you and Chanyeol shouted, "If he stays, then I'll stay too!", "What on Earth?, Kris, go home!", "You pushed Kris to the door, "No Ara! come on! why does he get to....", You locked the door in his face, Chanyeol ran to the window and saw Kris and laughed, "He drove away Ara",he laughed.
"Okay Chanyeol let's set some things clear okay, you can stay cos I'll be needing some help and, since you're a....you know what too, I think I can trust you with anything", he smiled and nodded, "But your....", "Wait!" he interuppted, "we should have a code name for..you know what....", "Code Name?" "Yah! let's just say, you're a phoenix too!", "What the hell? Phoenix?, Why Phoenix?", "Cos' I always wanted to be called that, PHOENIX, it sounds cool", "Whatever, I was saying yo have no rights over here, Just....you eat, sleep and go to the bathroom, but no deciding about anything else, okay?", "Okay",
You walked to the Kitchen, "Ara, by deciding you mean I can't invite anyone over?", "Yes", "about that.....I....I kinda...." You came in the kitchen and saw someone there, 
He stood beside the fridge, You were too shocked for words.. "Ka..Kai?", "Hi Ara!" he winked, "What the........Chanyeol?!??" you screamed even when he's right behind you, he nervously looked at you, "He said he was Pheonix too" 
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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a prince..lol :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(