The story behind his tears


"what are you talking about?" you turned away from chanyeol. you started walking and he grabbed your hand, you looked for suho but he was dancing with scarlet who was dressed ily as a mermaid, she looked really happy in his arms, "come with me" chanyeol said and with that smile on his face, you knew you could trust in him.  He led you to the school's garden, everyone was in the party, no one noticed how beautiful the gazebo looked at night. Chanyeol found a swing and asked you to sit. you did and he started pushing the swing slowly, "Don't worry ara, your secret's safe with me", "what are you talking about chanyeol?", he sat on the swing beside yours, "you wanna hear a story?" , you looked at him in curiosity.

"Once there was a woman who lived with her sick parents in a town not far away from here, one day as she was searching for fire wood since they were poor and had no electricity, she was asked to gather wood for their fire place everyday, she was walking in the woods and found someone, the person was wounded and she thought he was dying right then and there, she approached him and noticed that he was odd looking,  he was dressed in a green armor and looked really weak, she guided him to their house and took care of him. he soon got better and confessed to her that he was a fairy, she didn't believe him at first but as he healed her parents right before her eyes, she believed him. They stayed together and fell in love, they had a child, they were living happily till one day a troop of soldiers came to their home, they were asking him to come back, they were so happy that he was alive." you felt sad as you looked at chanyeol "that guy" he said "he was my father" you looked at him in shock,

"that means... you.. you're..", " yes Ara, i'm half fairy" he laughed, "They call half god half mortal kids demi-gods what do they call me then?", he said jokingly. "If I may ask, Chanyeol, to your parents,...what happened that night?", "well those men took dad away and... he went with them, I guess he just found his responsibilities as a fairy more important than us" his face saddened "someday you'll understand ara, for the fairies, Love isn't important, it's never their priority", you looked at him in sorrow "what happens now chanyeol? to you?", "Dad said i'm destined for something great, and someday i'll know what it is, but till now I have no idea", "I see, but what if  by that he means you'll have to leave this world someday?" you thought of your own situation. "then i'll have to go" he looked at the stars "just like that? leave everything behind?", "we can fight our will, but we can't do the same for destiny" you were speechless. both of you sighed and noticed something in the further side of the garden "Get off of me!" a guy shouted "you !" another one screamed back, you saw two guys punching each other's faces and you recognized one of them, it was Kris. You and chanyeol rushed to them and  found Kris' lip bleeding, "Kris! what are you doing?!?" as he let out another punch directly at the guy's face. "stop it! you're going to kill him!" Chanyeol shouted at Kris. he took Kris' back and pulled him apart from the other guy. Chanyeol was almost the same height as Kris so he was able to hold him back. The guy he beated up was bleeding in the ground, he got up and ran out to the crowd "Let's get him out of here before that guy comes back with the professors" chanyeol suggested, "yeah I think we should, let's bring him home", Chanyeol helped Kris get up and walk, he was dead drunk and he couldn't manage to walk by himself. "Grab his car keys" chanyeol said, you grabbed the keys from his waist and saw his car parked not far away from there. you rode with kris in the back seat and Chanyeol drived. " Do you know where he lives?" you asked Chanyeol, he laughed "Are you kidding me? everyone does.", Ara, can you find a way to take of your wings or something? people might find it weird", "Oh yeah" you took the ring out of your bag and wore it, then suddenly your wings started to disappear, "GOD! That's amazing? How did you do that?" , "I have my ways", you looked further and wondered where Kris lives at, you only saw the lake house and never saw Kris' real home. Chanyeol turned into a mansion on the top of Delson Hill, the mansion was huge and well lighted, you can clearly see it in the dark night. 

More than 6 cars parked in the parking lots and there was a fountain right in the middle of the driveway. Chanyeol rolled his window down as the guard checked who came "we came to bring Kris home sir", "of course" the guard said and opened the gate. "Goodevening, Mr and Mrs Wu isn't home yet sir" a maid opened the door for the two of you."But you can bring Sir Kris in his room, she said kindly smiling at you.  "why are they still at the party Chanyeol?", "they always attend to their other son rather than Kris Ara, I think that's why Kris is mean to everyone" , "he has a brother?" you remembered what Baekhyun said about Kris and his brother. "Nah, step brother" Chanyeol said.Chanyeol said as the both of you assisted Kris in each shoulder, up the staircase that seemed like forever to climb

You and Chanyeol finally arrived in Kris' room "What the hell!" Chanyeol said, I'd give my life to live in a room like this", he laughed,

"His parents thinks they can pay him off with all of this, silly" Chanyeol commented and you remembered hearing Kris say his father re-married and loved this woman more than his mom "Yeah, It's terrible", you felt bad for him.  

Chanyeol lay him in bed, "I bet his dad had to buy him a car to take this picture, he would never do this even if he had to die" Chanyeol laughed as he pointed at a picture on Kris' night stand, it was Kris with someone, probably his brother beside him, you went close to realize that you recognized that face.

"Suho!?!, Suho is his brother?" 


you couldn't believe what you just saw and random thoughts crossed your mind, Chanyeol who was assisting Kris to the bed when suddenly. "Darn it!" , Chanyeol had Kris' puke all over his shirt, "oh my god! are you okay sir?" the maid screamed as she rushed in to the room, "come with me, we have always kept extra clothes in the guest rooms for accidents such as this, you can clean up there too", "Ara will you be okay?" ,"Yeah sure I'll just watch over Kris" you smiled, the two of them left. You were watching Kris "no wonder your lonely Kris, who would be able to out run a brother such as Suho?, he had everything a parent could wish for in a son", Kris suddenly got up and walked towards somewhere, you followed him "Kris! don't get up" he still had a stain of vomit on his shirt, he was too drunk to talk to you, "where are you going!" he walked and opened the bathroom door, he took his shirt off and you were standing there dumb founded, His body was that of a supermodel and he turned the shower on and water splashed all over him, "Kris! your shoes are still on and you still got your phone in your pocket!" , "leave me alone", "I can't okay", "was that why you turned me down?", he sat on the bathroom floor while water was pouring down on him, "you turned me down to come to the dance with Suho?, he was your special friend!?" , "No! he wasn't Suho just...", "stole you away from me, like he does with every single thing I love", "what are you talking about Kris?", "I tried to avoid this feeling Ara, but how can I fight my own damn luck", you just looked at him, you got down on your knees and started to get wet yourself, "Kris, you just have to stop trying to beat him and show people the real you, you just don't know that they'll love you just as much", he leaned to your shoulder and started crying,

for once in your life you saw the tough guy cry, you never knew that you'd see him like this, "Please don't let him take you away from me, you're the only person I have left" 

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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(