Fairy Love



Kris dropped you in the front porch and Kai jumped out of the tree behind you house, he came to you and touched your face “Are you okay?, does it hurt anywhere?, Tell me Ara”, “I wasn’t hurt Kai, Baekhyun was and I…I’m fine”, “I should have been there! The hell, I should’nt have let you be in that situation, But Xiu Min was sent back to Celestia for something important, Chen can’t survive by himself if anything happened and I have no way of knowning Ara, I’m so sorry” “It’s not you fault Kai”, “It is, I’m your guardian”, he asked about what happened in school and you told him about the lady in the wash room. “It’s Queen Ramalia he said, she’s the dark Queen of Celestia, she’s after you Ara, be careful”, “Who is she? And what does she have to do with me?”, He swept you off your feet and next thing you know, your in your bedroom, he lay you in your bed, “How did you do that? You teleport?” Your eyes grew bigger, “Yeah, it’s just a talent I have”, “All fairies can do that? Even me?”, “No Ara, just me” he smiled, “Chen? Or Xiu Min?”, “No none of them, the thing is, we Emeralds, we have different powers, that’s why were chosen to fight and protect, Me, Chen and Xiu Min have these special powers”, “Oh I see, so the other fairies don’t have them?”, “Well, some do, but they are chosen to rule as kings and queens and not as warriors”, “And why is that?”, “Cos’ their royal bloods, children of Kings and Queens and it just so happened that nature bestowed upon them powers that they won’t have to use to fight”, “So nature gave the three of you powers but, you’reee. Uhmm”, “No one special, Not a royal blood, yeah that’s us”, “So aren’t fairies powerful and everything? Naturally?”, “you’ll learn about that soon enough okay?” , “Do you wanna hear about Queen Ramalia or not?, “I do”, you listened intently.

Kai started his story as he lay beside you in your bed, “The King and Queen of the Crystal family had two daughters, Princess Ramalia and Princess Iridessa , your mother”, You looked shocked as he looked at you and continued his story “The princesses grew to be very close, they were the best of friends and they were loved by everyone in Celestia, One day the king sent out a mission to all the Princes in the kingdom, whoever won would be the next king and marry his daughter Princess Ramalia since she was the eldest and was set to be Queen someday, Princess Iridessa was never jealous of her sister, she was happy for her, and she was contented with what life gave her, Fairy Prince Eitri succeeded the mission, The king was so happy for he was one and mighty and he would make a fine King for Celestia, but everyone was disappointed since the Prince wanted to marry Iridessa instead of Ramalia, He said he loved her, that she was his inspiration for succeeding, and that he wouldn’t accept the throne if it wasn’t she he was going to marry. So the kingdom let him be and agreed with his decision, Iridessa and Eitri got married and had a beautiful daughter, a year later the kingdowm declared the child missing and the King and Queen had another child, a son this time. the whole kingdom was fond of the future king but was not fond of their new queen since they say she got more wicked than ever, only to find out that the queen was Ramalia, who disguised herself as her sister and got rid of her sister secretly, no one knew where she took the baby and where she hid the real Iridessa, When Eitri found out he banished her and exiled both his son and the traitor Ramalia, Iridessa’s body was found in the dark regions of Celestia, the King sent a search for his lost daughter, only then had he found out that she was sent away, to a different world.”, “Kai? That means I’m..”, “Yes Ara, you’re the long lost princess” , “People say that Ramalia still tries her best to get rid of you for only then can her son reign the kingdom, after all, with you gone, he’s the only royal blood left” , “I’m scared Kai” as you cuddled up to his side, “She will never succeed Ara, not while I’m still alive” he said, and you felt safe, you felt as if he could protect you from everything that comes. 


You woke up and Kai wasn’t there anymore, you peeked through the window out on your backyard and found Chen waving at you, Xiu Min hit him on the neck and told him to keep walking, they were gathering fire wood and you were so curious at what their doing that you walked through the woods and found the three of them there “Good Morning Princess!” Chen greeted you happily, “What are you doing here? Don’t you have school or something?” Xiu Min added bitterly “I.. I do but it’s in three hours so I wanted to check on you guys”, “Where’s Kai?”, “He’s gone” both of them said “what?? Gone where??”, “back to celestia” Chen’s face dropped “Will he ever come back?” you asked so sad cos you just started being close with him and he was your guardian anyway. “Stop with the questions Princess, attend to the usual things you do and don’t mind us”, “Fine” you were about to walk when you heard Chen say “Uhh, Princess about my necklace? Can I have it back?” , ‘Sure Chen come with me”, you headed to the house as Chen looked back at Xiu Min who rolled his eyes on him, you stepped on the front porch, you were already in the house when you saw Chen standing right before the door. “What’s wrong Chen?”, “You…You have to ask me in”, “What? Why?” you smiled at him, “Fairies can’t come in a human’s house without permission” he said. “Huh? Why?”, “It’s a rule, just to avoid fairies who likes to set spells and play around with humans”, “Oh I see”, “Then, Come in Chen, I’m inviting you”, He still stood there “What now?”, “I just, I have never been in a human house before”, you smiled and took his hand and led him to your bedroom, as he gazed upon your home, eyeing different structures and the furniture. He smiled a bit “What?” you said “It’s just that, humans home isn’t that different from ours, It’s just…”, “Yes?”, “Boring and simple”, you both laughed “I’m sure you’ll like it back home Princess”, you smiled and thought of the day that you were asked to leave this home, the home you woke up to every day, you felt a hint of pain for it, but you just shook it off. “Here Chen” you handed him his necklace, “Thanks Ara, I can’t forgive myself if I lose it”, “It must be very special to you” you smiled “It is, she is very special to me”, “Wow! You have a girlfriend?”, “What? What’s that?, “Uhmm, you know, the person who you love? Uhm.. maybe the one who gave you that?”, “Love” he smirked, “Ara, we can’t love”. 

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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a prince..lol :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(