

"I'll finally tell her how I feel" Baekhyun whispered in the air, he walked out of his room and ran downstairs, "Mom! I'll be at Ara's! I'll tell her how I feel!", "Really now?, Goodluck son! goodluck!" he walked out the door and found you about to go in the house "Ara wait!", but you didn't hear him, "geez I forgot the flowers", Baekhyun ran back up to his room, "Mom where are the flowers I bought?" , "Its right there honey!", "I can't find it" he kept on looking. You opened the door still thinking of Kris when you saw him there, "DO!", you were shocked to see him, "Who was that?" His face was serious, "It's a friend from school, He, he saved my life and he asked me to go..to...so I..", "do you like him?" , "C'mon DO what are you saying?

"I'm asking you if you like him?", "DO, I don't..but, it's good you came here cos we have to talk" , "DO, since your here, I wanna talk about what you said when you left", "You know what, I saw this park in london, I took a picture and..." he was looking for something in his bag "DO, please, listen to me" you took his hand and looked into his eyes "I want you to know that, I'm thankful for having you in my life but, the kind of love you want from me", "I know" he said softly, those big eyes were starting to tear up "I knew it, I just wanted to pretend that it wasn't the truth" he said, you were shocked by this, "How could you let go of someone who defines you? If I'll let you go, I'll lose myself", you were even more saddened by what he said, "DO your talented, handsome and your a good person, please you don't need me to be yourself DO, you'll find someone way better than me", You took his face and wiped a tear with your finger, "I will still be your best friend, always", He hugged you tight "Thanks Ara, I'll count on that"

"Found it mom!" Baekhyun was sweating as he ran out the door and to your house, he was so happy and had a wide smile on his face till he saw you and DO at the window, DO hugging you and you hugging him back, he dropped the flowers and ran away from there, he was so heart broken that he ran as far as he could till he was so tired and fell to the floor, he lay there and didn't get up, he din't care that he was in the middle of the street and that a car might run right over him, he was so hurt when suddenly "Baekhyun?, is that you?", he looked up and and couldn't see well due to the tears in his eyes, the girl helped him up and he wiped his face to see her clearly, he saw her warm smile "I'm Leah, from your music class, remember?" 

Baekhyun cried more and hugged her, he kept on crying and she just stood there shocked, she patted his back and let him cry "Whatever it is, it'll be okay". And in that moment, Baekhyun believed her, he felt as if her words were all true and that his heart ache will soon disappear. The both of them walked to Bakehyun's house, "wanna come in for a cup of tea?" Leah nodded and Baekhyun let her to the kitchen, "Honey, were you able to..." , your mother paused as she saw Leah in the living room "Hi", "Good evening ma'am" , "Are you Baekhyun's friend? I never knew he had a friend who's a girl other than Ara, your very pretty darling", "Thanks Ma'am, I'm Baekhyun's classmate", "Oh I see", Baekhyun led his mom to her room and went back to the living room, "I'm sorry for that, she kinda medles with everything about my life" he was still sad, "It's fine, I wish I had a mom, maybe she'd be the same with me, now it's just me and my dad and, he's kind of too manly to talk to me most of the time, I never get to talk to him about anything", she looked down on her cup of tea, "Really?, Well since you save me from maybe getting hit by a car, I'll be your personal diary", she laughed loud and Baekhyun smiled, she had one of the cutest laugh ever, she reminded him of you. 

I promise my self I will never be a coward again, I will not let my self get hurt because of love ever again, Baekhyun thought deeply, "Leah, will you got to the dance with me?" , "w--whaat?", she said stuttering, "will you be my date for the dance?", "Baekhyun I...", Baekhyun looked down being heart broken once more, "I'll be honored to", he looked up and smiled "really?", "yes or course" I have been waiting all my life for you to ask me,Leah thought to herself 


"Byun Baekhyun", "Yes ma'am?" a little baekhyun raised his hand in the middle of class in elementary school, "Will you kindly sing for us little angel?", "I...I can't ma'am", little baekhyun was so scared that people might laugh at him, "You can do it" a little girl whispered beside him, "Just close your eyes and think no one's around", Baekhyun turned red and was very shy "Can you come with me?" he said "Baekhyun come on! don't let the class wait, show us your talent", he took the little girl's hand and he dragged her to the front, he stood there and he closed his eyes, still holding the little girl's hand, he sang, so beautifully than everyone fell quiet. The little girl tightened her hand against Baekhyun, He's amazing she thought.  after that he let go and headed back to his chair "Thank you" he told the little girl, "Hi I'm D.O!" a little boy introduced himself, "Baekhyun", "Let's be best friends I'll teach you how not to be nervous at all, Teacher always let's me sing in front" they laughed together and stepped out of the room as best friends. While Leah watched him walk away. 

[End of flashback]

I sure think you don't remember me at all, She thought as she smiled back at Baekhyun. 

You went to sleep, you were so tired with all the happenings and confrontations of that day, You fell asleep but heard a voice call you out on the window, Kai, he's back, you were so excited and you looked to the window but can't see anything, you tried to look deeper and saw a shadow, "Ara, Kai's voice shouted", you ran downstairs to the backyard you missed him so much, you found him standing on the tree near the river, you recognized his clothes and approached him, "Kai, why did you let me chase you at this hour?" he turned around but his eyes were all black, "Kai, what's wrong?" , he approached you and lifte you up by the neck "I'm getting you Princess!!, I'm closer than you think" he shouted and you screamed and woke up It was all a nightmare. 

You were sweating all over and you were so scared, you took the ring of last night, it started to hurt your fingers, you put it back on an your wings started to disappear magically. you came down "Moommmm!" you screamed , "Mom where are you??" you went to the living room and found someone seated on the sofa, he looked up to you and you screamed 

He was surprised and stood up quickly, You took the broom since it was the only thing you had near you you came after him but he moved quickly, he stood up on the table and was able to avoid your every swing of that broom, "Ara! don't kill him! He's a visitor" "what?" you still had the broom in your hands, his face was in shock, he came down from the table, "I'm sorry I startled you, I'm Tao", "He's a son of a friend of mine darling", "Mom you never had any friends you told me, people in this town was too much for you, you told me that before", "Stop asking questions okay?" something was weird about your mom, she looked pale, "Mom, are you sick?" , "don't worry about me it's just a flu", "Oh I see, I'm sorry Tao, for attacking you like that", he just stared at you, He's weird, you headed to your room to change for school as you looked back at him, he was still looking. Creepy indeed. you thought. 

You headed out and saw Tao talking to your mother, you looked at him and he looked down on his food, "what a coincidence honey, Tao is also all organic, I'm sure you and him will get along just fine", "Yeah of sure, goodluck with that" you took your bag and went outside you saw Baekhyun and waved at him, he looked down on the floor as a girl riding a white motorcycle stoppe right in front of him, Baekhyun kissed her on the cheek and drove the motorcycle away with her sitting behind him. she hugged Baekhyun tight and they rode off to school. Who was that? Baekhyun's girlfriend? You walked a long way going to school, it was much much boring walking alone you missed Baekhyun and remembered his face usually when he walked without while saying funny jokes and stories, he always made you smile, each and every time he was with you. You got to school and started working on the decorations, Suho was very helpful and you just can't stop staring at him whenever he was near you. Everyone worked the whole day and you sometimes found Baekhyun walking around with the girl beside him, and he never looked back at you, it was like you never existed, "Hey Ara! it's getting late, we're about to wrap things up" Scarlet told you. "Can you just please bring this to the basement Suho's over there, he brought the others but forgot these here, I just really gotta go", "Yeah sure" you walked tot he basement and found Suho there, "Hey Ara, thanks for bringing these" Suho was piling up some banners for the party , "It's getting dark now, you better go ahead, I'm just about to finish", "You sure you'll be okay?" he was always this hardworking and dedicated "Yes! Go home." he smiled, you walked to the door and turned the knob to open, but it didn't. "Suho, the door", he walked towards it and tried it himself, he tried again, harder this time, "It's jammed" he said, "Help!! someone! we're in here" , no one answered, "They must have went home already" 

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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a prince..lol :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(