He's right, He isn't bad at all




“What’s wrong Baekhyun?” DO found Baekhyun sitting in the hallway of their highschool during their junior year, he sat beside him as Baekhyun spoke,  “I can’t believe you told her you like her”, “I do like her”, DO got up and was about to leave “But you never told me you did! You know how much I love her DO! You were the one I told about everything, how I felt for her, How can you do this to me”, Baekhyun looked down as tears fell from his eyes, “You were never strong enough to fight for what you want Baekhyun, you loved Ara for years but you never confessed to her”, Baekhyun was speechless “You can have everything you want only if you learned to fight, You’re the one who’s supposed to leave and train in the agency, to have fame but you turne it down cos you were so scared to fail, you’re a coward Bakehyun and I just can’t let the things you take for granted float away”, Baekhyun stood up and faced DO “I may be a coward, but I will never betray you like you did to me” he walked away and hit DO’s shoulder

[End of Flashback]


You fell asleep that night still thinking of what happened with DO and Baekhyun, you missed seeing them together. "Honey wake up" "Mom its too early to wake up please let me", " Someone's waiting for you downstairs, and he's really handsome, he has a car too!" you looked at your mom and saw her face beaming with joy. Who could it be? "Kris!!" your mom nodded happily, you got ready and wore a dress your mom bought you for summer, you came down and saw him waiting for you, he looked so handsome in a plain white t-shirt though he looked so good when he dressed well, he looked much better when he was simple and neat as he was today

"good morning ara" he smiled at you, his smile was very seductive indeed no wonder why  the most popular girls fought over Kris so bad. He was like a supermodel in high school. It couldn't be right. "I'd bring a hat if I were you" he smiled and you mom handed you your bag and a summer hat "Enjoy you guys!" she waved at you and Kris as he opened the door for you

"Ready?" he smiled, he leaned towards you and his face was so close to yours, you closed your eyes and for once you thought he'd actually kiss you,  he took the seat belt and fastened it over you, he laughed and walked away, you exhaled and realized you stopped breathing when he came close. "where are we going?", somewhere where all your doubts will fade Ara" 

You And Kris have been driving for at least an hour when he turned in the middle of the woods the view was beautiful everything was peaceful, Kis took a turn "we're here" you tried to look further and you saw a big house, it was so big that it looked like a resort to you, "where are we?" "my mother's lakehouse" Kris said, "is she here? I...I don't think I'm well dressed to..." , "don't worry about it ara, she away passed three years ago, after my father re-married, he seldom came here,so I guess It's about time to visit again" you felt sad for him, you put your hand on his shoulder and he smiled at you "dont get touchy feely now Ara, we just started dating hahaha" you smacked his arm and he continued laughing. he parked the car and an old man came rushing in a butler uniform "good morning sir!" he greeted and Kris hugged him, "I kinda missed you old jerry" you were surprised by this and smiled as the old man said "I missed you too sir, how sad it is since you and your father left this place" Kris patted his back and introduced you to him, he smiled a warm smile and led you to the lake house. 
You came in the house and found Kris' mom's portrait in the wall. She was very beautiful She had blonde hair just like Kris, she had the same lips as here but their eyes were different he must've got it from his dad. 
"she was very kind, you know miss" old jerry told you. "some people might say Master Kris has changed a lot Since her death, but he was never a bad kid. It's just that no one was there for him after his mom's death, he wanted to turn to his dad but he re married right away, and he loved this woman, Kris felt as if he loved her even more than he loved Kris' mother. ", "that's so sad" you felt like crying "So thank you for being his friend ma'am" he really needs one. 
"C'mon Ara what are you waiting for? i want to show you the lake" you smiled at old jerry and headed towards Kris, you took his hand and said "show me whatever it is you want to show me Kris, from now on, i'll always be here for you" he smiled and looked back at old jerry, he smiled at you "please don't be all cheesy on me hahaha" let's go he punched you jokingly in the arm and ran away backwards. "Hurry slow poke!" He toured you in the forest and plucked flowers from the trees, you laughed and played and you realized that he wasn't that bad at all. You spent the whole day running around and listening to Kris about all his stories and travels. 
You were in a boat in the middle of the lake, "I guess old jerry told you everything huh?" you smiled and nodded, "he doesn't talk much since we left, maybe thats why he's so eager to talk to someone and sadly, my life was the only topic he could think of", "he didn't mean any harm Kris","yeah I know, he knows me a lot and in fact I guess he's the only family I have left even when we're not really related by blood" he laughed but you saw agony in his eyes. "Let's go back for dinner now, you nodded and suddenly you saw a black figure far away from the lake, you tried to look further and you saw a woman all dressed in black, she smiled and suddenly the boat flipped, You were under the lake when you saw the woman's face in front of you you were so scared you screamed. Then suddenly she took your hand adn dragged you lower in the lake, deeper until you felt yourself losing breath. Kris searched for you, and when he found you, he came after you, he swam so deep and took you by the waist. He brought you to the surface and swam to the dry land. "Ara! Ara! can you here me??, Ara please!" he put his mouth in yours and breathed air into you. "Please" he breathed air once more and pumped your chest, water came out of your mouth and you saw him wet and worried. "Kris, she.. she was there, I..", "Don't speak, stay calm", he carried you to the house and lay you in the bed in one of the rooms. 
Old jerry came in and brought you a pair of clothes and shoes since you were all wet and you lost your shoes in the lake when you fell, "I'm sorry but it's all we have here" you smiled at him as he left, you saw a pair of black heels and a blue summer dress, you smiled at the image of it and changed. You came down from the stairs wearing the clothes and saw Kris waiting for you just beneath the staircase, he was mesmerized by your beauty and you looked at the floor scared to meet his gaze, "It was my mother's you know, It fits perfectly on you" he took your hand "Thank you Kris, again you saved my life", "I will be your hero anytime of any day Ara" he opened the door for you, you were driving home and Kris asked you "Ara, the dance is fast coming and...I was..I thought.. maybe you wanted to go together?",
he never looked at you and kept his eyes on the road, "Uhmm. Kris, I was planning on going with a special friend" (you thought of Baekhyun), "I was kind of waiting for him to ask me", "Oh.. this friend, you like him?", "Well, not really he's just really special", "Oh I see, then maybe I'll just meet you there and maybe get one dance?", "Sure Kris, till my feet bleeds", you both laughed and talked till you reached home. Kris opened the door for you and said his farewell, "Thanks Kris, for everything", "Your welcome, see you!", you walked to the front door and found a car parked in the yard, Who could be visiting at this hour? 
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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a prince..lol :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(