

"Yeeeeeee! That means were all going?!?" Chanyeol said smiling his very cute smile again, "It's not like with have any other choice" Kai said bitterly. "I am really not interested in going at all" , "Then don't Kris" Kai faced him. "Your King requested me Tinkerbell, so I guess I have to go" , You looked at Baekhyun and he was staring at you ; A little more time Ara, just a little more time to spend with you. 

"What are we waiting for then?" Chen smiled at all of you, "Let's gooo!" All of you entered the small cave at the end of the Pathway, you were surprised to find two guards that were dressed like Kai when you first saw him. "Your Highness" They bowed to you, "We have been waiting",  Suho and Kris stared the the men while Chanyeol was flashing his wide smile, "THIS is so COOL!" Everyone walked in and it was dark, nothing can be seen, Baekhyun was having the hardest time to walk as he held on to Chen and Xiu Min. Kris as now walking with Chanyeol and Kai held your hand. "I bet it would be like Heaven! I'm telling you, There will be lot's of food! Everything is shiny and made out of gold!" Chanyeol screamed. Chen tried to hide his laugh. "What are you a KID?, I bet, there would be the most gorgeous maidens anyone has ever set eyes on, And they are only dressed in leaves and flowers, Their skin is bare and showing", Kai shot Kris a deadly look, Suho suddenly spoke, "There would be all kinds of wonders that the human eyes have never laid eyes on, It would be the best discovery", "GEEK!" Kris laughed at Suho's words. You held close to Kai, "What does it look like Kai?", "Nothing like you've ever imagined Ara" He kissed the back of your hand. 

The dark road ended, and all of you came out of it, All of you were eager to see the first thing that your eyes could set on. Chanyeol was smiling so widely and it vanished, "Bu....But, It's....It's just a forest"


He said blankly. All of you were disappointed, "We came from a forest just to see another forest, how dumb" Kris was heart broken. Bakehyun still smiled since he was still with you and Chanyeol looked like he wanted to cry. 

"Dont worry you guys! It's just the celestial forest!" Chen tried to cheer everyone up. Kai smiled at you, "He's right you know, wait till we get to the kingdom", You were still holding his hand. "It might just be the Celestial Forest, But watch out for your your backs everyone, It is the most mischevious, tempting and unreal place in Celestia", "What do you mean Xiu Min?", "Suho, fairies do so well in playing and manipulating minds, Be careful of anything and never stray away, You might lose yourselves", You held Kai's hand tighter, "Don't worry Ara, I'll always be right here", "GUYS!" Baekhyun shouted. "Where's Chanyeol?!?"


"Your highness, The Princess is within the Celestial Territories", "Thanks Elzir", Luhan replied as he gazed on the whole of Celestia


"You have finally returned Luhan", "I am leaving soon father, I vowed not to rest until Princess Arabella has been found" Luhan got ready to leave, "Well son, Today would be the day of your rest", "She...she was found father?", "Yes my son", "where? all these years I have been looking why haven't I found her?", "because she is not in our world son, she has been brought to the mortal's world and as you know, she can't go back till her 16th birthday", "What??!!???, How...who?!", "Ramalia". Luhan let a loud sigh, 

"It would be fine father, she will be back and I can wait, I will wait for her return", "That's the problem son, by the time of her return...she..she won't remember you" . Luhan flew away from there, Pain in his chest, Pain that he never thought could hurt that bad. 

[End of Flashback]

I do hope that's not true Arabella, whatever spell it is, whatever happened, Please... remember me. 



"Come closer Chanyy" the pixies giggled as they lured Chanyeol into an entrance on a Tree. 

"We know you're hungry" They giggled and sparkled in the night sky, "I...I am hungry", Chanyeol walked and followed their voices, he felt as if he was walking on a cloud, "Come in Chanyeol" a pixie flew in front of him, he entered the tree and found everything made of gold, it was just like heaven and there were fruits that he  never even knew existed.  "Chanyyyy, pick one, the berries will burst of flavor, your tongue will tingle in it's goodness" A pixie caught his attention.

"Don't mind if I do" He plucked one berry, "This must be the best berry in the world", 'CHANYEEEEEEEOLLLL!!!!!!! Drop that!" Chen came dragging chanyeol of the tree house, "Wha--Why did you do that?", "It was a trap okay. Just follow me" Chen led Chanyeol back to where the others were. "Where have you been dumb " Kris said, "Chanyeol, didn't you hear what Xiu Min said? It's tricky around here it isn't safe" Suho added. "I--I'm sorry I just haven't eaten all day and--", "It's okay, we'll get there soon, everyone just stick together" 

Kai looked at Tao, he kept looking up in the sky "Tao? What's wrong?", "Uhh. Nothing Kai", "You look nervous", "Huh? It's just...everything's so weird around here", "I know right, it must be hard for a human to take everything in, even when you never said a thing or complained, I understand" ,Tao stared at the ground , "And another thing Tao" Kai held on to Tao's shoulder, "Thanks for saving Ara, she wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, I would have failed as her guardian, But you were there for her, Thanks", "It's, It's nothing Kai", "And I'm sorry I haven't trusted you for the first time" Tao patted Kai's shoulder. 

You should'nt have Kai, You never should have trusted me. 





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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(