Love from a far


"Let's settle here for tonight, Eat these, They're safe enough to eat" Xiu Min handed every one some fruits, Chanyeol grabbed the fruits with both of his hands and everyone took one. "Someone build a fire" , "I can!" Chen presented "If you struck a lightning bolt here Chen that would probably just kill all of us right?", "Ohhh yah, sorry". Kai, built a fire in the most traditional way. 

"Okay I'm gonna rest" Kris lay down beside the fire, "Goodnight everyone, Suho smiled at you, We're finally getting you home Ara", You smiled back at his angelic face, "oow!" Baekhyun let out a painful whimper.'Baekhyun?", "I'm fine, I just, It won't heal, Don't worry Ara, I'll be fine", He got down on the ground. Tao looked at you and looked away, you stared at the fire and he looked again and thought.  

I'm really sorry for everything Ara, Everything that happened, and everything' that's about to come. 


"Hey" Kai sat beside you, "Where's Chen and Xiu Min?", "Up in the trees" he laughed "They kinda got used to sleeping up there you know, since we've started watching you", "Kai...I heard from Xiu Min that you have been my guardian ever since I was brought here?", "Ohhh. That", "Why Kai?", "Why what Ara?" he smirked.

"Why did you decide to leave everything behind, live outside of Celestia just to watch me?"

"Well, you know, I was very talented, No one had the power like mine, and I just...I felt the need to protect you, you know, I knew I could do it best above every one else", You stared at him. "But you had to leave your family behind? The life that could have been great here, You left everything just to watch me from a window all these years", "I could have stopped you know" he leaned in to you, "I could have just left when the king said that everything was safe then, That Ramalia was vanished and you would be safe", "Then why didn't you?"

"Ara, I grew up in your back yard, I trained by different people that came and left, I watched you from the window every night" He looked into the fire, It's light reflecting into his deep eyes, "I even listened to your mother's bed time stories, and I cried when your dad died, I...I was a part of your family Ara, The three of you were my family, Just that...No one knew I was there", You started tearing up. 

"And when a messanger sent me a message from Celestia, it told me that I could return, I could go back to my parents and I could have been Thanked for the years that Iv'e spent guarding you, But I turned it down", "Kai why did you---?" "Cos' I started falling in love with you from afar" You were speechless

"I watched your every step Ara, You grew up to be and act like a Princess and, When I recieved the message, I couldn't accept it,...I just,...I couldn't imagine living each day without seeing your smile, I...I had to stay". Your tears dropped all over your face

"And when I saw you with Kris, he just lit you up, I knew he was different from all the others, Oh and Baekhyun, The way he made you laugh, how I wish I could have done the same, And when I saw you and Suho go out that night, You were so beautiful Ara, I could have given anything to be the one you held that night",

"Kai, I didn't know about any of this", "I never wanted you to know, and as this journey meets it's end Ara, I just want you to know everything, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry that Tao was the one in front of you when you needed someone the most, I'm sorry Ara", 

"Kai!" you hugged him so tight as he hugged you back, His tears fell down from his cheeks, "Don't worry, I have my whole life to make up for everything Kai, For everything" He smiled and tapped your head. "Let's go to sleep", He lay down and you had your head on his shoulder, as the both of you gazed at the celestial stars that covered the night sky.


All of you fell asleep when suddenly, "Baekhyuuuunnn!" a voice called on Baekhyun, He opened his eyes and was very drowsy when he heard it once more, "Baekhyunnniiiee" , "Who is it!" Baekhyun called out, "It's Leah Baekhyun! I...I missed you", "Leah, I miss you too, where are you?", "I'm at the woods Baekhyun, come find me", Baekhyun walked, he had his eyes closed, his wound started opening up again as he started running, "Leah! Leah! where are you?", He found Leah behind a tree, "Leah I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left you, I swear I didn't mean to hurt you", "Really Baekhyunniiee?", "Yes Leah, I would start all over with you and I'll make up for every heart ache Iv'e caused you", "Prove it Baekhyun", "What?" "Prove to me that you'd do anything to get me back", "Of course, How?", "Jump with me"


"What was that?!" Kris woke up when he heard laughing voices around him, he looked around and found everyone asleep, he spotte you in Kai's embrace, he looked away, he looked at everyone and lay back down. "Baekhyun!" He didn't find Baekhyun anywhere. "Suho! Suho wake up!", "wha---" Suho sat down "Baekhyun's gone"


"Jump? Leah, jump where?", "Here" Leah pointed at a waterfall,  that was so clear and flowing, she jumped ahead, and started swimming, "Come on Baekhyun! Jump!", "But, it's too high" Baekhyun laughed. "Don't be scared Baekhyuniiiee! I'll catch you, come on! The water's warm!" Leah giggled.


"Baekhyun!", Kris shouted. "Baekhyun where are you", Chen dropped from the trees, "I can't see him anywhere", "There he is!" Suho pointed, "But...what is he doing?", "He's jumping off a cliff! Baekhyun NOOOO!!!!!!!!!", Baekhyun was an inch away from falling, Everyone ran as fast as they could, But suddenly Tao was right beside Baekhyun, He knocked him off and woke him up. "A-are you okay?", Baekhyun woke up. "LEAH!!!!!!!, wha-what happened?" , "Whew that was close" Chanyeol let out a deep breath. "Baekhyun, sit still" his leg flowed of blood till it drippe to the ground. "We gotta get out of here, NOW"




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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(