

"Are you sure we're doing this?" Kai looked into your eyes, "Yes, me missing her and getting hurt doesn't matter, She has to be safe", "Okay then, Let's go", "Aunt Linda can I have some time with mom alone?", "Of course honey, me and Fred will go to the cafe' to grab some food okay?", "Okay" They shut the door behind them, You walked to your mom's side and looked at her familiar face, she was paler than ever, her lips were almost white and her skin just wasn't right, Kai gave you the vial "Just one drop", You opened the vial of green potion and slipped a drop into your mom's lips. "Now what?", "Now, we wait" , "Kai, she won't remember me right?", he nodded, "Our family?", "he shook his head, "Her memories?", "Ara, just think of it this way, her life will be completely normal, all the people she knows and who knows her, she'll remember, the only person she won't is you", "Me", "I'm sorry Ara, everything that has to do with you, she'll forget", You started to cry as you lay your head on Kai's shoulder "It will be okay Ara, you're doing this for your mom, we must leave before your aunt and uncle returns", 

You held on to Kai's arm as tight as you could, It was the last time you'll ever see you Mom, "I love you Mom"


"Do you know what room it is Chanyeol?", "No, Sorry, let's just ask the front desk", Baekhyun and Chanyeol walked over to the front desk, Baekhyun looked around and saw your mom being pushed on a wheel chair by your Aunt Linda, "Auntie!!!" Baekhyun ran over to her side, "Oh Hi dear", "How are you? What happened??", "Long story" Aunt Linda said, "Are you on your way home? maybe me and my friend can come along", "Oh dear I'm sorry but, she's coming home with us, we live in the next town and I thought it would be better if I cared for her", "Oh I see, but ho-...", "Kid I'm sorry we really have to go, the car is waiting and the rain is getting stronger,.." , "Oh, of course I'm sorry"

The three of them walked away, "You know  that kid Miranda?" , "Of course I do....he's my neighbor" she smiled. 


You and Kai appeared in the woods behind you house, "You better get some rest Ara", "No I'm fine Kai", you smiled, she's better off without all of this right?" He nodded and smiled. You walked in and found Tao sitting on the couch, "Hi Tao" he looked at you, "Hey" then Kai walked in and he looked away. You saw a flash of lightning, "What?? There's no rain at all, why would there be lig-...", "Ara, I gotta go, Chen and Xiu Min must be back",Kai whispered  "Ohhh. okay" , You sat down beside Tao, no one else was home yet, "So Tao, where have you been?"


"Queen Ramalia, the Princess' guardian, he...he saved the human", "The mother?" the slave nodded, "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!" she calmed herself down, "I asked him to get rid of her days ago! How come she's still alive!!!!???", she was so mad that the ground trembled beneath her, "The dark prince...he..he failed your highness", "That can't be true, he was ready for this...he has been all his life" she smiled as she sat back on her throne. "Ready the others, we'll drop by for a visit" 


"Execute her!!!!!!!!!!" King Eitri demanded the fairy warriors to grab Ramalia and kill her in front of the whole of Celestia, "Please! Eitri! don't do this to me!" Ramalia begged at Eitri's feet, "Your Highness, the child? What do we do with him?", "Execute them both" The King looked away from the child that stood before him, "Kill Him?? He's your SON!" Ramalia screamed at him, "You will regret this Eitri" as she pushed away the guards that held her, "Someday, he will rise and take everything away from you, the kingdom, the power, and even your life", She was so close to the King and her eyes were black and glossy, a dark cloud surrounded her and every fairy in Celestia feared her, "All of you! You will regret this day!! for this child!, The child you wanted to kill, someday he will be your King!", She and the child vanished in thin air

[End of Flashback]

"Xiu Min what's the matter?", Xiu Min and Chen landed on the further part of the woods, "The Princess, Kai, she's in danger?", "huh? What kind of danger?", "The Queen, she sent someone to harm her", "Geez Xiu Min, she sent Tertarios? Even Chen can fight them single-handedly" he joked and punched Chen in the arm, Chen looked at his seriously, "No Kai, she sent someone", Kai's face turned serious "What do you mean by that?", "I mean, she sent someone to get rid of the Princess and no one knows who, or what, or what he can do, it means something is coming for her, and it's closer than we think" 

"Knock Knock "I'll open it" Ara, left Tao's side, She saw Suho standing on the door step with some flowers in hand, "Ara, I just wanted to pass by since I never saw you in school anymore", "Oh! Hi Suho, I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch, come in. " you smiled. Suho looked around and saw Tao in the living room, "What happened to your face?", "Oh, this? It's nothing, just an accident" he said touching the back of his head, you didn't want to ask further, "Would you want to stay for dinner?", "Sure" Suho smiled. "Okay I'll prepare some food, just, sit down and feel at home", Suho sat on the couch in front of Tao, his eyes stuck on the dark aura Tao possessed. He looked away. 

Suddenly Kris walked in the house, put his bag down "Darlings, I'm home" he said smiling, his smile dropped as he saw Suho on the couch, Suho stood up and looked at Kris in shock "YOU!" they said at once, "What the hell are you doing here?" , "I don't have to explain myself to you" Suho said right away, "Fine, then don't, I couldn't care less" But deep inside he wondered if Suho was that special to Ara for him to be able to visit anytime he wants, a hint of jealously flowed through him. "Kris, I..I didn't know you were..." Suho tried to explain himself, trying to be logical "Leave it alone Suho, I'm freakin' used to it", Kris said not looking at him, "And besides, I'm here for Ara, so it doesn't matter who comes along, even if it's you" Tao stared at them blankly. 

"Ara, We've got to talk", Kai came from the backdoor. "Kai, a lot of people are going to eat here okay, I'm busy", "This is really important", "Can it wait till after dinner?", "Ara, it can't wa-..." *knock knock, Tao got up and saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun at the door. They looked like they knew eachother forever, It was like they were bestfriends, Baekhyun looked at him in shock. "Who...Who are you?",


Tao rolled his eyes at the both of them and left the door open, Baekhyun stepped in and saw Tao, Kris and Suho at the living room, You just walked out of the kitchen and Kai was following you, You looked at Baekhyun, "ARA!!! he went to hug you" Everyone looked at the both of you as Baekhyun hugged you so tight, "I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you, I'll make it up to you I swear", You hugged him back "I missed you Baekhyunnie", Everyone's eyes got bigger as they stared at the both of you. "Oh and can you explain all of this to me?" he looked at everyone in the room,  you laughed. 



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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(