Welcome to Celestia


All of you have been walking for hours now, The sun was settiing and the forest was getting darker every single second. 

"Uhh, guys? You do know where were walking right?", Chanyeol spat out. "It should be somewhere here Chanyeol", "Xiu Min are you sure?", "Yes I am! It's just, it should'nt be easy to find", "Of course, it should be hidden from others" Suho added, "How can we find it if it's intended to be hidden from us? Don't you have some fairy guide tinkerbell?" Kris teased Kai, "If you don't stop Kris, I'd erase all your memories since you were born" Kai said irritated. 

"Ohhh my goood, I'm so hungry!!" Chanyeol complained, "SHUT UP!!!" everyone said at once.

"All of you are so mean!" Chanyeol said in a deep voice, "Ahh" Baekhyun screamed. "Why! What happened?" Everyone turned to him. "Nothing, I just...It really hurts", His leg was bleeding endlessly. "Just hold it in Baekhyun, we'll be there soon" You said, pity in your eyes. 

"Uhh Guys?", "What Chen?" , "Where's Chanyeol?" 


"No one cares about my hunger!, HMP! If I find some food around here I'll only share it with Baekhyun and Ara, NO ONE ELSE!", Chanyeol stomped his feet around as the sun was set. "Food, Fruits, Veggies ,ANYTHING?" He looked around, and suddenly a feather like thing floated in front of him, "What the...?", Then there were more on his shoulders, "What are these things?", he turned around and found a pathway, those floating things were clouding the place, "Beautiful, This....This can't be it right?. OHH CHANYEOL YOU'RE THE BEST" he said as he skipped back to call the others. 


"Ara! Baekhyun! Everyone! I found the portal!" , "Yeah right Chanyeol" Kris laughed. "NO really! I did!, there's this path and it really looks magical and stuff", "You think that could be it Xiu Min?" Chen asked, "Probably...", "Chanyeol, we can't bring Bakehyun around, he's injured. so please be sure of what you saw", "Don't you guys trust me?", He frowned. "Whatever..let's just go" Kai stood up. You all got up and walked to the place Chanyeol saw earlier, "Xiu Min? Chanyeol's right huh? This is really it.." Xiu Min nodded in awe he had the smile on his face that you have never seen before. "Everyone get ready, Celestia, finally." 

All of you walked the path an it seemed endless, it felt like you weren't moving a bit, "Geez, I'm tired, It doesn't look like a long walk but...We've been walking for about 30 minutes now" Suho said, Suddenly everyone heard voices, Voices all mixed together and you didn't understand a word they said, They laughed, whispered, giggled and shouted. "WHAT IS THAT?" Kris yelled, "Where is it coming from?", "Is anyone there!" Suho shouted. Chen laughed, "Don't mind them, They're just pixies", "Pixies?" you asked curiously, "Yeah..Pixies", "Why are they so noisy Chen?", "Well, Pixies are used to making fun of people, they dance in the moonlight to the song of the frog and the cricket, They are mischievous spirits,One of their favourite tricks is to lead travellers astray", "Mean, Just like freaking Tinkerbell", "Kris! Not every fairy is like Tinkerbell okay?", "Haha, affected much Kai?", Kai rolled his eyes. 


"Your highness, Your Daughter has reached the North Portal", "That's good news! It's about time", "Why did it take so long? And why did they travel by land in the first place?", "Her guardian Kai, he lost his powers your highness", "How is that possible?", "I...I don't know", "Ramalia must have something to do with it, send a legion to fetch them, the Celestial forests may not be safe for them to travel in such a small number, And we? We must prepare for her return", "Your highness, Your daughter and her guardians are not alone, she..she came with some humans", "Humans??", "Yes your highness, an according to the guards, one of them is wouned terribly", "Then we should help those who have helped our kind, Send them in", He smiled. "Yes your highness"

"They have arrived Luhan, I hope you're ready to meet her,..it would be a delightful reunion..",

 "I....I do hope she remembers me"



"Take a look little Luhan, isn't she beautiful?", Little Luhan nodded as he floated in front of a newly bloomed flower bud, "Is she asleep ma?", "Yes honey, she'll be awake in a jippy", He stared at you, you were the most beautiful little fae anyone has ever seen, You opened your eyes and looked back at Luhan's, You smiled and took his cheeks in both hands,  "You're so cute!" Luhan blushed, "You...you're very pretty", You smiled ever so beautifully, he stared at your smile in awe.

"They're perfect Iridessa", "They are Lairah, someday, they will be the great King and Queen of Celestia", 

(a few weeks later)

"Luhan wake uppp!", "Later Belli, my mom had me training till late last night, I...I gotta sleep" Luhan rolled over in a fairy crib., "No!! You promised to come with me today" , "Where to?", "To go to the Celestial Garden" you giggled. "But ma said it's dangerous to fly over there, It's too high!", "We can do it LuLu, as long as you hold my hand, and I hold yours everything will be fine", You took his hand. "Uhh..O-Okay" The both of you were flying to the garden "Luhan?, why have you been so good to me?", "Huh when?", "Always, even when Pa scolds me for not acting like a Princess, and when I play tricks on you, you're still really good all the time", "It's because someday Belli, You will be my Queen", "And how will that happen?" You looked into his eyes, "Well, we will do this ceremony together, when we're grown Faes, and when you can fly better without me making you float to the right direction", He laughed. "It means that someday, the both of us will be the Queen and King of all of this?", You gazed at the whole of the Celestial palace, "Yes Belli, You will rule Celestia and me?...I'll be right beside you". You hugged Luhan so tight it made him red. 


[End of Flashback]



"Well Ara, This is it, We're going in" Kai held your hand, "Bid goodbye to them Ara" Xiu Min added, You turned to look at Kris, Suho and Baekhyun who was limping on one foot, you started tearing up, You hugged Chanyeol first, "Goodbye Chanyeol", "Ara..I..I'm coming with you" he laughed, "Since my mother always wanted me to reach the world my father belongs to...I guess it would be better if I came along, This might be my last chance" Chen smiled at him, "Kris, Suho...You guys, Stop fighting!!" you hit both of their heads, while your tears poured. "I...I hope you didn't leave Ara, You can always stay", Kris said sudenly starting to tear up himself, "Ara, we will never forget you" Suho hugged you tight. "I will never forget you too Suho, you cried even more. You turned to Baekhyun and he was leaning on a tree, He didn't look back at you, He stared at his feet, "Baekhyun", You went near him and he started crying, "I....I can't Ara, You have been by my side our whole lives and I...I..I can't let you go", He held on to your nape as you hugged him tight, "But...This is my destiny Baekhyun, I never belonged here, but..No matter what, you will always be my silly best friend, who's smile lit my world every single time", Baekhyun was sobbing now, "Ara..Please don't leave like this...", "Uhh excuse me", Chen suddenly interrupted. "I forgot that, well...I'm sorry for not saying this earlier..", "What Chen?!?" Chanyeol spat out. "Well, The king was asking to see us, I mean..All of us", "Huh??" You and Baekhyun said still embracing, "Well, false alarm, sorry for his stupidity though" Xiu Min laughed messing Chen's hair "You mean we're coming with you??", Suho said shocked. "We're going to freaking Never Land?" Kris shouted and all of you looked at him Tao rolled his eyes and the rest of you laughed. 



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deikan #1
Chapter 24: I LOVE THIS STORY!!! please update/finish, it is the only story on here that fits my taste <3 i really hope you can finish it...
Chapter 24: finally she met Luhan..:)
Too many people inlove with her,so who will be with her in the end?
Luhan really suits to be a prince..lol :D
Jensul #3
Chapter 24: omg this story keep getting interesting! please update soon :D
EXOhana05 #4
New reader here..
amazing story! keep updating!!
Chapter 15: I know the story's getting kinda lame,I just have too much to do. haha but. please bare with me guys. :(