I am Not a Stalker!!

His Stupid Smile
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[Sungje P.O.V]

I was at the kitchen when I saw Geonil walk downstair with his grey hoodie and a pair of white shoes. I quickly finished my drink and called out for him before he go out of the house.

“Ne hyung, did you call me?” Geonil asked me, he took his black cap and wear it.

“Are you going out?”

“Yeap! I need to get some fresh air hyung.”

“Want me to go with you?” I know he don’t like us asking him like this but I really have to make sure he is okay and safe. He just sighs and smiles to me when he heard it.

“Shiero~ I wanna go alone this time. Mianhe hyung, I just need some private time with myself…” he explained to me. I know that I can’t say no to him, he does need his own privacy time.

“Arasso~ but please take care of yourself and be safe, okay?” I give my last word as I tap on his shoulder. He chuckled and taps my hand twice.

“Hyung, I’m not a kid anymore ofcourse I know how to take care of myself and be safe too. Don’t worry about me; I’ll be back before dark. Annyeonghi!”  I smile to him until he was nowhere to be seen. I went back to the kitchen and continue my work.

“Hurm, what should I cook today?”

[End of Sungje P.O.V]

Meanwhile, at the mall…

[Ji Yoon P.O.V]

I put on my cap and took all the shopping bag I was carrying. “Hurmph! Stupid Geonil, who does he think he is to make me feel like this. He and his stupid smile are really making me crazy.”

I mumbled to myself and keep on walking around the mall. “OMG!” I’m nearly shouted when I saw a tall guy with a grey hoodie and a black cap standing just a few feet from me. I quickly hide myself behind the wall beside me and take a quick peek on that guy again.

“arghhh!! Not again~ what is he doing here??” I tap on my head.

“What am I talking about? This is shopping mall of course he can be here. Hurmm… Doesn’t he have somewhere else to go??” I pouted and take a peek on him again. He was looking at the shoes store. Seem like he interested with the shoes they put at the glass wall.

“Huh! He’s moving… where did he wanna go anyway?” I quickly followed him from behind and lowered my cap so he won’t recognize me easily.

He was walking around the mall and looking at every single thing that capture his interest but he didn’t buy anything. Every time he stops and looks at the store, I quickly hide myself, he can’t see me or I’m busted.

Hurmm… what now? Another pit stop??

He stop right in front a store and stares at it for quite some time, his face shows that he was thinking of something and he seems a bit unhappy with what he was thinking about, I wonder why is that?? I take a look at the store. Hurmm… it is a… toy store?? What is it about this store that makes him looks so gloomy? He walks into the store and go straight to the remote controlled car. He took one of the cars and holds it for awhile. The expression that he had on his face reminds me of something but I cannot recall what it is. He put down the car and walks out from the store.

[End of Ji Yoon P.O.V]

[Geonil P.O.V]

I saw something on my way out from the mall; it was a remote controlled car. That thing reminds me over something, a memories that I used to have with my father. I walk into the store and hold the car.


“I’ll teach you how to play it this weekend, okay?”

“Jeongmal? You are going to teach me how to play it abeoji?”

“Ne, I promised! Just wait till this weekend and I’ll be free enough to teach you. Arasso?”

“Hurm!” I nodded happily when I heard that promise.


 I’ve been very close to my father since I was born and even though he is a very busy man, he always had time for me but I guess, he can’t keep his last promises to me. He was admitted to the hospital a few days after he makes that promise. I still remember that day, it was Thursday. When I went to see him, I could see in his eyes that he feel guilty to me. I don’t want him to feel guilty over something that is not under his control, so I refuse to see him after that because I don’t want him to feel guiltier every time he saw me.

I put down the remote controlled car and walk out from the store.

“If only you know how much I miss you on that days, abeoji…”

[End of Geonil P.OV]

[Ji Yoon P.O.V]

“Huh?? Where should I hide? Hide!!” Thank God, there is a tree in the big vase beside me.

“HUWAAA~ sob…sob…EOMMA!!” I quickly turned to a little boy who is still crying at the corner. The boy was just as tall as my waist and h

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striped-cat #1
Chapter 1: your english is not that bad... i mean, as long as you can communicate your ideas to the audience, and we understand you thoughts, that' all that matters. :)
Congrats on random featureّ
lovelyme23 #3
ExoticAnqel #4
Congrats on random feature, Yat~
Congrats on the feature!