
One Day in Love (Complete)
Chapter 32

~Your POV

-Our love caused enough trouble. Well, my one sided part at least. Why is love pain? Why? Is loving someone a sin? What haven’t been cleared up is what made me jealous. Why couldn’t he explain that? Taemin has said that it wasn’t how it looks. Then how does it look? I sighed. The doctor came in.

-“_______, you are a lucky girl! You don’t have many serious damages, just a broken leg. You will have to learn to use crutches for a while. Your head is healing nicely. You should be able to be checked out of the hospital in 2 weeks.” She smiled.

-“Thank you very much.”

-“Your welcome. By the way, your boyfriend is handsome. He seems to care for you very much. Don’t lose him to anyone!” She winked.

-“He’s not my boyfriend.” I said plainly.

-“Well, that’s a shame. You guys make a great couple. Rest well.” With that, she closed the door. Nosy ajummas. Aish.

~Key’s POV

-She didn’t take me back. Why? I was in my room, crying. My door busted open. It was Minho.

-“She..didn’t..take me..back” I said between sobs. He patted my back.

-“Did you tell her about Victoria doing that to everyone? And did you figure out who did that to her yet?” I shook my head.

-“Well, then, let’s go visit her.” He dragged me out the door. He led me to the shops near the dorm. He went into a flower shop and bought different coloured roses. My eyes widened.

-“You… her?” I asked, pointing to them.

-“She’s alright. Good personality. But her heart taken by you. These are flowers you are going to give her, ok?” He shoved them into my hand.

-“Ohh…ok.” I understood. We went to the hospital to find her. We went to her room. We opened the door. It was empty. We decided to wait a while, maybe she was in the washroom. We waited for half an hour. I was getting worried. Where could she be? We split up and went to search for her. I went downstairs to the garden. I saw her trying to use crutches. She was trying really hard. I started walking towards her, trying not to disturb her. She slipped, and I caught her but we both fell on the grass. My head hit the tree trunk slightly, and she was safe in my arms. She got up and saw me.

-“Thanks for catching me.” She said quietly. She held out her hand to help me up. I took it. But since her arm was weak, I ended up pulling her down with me, kissing her. Her eyes widened as she tried to escape. I put my arms tightly around her so she wouldn’t leave. She started hitting me with tears in her eyes. I let go of her, and she ran away, streaming in tears. What now?

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nice written ^^
lol..i just finish reading this one on winglin<br />
lol..<br />
its very good!!
hi there. ^^<br />
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