A Secretive Visit

One Day in Love (Complete)
Chapter 26

~Your POV

-Wow. Life is sure boring when your friends are out on dates with their boyfriends and you are single. Jasmine was with Cheon Doong . Casey with Jae Joong. Christy with Sungmin and Kim with Taeyang. There was not point to go on Facebook when no one will respond. Hmm.. I’m hungry. I should go make dinner now. Oh yeah, I owed Taemin dinner. I guess I should give him something I owed him.

-“Tae-Tae! Come eat dinner with me! I owed you.” I texted.

-“No, I’m mad at you. Even your delicious food can’t apologize enough.” Came the response. Aish, how troublesome. I ate dinner and slept early. There was nothing better to do.

Key’s POV

-I miss her. I really do. Aish. Victoria is so sticky. Why is she always there? I looked at the clock. 12:54AM. _______ should be asleep by now. It wouldn’t hurt to pay a quick visit secretively. I crept out the dorm. No one else was awake. Good. I drove directly to her house. I used the key around my neck to open the door. I looked inside. It was dark and I could barely see. I some lights and went to her room. She was sleeping peacefully in the dark. Afraid, she was going to wake up I went in the dark and sat on the bed. I brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. It was something I missed dong, watching her sleep. I put the blanket properly on her and closed the door. I found some paper and folded it to a rose. With a post it note, I wrote: “Something I was suppose to give you, but instead fell in the wrong hands. - Oppa” I left it beside her computer and left.

~Your POV

-I woke up earlier than usual. I ate breakfast and went to my computer. I turned it on. A white figure caught my eye. It was a rose and a note that read: Something I was suppose to give you, but instead fell in the wrong hands. - Oppa”. What was that suppose to mean? I studied the rose. It was carefully folded, every line creased. Something only an expert would know, like me. I did origami for years. And I remembered I used to learn some arty things like that from Key. AHHH!! WHY DO I ALWAYS THINK OF HIM!? But most of all, HOW DID THIS FLOWER GET IN MY HOUSE!!!! HOW FREAKY IS THAT!!!! I looked at the clock. I was gong to be late for work. Damn! I ran out the door and went to work.

~Key’ POV

-I woke up and I saw Victoria near me.


-“Jonghyun Oppa let me in. He said you were awake.” I looked down. Good I had my clothes on. Who knows? Girls can too. That girl sure is creepy.

-“Screw him.” I muttered under my breathe.

-“So what are we doing today?”


-“Yes, we.” She said sweetly.

-“I wasn’t planning anything. I wanted to chill and the dorm.”

-“Oppa, you really don’t want to do anything today?” She got on the bunk bed and inched closer to me. She was wearing a small tank and short shorts that exposed a lot. What a .

-“Yeah I’m sure now can you get off my bed?”

-“Fine.” She pouted. She had a nice smile but I hate everything else about her. She keeps clinging to my arm that I gave up shaking her off. And from time to time, she would hug me and put her forehead on mine and it looks like we’re kissing. Who does she thinks she is? _______?

-“Can you go now? I want some peace and quiet today.” I hope she could take a hint.

-“Whatever.” She went out of the room and I went right back to sleep.

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nice written ^^
lol..i just finish reading this one on winglin<br />
lol..<br />
its very good!!
hi there. ^^<br />
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