A Sudden Wake Up

One Day in Love (Complete)
~Your POV

-"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, as I woke up. I looked around, and couldn't recognize where I was.

-"Are you OK?", a male voice said.

-I turned around to see Key Oppa staring back at me, with worried eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Where am I?"

-"The hospital. You have been unconscious for days. I found you lying on the floor in the kitchen when I went to look for you. I rang your doorbell but no one answered, so I used my emergency key you gave me to open the door. See?" He proudly pulled out a copy of my house key on a chain he wears around his neck wherever he goes.
I smiled that he remembered he has my house key.

-"You must be hungry. You haven't eaten anything in days, unless you count those clear liquids they injected in your arm." He pointed at the clear liquid still hanging on the rack with a needle in my arm.

-"Yeah, I am hungry. Plus why were you looking for me?"


-"Before you brought me here?" I wondered what could've been so important that he had to come all the way to my house.

-"Oohh!!! That. No reason. Just wanted to visit you 'cause I missed you.", he said with a smile. "Thank God I did too. Who knows what would've happned if I wasn't there."

-"You probably would've been the first person to find out if I was dead or something. You call me every five minutes when I'm not with you!"

~Key's POV

-"Well, I'm always worried about you, always bumping in to things, making a mess." Geez, I thought, can't this girl take I hint that I like her? Women are so complicated. They always were. Always needed us men to figure them out like a puzzle. But hey, I wouldn't be called "Almighty Key" for nothing.

-She blushed and asked "So why did I faint?"

- "Lack of sleep. So typical, coming from you. You never sleep! I can never understand why you can't part from your computer every night. It's not that hard."

-"Well then, Key Umma, what are we eating? I'm hungry." She said, clutching her stomach.

-"Let's go then, to the cafeteria!" I said grabbing her hand.

-"OW! OW! OW!" I heard her say as we headed out the door.

-"What?" I turned my head to see what happened.

-"The needle is still stuck in my arm!!" she screamed.

-"Whoops. Sorry." I said giving her a quick hug to apologize. "I'll get the nurse. Wait here."

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nice written ^^
lol..i just finish reading this one on winglin<br />
lol..<br />
its very good!!
hi there. ^^<br />
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