Himchan - When it's your birthday and he has to give you a present

B.A.P Scenarios

‘Spaghetti check, sauce check, wine check and lastly cheesecake check’ Himchan mentally checked each item off as he unloaded it from the bag and onto the kitchen table. ‘Perfect’ He applauded himself and then began preparing the food.

‘Aww hyung, you shouldn’t have’ Daehyun cooed to Himchan as he made a move for the cheesecake in the fridge. However in a flash Daehyun’s hands were slapped away and the fridge slammed shut leaving Daehyun stood there dumfounded.

‘That’s not for you, that’s for _______ and I to eat for dessert tonight’ He stated to the younger who gave him a pout.

‘Wah! No fair! Can I not even have a slice?’


‘What about a nibble on the edg-‘

‘I said ani, now get out of my kitchen’

‘Arasso, arasso ummachan’ Daehyun snickered and left without another word.

‘Aigo that kid is annoying’ He scratched his head but then smiled at the thought of tonight. It was your birthday and he was going to cook you a romantic meal with wine and your favorite dessert. (Which coincidentally was also Daehyun’s)

He’d been preparing for this for a while but he’d never really cooked a whole meal before, even if he did buy ready made sauce and spaghetti. The closest to this he’d ever been was ramen but who can’t cook that really. He just hoped that him trying his best was good enough for you.

Despite it being your birthday your day had been tedious, full of rushing around and completing work that was long overdue. You’d received gifts and birthday greetings of course but still you couldn’t afford to slack off just because today was the day you were born 22 years ago. You were free now though, work had ended and you didn’t have to step foot in that place for a whole week. You walked quickly to Himchan’s dorm, just thinking of the warmth of his hug and the peacefulness of the place was enough to have you basically running.

The relief your shoulder felt when you slid your bag down your arm to root for the key was the 1st relaxing thing of the night as small as it was it made a big difference.

The door clicked and you pushed on it gently expecting to be met with near silence but the reality was completely opposite. There was the clatter of pots and pans as well as the occasional yell which you knew for definite came from Himchan’s mouth. You sighed and let the door swing back into it’s place so you could lock it, kicking off your shoes you made your way to the source of the commotion. 

There he was. Your precious boyfriend stood amidst all the chaos. There were dirty pots stacked in the sink and the smell of something gone wrong in the air. You smiled at the clueless look on his face as he tried his hardest to figure out where he was making a mistake. He looked away from the stove and noticed you stood in the door way.

‘Ani, why are you back so early? Get out!’ He squealed, running towards you.

‘Channie, what are you on about it’s 7:15pm I’m always here at this time?’ You stated as you were shoved ever so lightly into the next room.

‘Chincha? Is it really that late? Omo I really fail’ He pouted, scratching the back of his head.

‘What were you even attempting?’ You chuckled, patting his cheek.

‘Well I wanted to do something special for your birthday so I decided to make you a meal but well you saw the kitchen’ He gave you a weak smile and your eyes softened.

‘Aigo Channie that’s so sweet’ You grabbed his hand to reassure him but he winced when you did so an you noticed the burn on his hand, probably from the boiling water.

‘Yah! Did you run that under cold water?’ You questioned and he shook his head. You mentally scolded him and pulled him towards the kitchen sink, pulling everything out of it you ran the tap and stuck his hand under it. The contact of the cold had him pulling it back but you forced it under again.

‘Pabo, why did you not do anything about it?’ You asked, giving him a look of disapproval.

‘I was too focused on the meal to care. I didn’t want to disappoint you by messing up your birthday’

‘Himchan I would never be disappointed with you please remember that. Your health and wellbeing are far more important than my birthday’ You pecked his lips lightly and gave him a small smile. ‘Just having you here with me is enough arasso’ 

He nodded and returned your smile. 

‘Happy Birthday ________-ah, saranghae’ He stated pulling you into a hug.

‘Kamsamnida, nado saranghae. Wait, yah your hand is wet!! NOOOO!!’

Himchan burst out laughing at your little cry.

‘Yah! You won’t be laughing in a minute when I kick you in the ’ You warned.

‘You’ll have to catch me first’ He challenged, dashing of out of the kitchen.


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Chapter 8: Poor Jongup. He gets to blame for the bruise. Lol xD
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww.... :")
Chapter 6: Hihihihihihi.....pne of my most embarrasing moment. Lol xD Oh well, if get to be with Gukkie~ it doean't matter. ^o^
Chapter 5: Why am I getting jealous? O.O
Chapter 4: Forever he Derpchan. I love you too Channie~ ♥
Chapter 3: Oh you! I don't mind at all! :")
Chapter 2: Oh Yongguk! Will you please stop......stop being so y. How am even to start with Jongup and with Junhong! My two baby!
Chapter 1: Awwwww... I totally love Zelo's part! Awwwwwwwwwwwww........ ♥♥♥
I didn't know I subscribed here long before. :)
Tyyboo #10
Chapter 27: Yahh chongmal kyoptaaa :xxxxx