Chapter Twenty-Six

Number One





"Jay?" I called out. 


I closed my bedroom door and walked towards the kitchen. I saw a note stuck onto the fridge door. I walked closer and took it from the fridge. 


"Misuk." It was in Jaebeoms messy handwriting. 


I continued reading. 


"I guess I'm too chicken to tell you this right now. You're right. I waited too long. I stood there like an idiot by your side for all these years without telling you that I was madly in love with you. I got comfortable. I thought that one day you'd realize and everything would just fall into place. I didn't expect someone else would steal your heart and I was too late." 


My teardrops fell onto the piece of paper. 


"Which is why I think I should go. I'm going to America. I got signed by a label. They got my audition from years ago! But they're still considering me. I was going to tell you but I was so mad I forgot. Heh, stupid Bum eh? Take care Misuk.


Your Pink Grandpa, 




I instantly run to his bedroom and open the door. His bed was stripped from its sheets and the closet was empty. I run into the bathroom. 


"Jaebeom please don't joke like this." I gritted through my teeth. 




"No." I cried. 


I run back out of the room and out of the house. Please be leaving just right now. Don't leave me Jay. 


"I'm so stupid." I muttered to myself. I ran out of the house, no one there to be seen. The streets were empty, no short boy that looked like he's from Seattle.


I fall onto the ground and sobbed in my hands. 


"I'm so sorry Jay." I sobbed. 


I looked at the note once more and noticed there was another line. 


"P.S. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise." 


- - 


"Jay!" I yelled out, catching up to him. 


"Where have you been?" He asked me, looking at me from head to toe. 


My knees were covered in dirt and so were my shoes, my shirt, my skirt and my face.


"What happened to you?!" He yelled out, brushing my face off of dirt. 


"N-nothing." I lied. I didn't want him to know I was bullied by his 'fangirls' again. I didn't know people still bullied one another during 5th grade. I thought it was just in the movies. 


He sighed. "I know when you're lying. It was them again huh?" He asked. 


I couldn't do anything else but nod my head. 


He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the playground. Jay's so called 'fangirls' were hanging out at the slides. 


"Oppa!" They all squeaked, instantly standing up.


"I don't care if you guys like me, but Misuk is my best friend. If you keep hurting her, I'll never forgive you guys. I don't care if you're girls either." He told them. 


I was standing next to him in awe. 


I thought he liked one of them, Mihyun. She looked like she was about to cry. 


"Got that?" He gave them a mean look and Jay pulled me away once more. 


"Just tell me whoever hurts you and I'll kick their butts. I'm always here for you Misuk, don't forget that." He smiled at me. 


I nodded my head and hugged him. 


"Promise?" I asked. 


"I'll never leave your side no matter what." He said. 

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burgetbutt #1
<br />
AiAddict #2
AAAAAAAAAA!!! I love this fic!<br />
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good job >_<
koreankendi #3
Yey. They're friends again!<br />
I hope though that jay and jiyong got along in the end. :p<br />
Good job w/ the fic!!
awwww, well at least their friendship is still there^^
winterflowr #5
Poor Jay--but they're still friends! Jiyong is soo lucky!
Omg! love this story! Awwww.. Poor Jay! Poor misuk! haha taec and Seungri broke down the door! Loved that door! Lol! Update soon please!
burgetbutt #7
8( That door was my favorite character in the whole story! Why'd you gotta break it down?
winterflowr #8
They broke the door! lol<br />
Poor Minsuk...
LOL now they will need to replace a new door.