Chapter Twenty-Four

Number One

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, its a bit longer than the others, I apologize for the long wait. I'm on laptop leave and the only time I am able to go on is during weekends. Please comment ^^ Thank you for reading


Such a Beautiful Day

part. 2


We ran out of the restaurant in such a fast pace, I didn't recognize where we were. We both were still running, Jiyong was holding onto my hand as we ran. 


I started to feel butterflies flutter in my stomach but I immediately ignored them. I looked towards him and he was looking straight ahead, a big grin plastered on his face as we ran. 


We stopped in front of a shiny silver car. He opened the door for the passengers seat. 


"T-thanks." I muttered and entered the car. He quickly walked towards the drivers seat and entered the car as well. We both clicked on our seatbelts and Jiyong started the car. 


"So … where are we going exactly?" I asked. 


He looked at me and grinned. 


"You'll see." He said averting his attention to the front of the car. The roar of the engine caused me to flinch a bit, I saw Jiyong chuckle softly at the corner of my eye, I chose to ignore it. 


He started to drive out of the parking lot and minutes later, we were out of the busy streets of Seoul. I relaxed my body and leaned my back onto the seat. I looked out the window and stared into the clear blue sky. Jiyong suddenly rolled down the windows causing me to sit back up. 


"Sorry for startling you, I just thought you'd want to feel the cool wind." He said. 


"N-no its fine. Thanks." I replied, relaxing onto my seat once again, placing my arm onto the car door, resting my head onto my arm and peering out the window. 


I took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air. My heart suddenly felt at ease. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt drowsy. I suddenly hear Jiyong sing softly. 


We missed each other, and it makes me worry

Just to know the game it's all the same

What, it's this confusing


I opened my eyes then closed them quickly. My eyelids felt really heavy. 


Look at my eyes

You see my eyes

You see my lips

Listen to my heart

If you're listening answer me

Kiss me on the cheek

My memories

Yes my heart

Yes that be all I say

If our lovingness continues a lot

Then we'll never break up, trust me

I'll make love to you


- - - - 


I instantly wake up from my nap and instantly sat up. I blinked my eyes a few times and stretched my arms. I looked outside the window and noticed the sun was up in the sky. 


"How long was I asleep?" I asked Jiyong. 


"About an hour and thirty minutes. You seemed really tired. Didn't sleep well last night?" He asked. 


I instantly thought of what happened last night. 


"Y-yeah." I shook my head. 


"Want to talk about it?" He said, his eyes focused on the road. 


"Its fine." I say quickly, looking outside the window. 


"So, are we almost there?" I ask, looking at him. 


The sun hit him that he looked more handsome than he usually does. It made his features glow and the wind was also blowing in a way that made him look like a movie star.


"Almost." He said. 


"I still have to go back tonight," I said, "I have to go to dinner with my mom, she's leaving right after." 


"We'll be back in time." He said. 


I nodded my head and looked out the window once more. I took a deep breath and noticed the wind smelled salty. I closed my eyes and listened carefully. 


I heard a faint crashing of waves. But the car engine made it hard for me to really know.


Soon after, I started to hear seagulls and I smiled. 


"The beach?" I say, smiling. 


He nodded, still keeping his eyes glued to the front. He parked the car in front of the sand and he killed the engine. I immediately take off my seatbelt and practically jump out of the car. I close the door and ran towards the sand, taking off my shoes in the process. 


I felt the warm sand between my toes and started to spin around, feeling the sun hit my face. I smiled. I open my eyes and I see Jiyong watching me, smiling. 


I stop at my tracks and scratch my head, feeling embarrassed. He walked towards me and smiled. 


"Race you to the water?" He said, raising his eyebrow. 


I drop my shoes onto the sand, as well as my bag that had my belongings. I smile at him and instantly sprint towards the water, not giving him a warning. I start to laugh to myself, knowing I'll win. 


Right when I was about to touch the water, I felt two arms wrap around my waist and carry me up from the sand causing me to gasp in surprise. 


"We both win." He whispered in my ear. 


"Now I get to throw you into the water!" He yelled. 


"YAH!" I cried, grabbing his arms. 


He started to laugh and placed me down onto the sand. 


"You're so gullible." He laughed. 


"Meanie." I pouted, hitting him on his arm. 


Then I had an idea spark inside my mind. I stood behind Jiyong and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him flinch. 


"Already back hugging me? I told you." He said cockily. 


"Yeah, I've already fallen for you that quickly Kwon Jiyong." I said, nuzzling my nose onto his back. After a few seconds, I loosen my hold on him and forcefully push him into the water. 


He yelped and fell into the water, tumbling in. I started to laugh and clapped victoriously. 


After a few seconds he still didn't get up from the sand. 


"Yah, Jiyong, don't play around like that." I say, suddenly worried. I walked towards him, his eyes were closed. 


I kneeled down and looked down at his face. It looked like he was unconscious. 


"Yah, Jiyong!" I started to shake his arm. 


He suddenly opened his eyes and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I felt my cheeks instantly blush and I covered my mouth. He sat up from the sand, his whole body drenched in sea water. His clothes were stuck to his body and his hair was pressed down onto his head. 


He smiled, causing his eyes to shrink into crescent shapes. 


I hit him on the arm once again, I felt both shocked and embarrassed. 


"Lets go." He said, pushing himself off of the sand. I stand up and started to follow him. 


"Wait." I said, remembering about my things. I quickly ran back to where my stuff was and ran back to where Jiyong was standing. 


At the right side of the beach, there was a small house. We both walked towards it,  I was walking behind Jiyong looking around the area. I wasn't looking front, I hit his back. 


"Sorry." He said, rubbing my forehead. He grabbed my hand and both walked towards the house. He opened the door, inside of the house was a white couch and a large screen tv, and on the other side, there was a small kitchen with a refrigerator and a small table fit for two people. 


"I used to go here when I was young with my mom." He said. 


"Don't worry, one of my mothers maid's comes here every three days and cleans up the place and stocks the kitchen in case someone decides to come to the beach." He said. 


"So this whole beach …" 


"… is owned by my family." He said. 


"Wowww…" I said, astonished. 


Looking back, multiple times I'd forget that Jiyong was rich. He was so down to earth and kind, you wouldn't believe he was. Not unless you were associated with him by his other side. 


"I'll be back, I'm going to go and change. Make yourself at home." He said, walking towards a door. It must be a small room. I look around the house and walked into the kitchen. It was just a small kitchen, there was a rice cooker on the counter and a few empty jars. 


I heard my phone ring. I walk towards my bag and pick up my phone. 


"Misuk?" It was Jay. 




"Where are you?" He asked. 


Omo, I don't know what to say. 


"I-I'm with a friend." He is … sorta. 


"Oh, well, what time are you going back home?" He asked. 


"I'm not sure, but I'll be eating dinner with my mom so don't wait up for me if I'm late." I replied. 


I heard him sigh. "Okay." 


We both stayed on the line without talking. 


"Misuk … We have to talk-" 


I heard the door open. 


"Okay okay, I gotta go, bye Jay." I said and immediately hung up. 


Jiyong came out of the room wearing a white t-shirt and vibrant green pants. His hair was damp and a towel draped around his shoulders. 


I place my phone inside my bag and stand up from the couch. Jiyong looked at me questioningly. 


"So … What are we going to do now?" I ask him. 


He placed the towel onto the arm of the couch. 


"You will do nothing and I will cook us a late lunch." He said. 


"Serious?" I look at him, shocked. 


"What do you mean?" He said. 


"Well … remember last time you tried to do that?" I said. 


"Uh …." 


"Jiyong you almost burned down Seungri's place." 


"No, that wasn't my fault; you were helping me." 


I choked on air. 


"What? Me? Excuse me, but who was cooking the rice?" 


"You distracted me!" 


"Its not my fault you're easily distracted!" 


"Whatever, Misuk you will not step foot inside the kitchen till I'm finished." Jiyong said. 


"Then what do I do?" I ask him. 


He pointed to the television. 


"I'll get bored easily." 


He took a dvd from the drawer of the tv stand. He gave it to me. My eyes grew wide. 


"Y-you got this?" I asked him, stunned. It was a copy of White Christmas. 


"It just so happens that Hyuksoo had an extra copy to give out and my mom wanted to watch this." He said. 


"But how did you know I liked-" 


"I saw your phone one time, I was curious to see your wallpaper and I was stunned it was him." He sounded jealous. 


"Thanks." I said. 


"No problem." He smiled at me. 


- - - - 


In the middle of the 5th episode, I smelled a faint aroma of food. I look up from the tv to where Jiyong was. His back was turned around, I stood up from the couch and quietly walked towards the kitchen. 


"I can hear your footsteps." He said, I stood frozen at my tracks. 


"I'm almost done." He said, looking up at me. 


"Smells good." I look around. 


"Thanks." He said. I sat on one of the chairs at the table and watched him finish cooking. 


I've never seen him so concentrated to do one thing before. 


He smiled and took off the apron he was wearing. He grabbed two plates from the cabinets and forks. He placed it on front of me and where he was going to sit and then grabbed the big bowl of food. He placed it down and sat on his seat. 


"Omo." I gasped. 


"You like it?" He asked, picking up his fork. 


"Like it? Jiyong I love pasta!" I squealed, grabbing the serving fork and placing some of the food onto my plate. I started to feel giddy and spun a few strands of pasta onto my fork. I blew on it and took a bite. 


I looked at Jiyong and nodded my head. It was delicious. 


"I'm glad you like it." He smiled, taking a bite as well. 


I nodded my head, I couldn't speak. I was speechless. 


Soon after, I finished my plate and placed a few more scoops of the food onto my plate and eventually I was full. 


"That was great Jiyong." I said, patting my stomach. 


He suddenly stood up from his chair and walked towards me.  I sit up and looked at him, puzzled. He leaned down towards my face and looked directly into my eyes. I gulped, anticipating what he was going to do next. 


He leaned his face closer, I stayed still, not moving at all. He suddenly raised his left arm, his hand was holding a napkin. He brought it up to my face and wiped the corner of my mouth. 


"You had something on your face." He muttered. 


"Y-you could have said that to me." I felt my heart beat pound against my chest, I felt my face burning. 


His lips curved into a cocky smile. 


"Why? Falling for me already? I haven't even my charms yet." He smirked. 


I rolled my eyes and pushed my chair back, giving me more space away from him. 


"You wish I was." I said, crossing my arms. 


He placed his right hand onto the handle of my chair and leaned closer to me. 


"Or maybe …" 


"… What?" He leaned even closer, our noses were barely touching.


"You never stopped liking me." He smiled, cupping my chin. 


I looked straight in his eyes, his eyes looked so different from before. They looked … genuine. 


Soon his lips were centimeters away from mine, I slowly closed my eyes and leaned towards him, I felt his breath on my lips. 


"You're right." I whispered before our lips touched. 


I felt him smile against my lips. 


- - - - 


italicized - lyrics from Butterfly by G Dragon.

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burgetbutt #1
<br />
AiAddict #2
AAAAAAAAAA!!! I love this fic!<br />
<br />
good job >_<
koreankendi #3
Yey. They're friends again!<br />
I hope though that jay and jiyong got along in the end. :p<br />
Good job w/ the fic!!
awwww, well at least their friendship is still there^^
winterflowr #5
Poor Jay--but they're still friends! Jiyong is soo lucky!
Omg! love this story! Awwww.. Poor Jay! Poor misuk! haha taec and Seungri broke down the door! Loved that door! Lol! Update soon please!
burgetbutt #7
8( That door was my favorite character in the whole story! Why'd you gotta break it down?
winterflowr #8
They broke the door! lol<br />
Poor Minsuk...
LOL now they will need to replace a new door.