Chapter Seventeen

Lost In Mertan


A week later, snow came down like droplets and Siwon had awoken to find the others roasting marshemellows by a stove and placing their heads on top of it to stop themselves from freezing to statues of ice. It was near amys birthday and the boys hadn't decided of what to buy her yet, they hadn't known what she had liked and sungmin said they should by her a therapy book but that'd be just too cruel (they'd do it for Christmas instead), and decided that they'd go shopping a 3 days before, her birthday being a week after, and then after that there silent day would commence. Siwon was interrogated alot about the reason why he didn't approve of gay people, and he replied simply with the answer, I was brought up in a family of Christians and they do not approve of them and that they are considered an abnormity and if they had any decency, they would abstrain from gay marriage and so, which mary couldn't listen to anymore, but siwon said that he didn't agree to it at all, and that he accepts the idea of gay marriage and such but he just didn't want to partake in the occasion-though siwon showed the most skinship out of the members-otherwise he'd feel as though he was betraying his parents, which they couldn't argue with that.

"its okay siwon." Said mary. "atleast your not condemning me to hell." She added.

"siwon, since you are the one who shows the most skinship, I'd expect, you to be the one less against it. I was wrong." Said heechul. "lets go drink some beer with hang geng."

Opening a new pack of pink and white marshemellows they all agreed that it took to long to cook and decided to place the marshmellow closest to the centre, the hottest area of all and when donghae did, te stick caught on fire and hang geng took a fire extinguisher and sprayed it, the other members of super junior coughed and evacuated the area.

"give us a warning first hang geng you crazy bastard." Said amy spitting, her head was becoming dizzy.

"okay, who wants more marshmellows?" donghae offered and they contuined cooking their marshmellows, when kangin had an idea to go sleding, whatever that was, and that he happened to have brought one 'coincidentally' and that they should use it. The others having been bored agreed to the concept and within minutes found themselves dressed in snugly jumpers and hoddies, with big pants and when sungmin got out, the others tought of him as a snow man from the layers of clothes he had on and jumped on and which he screamed and didn't feel a thing, I guess the clothes acted like bubble wrap which he didn't mind.

"so who wants to go first?" kangin offered, looked down a tall, straight hill of snow and gulped.

"WHO VOTES KANGIN?" they yelled and kangin was forced to get on the thing along with ryeowook whom was forced to get on with him for the fun of it and hang geng, the suspect of now what to be their future death, pushed them down the hill in which they screamed nad prayed.

"oh god if I die now, take the other members of super junior with me amen."

"WHAT?" yelled ryeowook hugging kangin as they reached the end.

"WE'RE ALIVE!" said kangin. "god, I take back everything I said amen."

"HOW WAS IT?" yelled super junior member donghae.

"AWESOME!" yelled kangin happily.

"YEA GREAT!" said ryeowook happily.

"OKAY NOW WALK ALL THE WAY BACK UP HERE!" yelled donghae and kangin and ryeowook did so.

"want to go on the sled with me?" asked sungmin to amy and she smiled back. "i can protect you. i can be your bubbly wrap."

"sure." she replied and when the others had went, and it was no wtheir turn they went on.

"SUNGMINS TOO FAT TO FIT." yelled donghae.

"take off the other 25 jumpers you have on then maybe you'll fit!" suggested heechul.

after sungmin took off 15 jumpers, they were elgiible in fitting and was pushed down by hang geng, but sungmin having been too fat had to also have the help of kangin, and in which groaned. "i think this time sungmin you have to take off your pants." and when he pushed them off, they screamed, and amy could swear that sungmin screamed louder than she did and when they wee towards the middle of it they were sent flying off of the sled when it hit a smal lbump and both of them landed first face onto the snow, sungmin having been too fat from all the clothes worn couldn't turn around. upon seeing this, amy ran to him and turned him around.

"lets do it again!" he cried happily and amy felt like slapping him.

"too late the sleds broken." said siwon and they were forced to go inside.

"go on the sled again?" said amy crazily as she warmed his face up with bags of hot water wraped in cloth.

"that was fun..." he said sadly. "too bad the sleds broken..."

"so what can we do?" said siwon, bored.

"we can't do anything." said hang geng.

"we could..." said mary her face on the sofa, opened bored. "roast more marshmellows..."

"i think i've eaten enough marshmellows for today." said heechul. "rigth pinky?"

"MR PINKY!" said victoria lashing at it, shes asked heechul for the toy for weeks.

"why is it that whenever we go wokr we wish he had a day off, then whenever we have a day off ew have nothing to do?" said kangin referring to this week.

ryeowook suddenly got out of his chair. "I KNOW. I BROUGHT A ROMANCE MOVIE LAST WEEK." he said and went into his room and opened his wardrobe and took it out and showed them enthusastically. "I HEARD ITS GOOD!"

"yea i heard its corny." said Julia. "just what we need right now after amy and sungmng broke the sled and feel on their faces. totally what we need."

"I SAY WE WATCH IT." said sungming happily.

"i say we put it away." said siwon.

"i say so too." said arena. "unless its korean, if its korean and has a bunch of hot guys i wanna watch it."

"i doubt it arena, remmeber we live in mertain, we have don't like connecting with other countries." said julia. "actually, lets watch it. anythings better than sitting here doing nothing."

"i'm going to make some brownies." amy asid.

"me too." said hang geng.

after hang gegn and amy had finishe dmaking the brownies amy and hang geng returned to watch and asked 'whats happening?" by now the others were in tears and were cursing ryeowook for gettin gsuch a sad movie and amy and hangeng began lauhging at them, inside the kitchen hangegn adn amy were seriously baking some brownies and concertration and sweat were evaporating into the air like vapour and as soon as they opene dthe door to the living room, they were exposed to an atmosphere so depressing that hangeng yelled to close the door before it was too late. the others not having noticed the loud audible 'bang' like they were deaf or something said nothing, still engrossed in the movie that was taking place and hangegn and amy after eating the brownies, feeling very alone and talking about how creepy that was decided to join them despite what they said themselves.

"you open it." said amy closign her eyes.

"no you." said hang geng closign her eyes.

"you open it." said amy closing her eyes and reaching for the handle and grasped it. "okay on 3, we both push it open. 1, 2, 3!"

and hang geng and amy pushed it together and that same ambiance filled them and they took seats in the centre and kangin said indifferently to move his fat head out of the way and where they took a seat to the side, since they knew nothing of what was happening they were completely bored out of their minds as they did a face palm and ate their brownies.

"OH NO! ENIWHA! NO! ENIWHA!" yelled heechul.

"when the hell is this going to end?" amy said and the others asked her to shut up and she did and where amy and hangeng exchanged looks like they were all crazy an sat there until the end, after what to be another 2 hours, they finally understood some bits of it and were 'kinda' into the movie and by another hour and 30 minutes they were now really into it and screaming "NO NO! DON'T DIE!" with the others.

after 3 hour they had finished the last episode and amy and hangeng were basically crying their eyes out, literally, and were basically hugging each other in pain.

"NO! NO! WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO?" they cried together and by now it was night and the others were hungry and each contuinously swore to ryeowook for choosing such a sad movie and amy and hangeng prepared dinner for them and after they had finished, they heard a loud boom sound and each got up from their chair and observed where the noise orignated from, they were lead outside the balcony hurridely as stupid as that sounds and were exposed to shooting fireworks, as beautiful as the night sky as the snow contuined to fall liek crystals and they couldn't have asked for a better day, and then amy felt someone grip her wrist and she looked to her right hastily and saw sungmin there, smiling at her, she smiled back, her heart beating so fast that she felt liek she was going to space out and when that fire cracker hit the sky once more, her heart felt like it exploded and he reached for her hand and amy for his and they couldn't have asked for a perfect moment as they watched the sky spew out sparkling colours.


"oh no no no!" said the person in black behind the camera screens. "thats right... enjoy your happy times together... because good things don't last forever..." and they crackled a laugh.

dear diary: today was pretty fun, that sad movie was pretty sad. i will kill ryeowook. these movies from korea aren't that bad actually.

Love Julia-

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