Chapter 16

EXO: Girlhood?

To say Chen was angry was an understatement. 

Too much of an understatement. 

There Xiumin was, flaunting his pale legs out on the beach. 

Wearing only a baggy white shirt to cover his torso. 

By now, Chen was fuming and his entire face had turned red. 


Xiumin turned around with the most innocent face anyone could have. Well except, you know, Luhan. 

"Hmm?" Xiumin stared at him, waiting for an answer. 

"C-can you come over here..?" Chen sighed. 


Xiumin came walking,"What's wrong?" 

"Can't you wear something else?" Chen frowned and handed him a jacket and pat the area next to him. 

"Why? I like playing in the ocean. Besides, I can't do it with a jacket!" Xiumin pouted and handed him back the jacket. 

"XIUMIN~~~!!! Come on!!" Luhan yelled and waved from the ocean. 

Xiumin perked up,"Love you~ Bye!!" 

Chen sighed again. 

-With Kaisoo- 

"Kai~~" Kyungsoo was being abnormally cute. "Come play with me~" 

"I want to get a tan though." 

Kyungsoo huffed,"Fine, I'll go play with someone else then." 

Kai thought he meant he was going to hang out with their other friends. 

He was proved wrong when Kyungsoo headed over to the beach and was approached by a group of guys. 

"Hey, you wanna hang out with us?" 

"Yeah come on!" 

Kyungsoo giggled,"Sure~" 

Kai shot up,'What?' 

He saw Kyungsoo heading in another direction with the group of guys huddling around him. 

Kai felt anger boil through his body. He stomped over and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. 

"You aren't going anywhere." 

Kyungsoo frowned,"You didn't wanna play with me earlier, so why now?" 

"Hey dude, you didn't take the chance. She's ours now." 

Kai punched the guy in the face,"No, she's mine. Come on Kyungsoo." 

Kyungsoo smiled secretly in his head,'Awww.. He's so sweet.' 

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Kai shouted at him. 

Kyungsoo had big eyes, even bigger than normal. Kai had never yelled at him. 

"W-well you were too engrossed in getting a tan that you didn't even play with me!" Kyungsoo protested. 

Kai turned red,"And that's an invitation for you to go and flirt with other guys?!" 

"Well maybe if you weren't so conscious of yourself you wouldn't be in this mess!" Kyungsoo shot back, he was getting angry over no reason! 

"But you don't get it, you're MY boyfriend. And being MY boyfriend means you can't flirt with other people." Kai tightened his grip on Kyungsoo's wrist and pulled him in for a hug. "I hate it when you do that. It makes me so angry I can't even explain it." 

Kyungsoo's gaze softened,"S-sorry.." 

Kai smiled and pecked him on the lips,"You better be." 

"But I was forced to make you jealous!" he suddenly cried. 

Kai raised an eyebrow,"What?" 

"Baekhyun-hyung!" Kyungsoo explained. "He made me wear this dress." 

Kai's mentality snapped. 

Byun Baekhyun... 

-With Taoris- 

"Tao.. What are you..?" Kris was at a loss for words. 

Tao had on a black swimsuit. 

A two piece black swimsuit. 

"Kris? What's wrong? What were you saying?" Tao leaned down to take Kris's temperature. "No fever.." 

"What the hell are you wearing?" Kris finally spat out the words he had wanted to say for a long time. 

"A swimsuit." Tao replied curtly. 

"I know that." Kris rolled his eyes and took off his black t shirt. "Wear this over." 

"But I want to swim." Tao pouted. 

"Tao. Just wear it." Kris growled and tossed the flimsy material onto Tao's lap. 

"No way! I'm going swimming with Baekkie-hyung." Tao frowned and ran off. 

Kris smacked his forehead,'Damn you Huang ZiTao. Damn you.' 

Kris watched as many guys seemed to suddenly appear at the site, eyes traveling all over Tao. 

Why was it that Tao didn't understand? He was a girl now. And girls received attention from guys if they look like Tao. Especially if they're in a two piece swimming suit. (A/N: Please don't be offended by this DX I just wanted to put it in to portray Kris's feelings. Damn. That sounded deep XD) 

He watched as Tao played in the water with Baekhyun, splashing and laughing. 

Chanyeol didn't look very comfortable either. 

"They can't seem to cover up." Chanyeol pouted. 

"..." Kris didn't respond. 

He was glaring at every single male that seemed to be looking at Tao in any way. Each one of them running away after seeing his glare. 

"You have to teach me how to do that someday." Chanyeol tried to glare. 

"You just need your derp face. You'll scare them off with that." Kris snorted. 

Chanyeol pouted again,"You're nice!" 

Tao came over to Kris,"Kris~~!" 

Kris's head snapped up,"Yeah?" 

"I need your help.." Tao blushed. 

Kris gulped,"W-with what?" 

"My sunblock washed off." 

Kris slapped himself in his head. 

Was this seriously happening to him? 

"U-uh, well.. Do you want me to put it on?" Kris couldn't believe he was stuttering. 

"Yup!" Tao nodded and handed him a bottle of sunblock. 

He uncapped the bottle, squirting out the white sunblock and rubbed it on his hands,"Uhm.. Where....?" 

"My back." Tao sat in between Kris's legs, waiting for him to put the sunblock on. 

Kris hesitantly put his hands on Tao's back, spreading the sunblock around his pale back. 

"Y-you're done.." Kris blushed and pretended to wash off the remaining sunblock. 

"Thanks!" Tao kissed him deeply once, then headed out to play again. 

Kris let out a gigantic breath he didn't know he was hiding. 

Oh god. That seriously just happened to him. 


I stared at Baekhyun. 

That piece of bacon was wearing stuff that pieces of bacon should NEVER wear. I shuddered. 

Curse you, swimsuits. 

I couldn't stop my eyes from rapidly looking over Baekhyun, inspecting every single corner of his body. 

I felt like such a ert. 

Oh who am I kidding.

I'm a derpy ert. 

"Stop eye Bacon." Sehun snorted and showed up with Chen who was sulking. 

"What's up with Chen?" I nudged Chen's stomach, only to be rewarded with silence. 

"Xiumin.." Chen let out a ghastly whisper. 

I followed his line of sight and saw Xiumin in a baggy shirt. 


Chen pouted,"But-but it's see through!" 

I smacked my forehead. 

Who knew I wouldn't be the dumbest one today?


"Tao, I wanna go get some shaved ice, wanna come?" I peeked over at the shaved ice station parked on the edge of the beach. 


I got some money for myself and Tao, waiting in line. 

"Which flavor do you want?" I chirped to Tao who was looking over the menu. 

"Hmmm... Grape!" Tao pointed to the 'grape' flavor. 

"Then..~ I'll get... Kiwi!" I giggled. I love hanging out with my friends~~ 

"Hey, you two are cute." 

Some guys dressed in swimming trunks surrounded us, blocking our way. 

I looked at Tao with furrowed eyebrows. He didn't look very convincing, but he didn't look scared either. 

It's okay, I'm with a wushu panda. He knows how to kick butts. Harshly. I'm protected. 

"U-uh... Thanks..?" I tilted my head. 

"Want to come hang out with us? We can go get some dinner." a guy with dyed blonde hair wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"No thanks!" I squeaked in surprise. "T-Tao.. Let's go." 

"Aw.. don't be like that.." the guy rubbed my arm. 

"CH-CHANYEOL!" I yelled and closed my eyes. 


"Hey Bae- who the hell are you?" Chanyeol spat out the words, glare hard on his face. 

Did he learn to glare from Kris? I swear, he has Kris's glare on right now. 

"I'm her new boyfriend. Get lost derpy." 

Chanyeol pouted,"Why does everyone hate my derp face?!" 

Despite the situation I giggled,"Because you look funny when you have your derp face on." 

The guy beside me boomed in laughter,"Hear that? She thinks you look funny. Let's go." 

I slapped his hand,"No way!" 

Chanyeol growled,"Get the hell away." 

Tao was stuck in the middle of the conversation, looking hopelessly lost. 

The guy snorted,"As if, dude. I'm not leaving." 

"And exactly what are you doing?" 

I heard Kris's deep voice. 

He had his scary face on. 

It's.. not pleasant. Sometimes I wonder how Tao even.. I don't even... What? 

"Hey, dude. So, we just wanted to pick up some girls, and this guy just comes up and picks a fight! You'll help a brother out, right?" some guy holding-- or more like forcing Tao, to hold his hand complained. 

"That's complete BS!" Chanyeol yelled back. 

"If you don't wanna die, I think you should let go of my girlfriend's hand. Like now." Kris glared hard at the guy holding Tao's hand. 

He released it immediately and Tao whimpered when he was pulled in by Kris. 

"You," he pointed to blondie. "Let go of my friend's girlfriend. Now." 

He scoffed,"Fine, let's go dude." 

"Tao, come with me." Kris dragged Tao from the beach to the hotel. 

Poor Tao.. 

"Baekhyun." Chanyeol's face was stoic. 

"Baby..?" I whimpered. 

"You. Come to our room. Now." 

-With Taoris: 3rd Person- 

​"What were you doing?!" Kris yelled at Tao who was now sitting on the bed. 

"I-I was getting shaved ice with Baekhyun-hyung..!" 

"And you had to get flirted with?!" Kris's face had turned red with anger, fists trembling. 

"I didn't want to! It wasn't my fault!" Tao protested and shot to his feet, unbelieving what he was being accused for. 

"You should know that you," Kris came dangerously close. "Belong to me." 

Kris tackled him onto the bed, biting his neck once harshly. 

"Kris! It h-hurts!" 

By now Kris had practically lost his mind, biting and nibbling on Tao's neck, knowing that a bruise would form. 

He stopped and got up, looking at the product of his work. 

A large purple and red bruise had formed on Tao's neck. Kris knew it would be hard to hide, even with loads of makeup. 

"Show that to everyone in this damn world." Kris kissed him deeply, waiting until Tao pulled away and started panting. "Make them know that you are mine." 

-With Baekyeol- 

I knew I was supposed to be scared right now. 

Chanyeol was pacing around the room, glaring at every single object in the room. 

But I couldn't help myself. I kept staring at him. 

It was times like these; when Chanyeol got angry beyond belief. He would become unbelievably.. 


Extremely attractive. 

"Baekhyun, you know you deserve to be punished, right?" 

"WH-WHAT DID I DO?!" Baekhyun cried and racked his brain for ideas. 

"You let the other guy touch you." Chanyeol crawled over Baekhyun. "Do you have any idea how much I hate it when you become vulnerable and I can't do about it?" 

Baekhyun gulped. 

Definitely attractive. 

A/N: Hehe~ I lost my innocent image, didn't I? :DD Anyway, I tried to make it as long as I could without making it boring.. 

Keep commenting!! I <333333333333333333333 your comments, guys~ 

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Chapter 4: Hunhan, omfg.Hunhan !!!!!
Awww jealousy Sehun :33
Chapter 3: Aw duizhang XD
Chapter 2: Kai, Omfg XD
Greyson #4
Chapter 2: Kai be like "Damn Kyungsoo, you look.. Dayum." Ahaha i can imagine this gu- girls in reality and damn they're more beautiful than me!!
Oh_ChaeHun_ #5
Oh_ChaeHun_ #6
Chapter 26: MyungYeooooool ~ ♥
Oh_ChaeHun_ #7
Chapter 25: Sungyeol's the doctor ~ Pwahahahahahahaha!xD
Oh_ChaeHun_ #8

Oh_ChaeHun_ #9
Chapter 23: "Oh my god, Chanyeol gave you derp drugs, didn't he?" 

Oh_ChaeHun_ #10