Today is a weekend day. You rest at your home alone. You’re tidy up your room and the living room. Well this is only time you have to do all the homework after being at school for a week.


“Woah, so tired!” you said while layed on the couch. Then you switch on your television to get get rid of your tired and bored.

Kriiingggg ! your phone suddenly rang.


“Aish, who’s call me on this time”, you mumbled and answered the call.

“Yeoboseyo?” you asked.

“Yeoboseyo! Ah Ra-ah, has free time? Lets hangout!”, L said cheerfully on the phone.

You smiled alone while heard his voice.

“If I say I don’t want to go?”, you .

“Huh?! Wae?”, L made a sad voice. You laughed.

*Sure he is pouting right now*

“Hehe. Where’d you want to meet??”, you asked him.

“So you want to hangout with me? Yeay!”, L jump in joy like a child.

“I pick up you at 3pm, dae?”

“Okay! Don’t be late or I’m not going”, you warned him.

“Dae dae. Arasso!”, L lips curved into big smiled.

“Okay I hang up now. By……”

“Wait wait!”

“What else?”

“I love you! Pppyooongggggg!”, L hang up the called first.


“What’s wrong with this kid?”, you giggled.

“Hmm what should I wear eh?”, you mumbled and rummage your wardrobe to find a good clothes to wear.

About 10 minutes later, you find the best outfit you want to wear.

“I will wear this.” You smiled alone while looked at the mirror and about to take a bath for a while.


Then you prepared yourself. You tied your hair into messy bun. You put some eye liner on your big eyes and some lip balm on your y lips.


“I’m done!” you said satisfied. Then you wait for L in front of your house.

 About 5 minutes later, L came with his car.


“Hey! Sorry if I’m late”, L said while open the car door for you. You giggled.

“Kamsahamnida”, you smiled.


“Okay, so where we want to go?” you asked excitedly. L laughed with your childish attitude.

“Where’d you want to go?” he asked back.

“I don’t mind!”, you said and smiled cheerful.

*Duhh, her smile really make my heart pound. Keep calm Myungsoo*

“Then lets go for shopping!”, L turned to you and smiled.

“Chincha?! Woohooo! Kaja kaja!”, you said excitedly.




Both of you already arrived at Myeondong.

“Woah, so many people here”, you said while looked around.

“It’s weekend right?” L replied.


Then both of you walked around the town and searching for some clothes. Both of you have decided to buy some couple things as a memories for your friendship.

“L! lets go but the couple watch!”, you said while grab his hands to the watch shop.

“Ani!! I want the couple shirt!”, L pointed to the clothes shop.

You looked at the shop. “Nope!” you said.

L still dissatisfied. Both of you keep argue about 10 minutes.

“Shirt!” L said stubbornly

“Watch!” you said also don’t want to lost.





“Watch! Ops!”, L covered his mouth.


You jump in joy when he lost the mouth fighting.

“Yeay! You lost! So lets go to the watch shop”, you grab his hands and heading to the watch shop.

L pouted and followed you in force. You giggled when you see his childish attitude.


“Yah L, don’t sulk. You look so ugly you know”, you burst into laugh when you see his sulking face.

“Hmm”, L ignored you.

“Yah L!”, you pinch his cheek till he cried in pain.

“Yah yah! Okay okay. I wont sulking with you. Aishh this girl”, L mumbled while touched his cheeks.


Both of you entered the watch shop.

“Welcome!”, the girl worker welcomed both of you warmly. You smiled sweetly to the girl.

“What you want miss??” she asked politely.

“Couple watch”

“Oh here”, she said and pointed to the rack.


“Woah! It’s beautiful!”

“Then take which one you want”

“Lets choose together” you said while made your puppy eyes.

“Aishh. Dae dae”, L replied while looking to the watch.


“Hmm I choose that one” L pointed to the the swatch

#the swatch look like this


“No no. I don’t like”, you said and searching another watch.

“That’s why I asked you to choose. Haish”, L nagged you. You ignored him and keep looking to the watch.

“L! L! L!, how bout this?”, you pointed to white coloured couple swatch.

#look like this


“I don’t like”, L replied shortly and made his poker face.

“Yah L!” you pouted. The girl worker who is looking at you chuckled.

“Emm, why not you take this?”, she pointed to antoher couple watch.

You and L looked the watch and then looking to each other.

Then both of you burst into laugh.

“I know I know, you like it right?” you said.

L nodded and smiled. “We take this”

#the watch look like this


The worker brought the watch to the counter.

“I paid this”, L said.

“Err? No no, lets share the money”

“It’s okay”, L said and smiled to you.


Before get out from the shop, the girl worker gift L a free gift. It’s a small teddy bear hold a love keychain.

“Give it to your girlfriend. Sure she’ll like it”, the girl smiled.

“Err?? Ah dae dae”, L smiled shyly.

*My girlfriend?? Maybe one day* then he smiled alone.




“What a tired day!” you mumbled. L chuckled.

“Tired already?” L asked you.

You looked at him and nodded.

“Let seat for a while at the bench” L said.

“Wait wait, lets enter the shop”, you pull L’s hand and went to the souvenier shop.


You walked around the shop and looked if you could buy something there. Then suddenly your eyes glued to the one of the platinum necklace there.

#like this


“Ah Ra, want anything?” suddenly L came and asked you. You jolted.

“Oh nope. Lets go”, you pulled his hands to get out from the shop.

*She loves the necklace????????*




Both of you then sit on the bench while eating ice-cream.

“Where’d we go after this?” you aske L while enjoy eating your vanilla ice-cream.

“I don’t know. It’s up to you”, L replied while eating his sundae.

“Lets go home then. It’s already 8pm plus I’m tired”, you said.



Both of you silence for a while while enjoy your ice cream.

“Ah Ra! Eat properly!”, L giggled while trying to wipe the stain at your mouth.

“Huh?”, you blushed madly.




“We arrived!”, L stop in front of your home.

“Thanks for accompany me today Ah Ra”, L smiled to you.

“It’s okay. I also had fun. Please take care of our watch!” you warned him.

“Dae dae”, L chuckled.

“Ah before I forget, take this”, L gave you the keychain he get.

“Where you get this??? It’s cute!! Kamsahamnida L”, you said and smiled to you.

“It’s okay”

“Emm I go home first. Drive safely L”, you said and about to get out from the car.

“Ah Ra……” L grab your hand.

“Yup??” as you turned back, you suddenly you felt something touch your lips. L had kissed yours!!

You stunned for a while. About a few seconds after that you jolted.

You pushed L from you. L also shock with the sudden incident.

“Mianhae!”, you said.

“I’ll go home first. Take care L”, you quickly open the car door and ran to your house.


A/N :


Here your update :D

I hope you like this chappie.

I’m running out of idea >.<” . sorry if it’s a boring chappie.

Well, you see the poster above?

That’s I made by myself. Woohooo :P

I know it’s not a really nice but a least I’ll try to do it and I satisfied :)

Oh yes, L and Ah Ra already kissed! LOL xD

Don’t forget to drop your comments and subscribed^^

Sorry again for the boring chappie *bowed 90 degree.



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double updated! do read guys! :D


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Chapter 42: I love ur story. Please update soon
Chapter 41: New reader!!! Haha, is Ahra pregnant ? Great then ! Hahha, lol.Jk. Update soon
Chapter 41: Don't make her pregnant :0 hahah jkjkjkjk
blackpearlshidae #4
Chapter 41: Update soon
Chapter 40: Is Ah Ra unnie pregnant??? If she is L.joe oppa better look after her more often!!!!
~update soon.....ILYS (I love your story) 사랑해~
Chapter 39: Ahhhh.....L-joe oppa stop fighting and care for Ah Ra unni!!
Chapter 40: i know it !!!
ah ra is pregnant !!!!
hahahahahha !! update soon unnie ~
Chapter 40: Hahahah l.joe must be so possessive of her haha how cute!!! Update soon
Chapter 38: kekeke ... update soon unnie ~