Authors back and.. ZICO WANTS TO HANG OUT? i'm so bad at this. Fire me.

My Brother Is In NU'EST?!

OK HAI GUYS ITS ME YOUR LOVELY AUTHOR-NIM<3 Hehe so im back and i got a new charger for my laptopo and this is so awesome and i'm very truly sorry for not updating at all omfg i'm such a stoopid poopie on rye sandwich dfghj andways back to the story c:
I sighed and rolled off my bed. "OWWWW" I heard from under me. I fell ontop of Ren who had just gotten up off of his bed. "Oh yeah. I'm top bunk huh." I chuckled and sat on Ren's back. "can you like.. get off omfg." "nope~" I smirked and suddenly i was in the air on ren's shoulder. "NNO. LET ME DOWN. REN I WILL SHOVE DUBBOKKI UP YOUR SO FAR IT WILL COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH." He laughed and put me down. Okay now.. Its saturday.. and its 10 am. Woah I woke up so late. Huh i guess I'll go take a shower.

I grabbed a towel and took a quick shower. After i got out, wrapped in a towel, i walked to the kitchen and looked for juice. "Jiying-ah. Hyung told me to tell you we all have schedules so we'll be gone til 9" JR said while grabbing some banana milk. "Huh. oh. okay by then." I gave him and minhyun a quick hug before they rushed out the door. Since Nu'Est has gotten really popular nowadays I've been aone most of the times. Doing what you may ask? Nothing really. Just walking around pantless singing to kpop groups. One time Zinger unnie walked in on me and screamed it was so funny xD

I walked into my room and put on a black mickey mouse sweater with some skinny jeans and black vans. "Baby come here, come here. Let me mooove your body baby~" I heard my phone ring. Huhuhuhuuuuuh~ I slid to it and saw a text from Zico. I furrowed my eyebrows "What could he possibly want?" I opened it.


From: Big fatt Zico
JIYUUUUUNGGIE. Meet me at the park in 25 minutes. Hurry up!

I decided not to ask any questions and go. I put on my hat that said "Bad Boy" From big bang's bad boy. I grabbed some sunglasses and walked out towards the park. It didnt take me long to get there. I soon noticed Zico as he was playing with a little girl arround the age of 4 at the swings. Everytime she would swing towards him he pretended to be a monster and grab her feet, then he would let go and do it again. I giggled and stopped next to him. "Whos this cutie?" I smiled at the girl and Zico shouted and then got hit by the swinging girl. I laughed and heard te girl cry "APPA ARE YOU OKAY?" She got off and went to his aid. "A-appa?" I looked down at him with wide eyes. "A-ANI ITS NOT LIKE THAT. Minhee-ah appa is okay." He assured the little girl and she looked up at me.

"Annyeon woo minhee imnida! Jiho appa is my brother. I'm not his daughter~!" She assured me. I smiled and bent down. "Annyeong my name is Kwak Jiyung. I hope we can be friends." I stuck my hand out to shake hers but instead she hugged me. "b-bwoh?!" I wondered why. "Jiyung unnie~ You're so pretty. only be my unnie! promise?" She held out her pinky with sparkling eyes. "Neeeh! i promise" I wrapped my pinky around hers and we stamped out thumbs. "Not to be of any interruption but theres a hurt man on the floor."

Minhee and I laughed as we helped him up. "So why did you call me here?" I asked him as we sat on a bench and minhee went to play. "I didnt want to come alone and since youre the only one thats not buisy-" I punched his arm "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW IF I WAS BUISY OR NOT?" I shouted and he patted my head. "Alright alright yeobo-ah! what ever you say!" I slapped his hand away. "aissh not again with the names." I groaned and he laughed. "Its not gonna stop, JIGAYA" He emphesized the last word and I sighed. "I guess not." I mumbled.

"APPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" We suddenly heard minhee shriek. We both got up and ran to her. We found her on the floor crying with a scraped knee. "APPA UMMA IT HURTS." I was about to pick her up then she said umma. I froze. "U-umma." I mumbled. An ahjumma came up to us and smiled. "Ahh such a young cute couple. Here. I have some band-aids." She gave me it and waved goodbye. I cleaned her scrape and put the bandaid on it. "Minheee-ah. Can you walk?" She stood up but fell back into Zico's arms. "Minhee. How bout Jiyung and I go get you Ice cream?" She smilled and rappidly shook her head up and down. I was still sitting on the floor frozen. Zico nudged me and I looked up.

"She.. She called me umma." I whispered. "Wae?" I looked at minhee and she shrugged. "You're the first pretty unnie Jiho appa actually showed me. Be my umma~?" I came out more of a statement than a question. "A-arrasso" I smiled as she hugged me, pulling me closer to her and Zico. As she wrapped her arms around my neck I met Zico's face only 5 inches away from mine. My eyes widened and I pulled back. Minhee swung from my neck not letting go "UMMA I'M GONNA FALL." She shriek and I put my arms around her tiny frame. "A-alright. Lets go to the Ice cream shop." Zico awkwardly started walking and we followed behind.

"Umma what flavor do You like? I like strawberry and Jiho appa likes cherry" She smiled and I shrugged. "I dunno. I think my favorite is coconut. Its not to sweet or bland" She nodded and looked at Zico. "ZICO APPPPPAAA" She shouted and he turned around really quick. "Bwoh. What up minnie?" She stretched her arms out to him and I pretneded to cry. "My dongsaeng-ah wants her appa more than her Umma!!" I covered my eyes with my hands and peaked through them. "ANI UMMA I Love you and appa equally!!!" She removed my hands and saw I had no tears. "UMMA you werent really crying! You faker!" I laughed and petted her head. "I love you too minhee-ah" I grinned and she did too.

We walked into the Ice Cream shop and Hyuna's Ice cream was playing. I liked the song so I began to slowly dance to it. With out doing the parts. Minhee tried to copy all of my moves and Zico laughed. "Minhee. Jiyung will teach you later arrasso. For now lets get Ice cream" Zico picked her up and swung her around. We ordered our Ice cream and went to sit down. I was gonna sit next to Minhee but she shook her head. "Umma. You sit over there. Next to Appa. Gogo PPali!" She pushed me into the seat and I crashed into his side. Since his arm was resting on the chair i sat on, it was wrapped around me now.

"Woo Minhee you mischevious little girl. "I mumbled and Zico just wrapped his arm around me tighter. "Yeobo-ah. Be nice to our daughter. "He laughed and Minhee nodded. I sighed and smiled up at him. I dont know when Zico and I got this close, but I liked it for some reason. The girl waitress came and brought us our Ice cream. Zico took his arm off of me to give minhee the Ice cream and I felt the girl glare at me. "oppa~ heres your coconut ice cream" She bent down sowing was too much of nothing and bent over to Zico. "Uh. Actually. Here Jiyung, I believe this is yours" I angrily nodded and grabbed a spoonful and soved it in my mouth.

"Yah! Crazy ahjumma!" We all looked at Minhee and she was glaring at the  Waitress. "Okay we have our Ice Cream now go away. Cant you see my UMMA and APPA are having fun? go away!" Minhee looked at me aand smiled. I showed her a thumbs up. "Minhee-ah. You have to be nice and say sorry" Zico looked at me and asked me if the girl was gone. I nodded and he laughed. "OH MY GOD. That was priceless Minhee good job!" He highfived her and put his arm back around me. I felt my cheeks get hot and I ducked my head, Hiding my face with my bangs.

Zico hugged my tighter. "Yah minhee. I think your umma is blushing!!" He moved my hair to prove his point. "Umma! Appa is right! Your face is like a tomato!" They both laughed and I grunted. "Whatever" I mumbled and looked up, only to meet eye to eye with a spoonful of Coconut ice creeam. I looked at Zico with a brow raised. "Ishh ghonna mehlt" He said with a mouthful of cherry ice cream. Minhee and I laughhed and I opened my mouth. He put the ice cream in my mouth and I laughed. "Yaaah why are you laughing?! look now you've made a mess on your face!" He wiped my lip with his thumb and then tasted it.

"Hm. maybe neext time i should order Coconut Ice Cream" He smirked and minhee giggled. "Umma and Appa are the best! They're SOo cuuute" she did aegyo and I giggled. Awhile later we were done and I was stuffed. "Zicooooo carry me I'm tired!" I swung my arms towards him nd he sighed. "I didnt think i was going to be taking care of two babies today" He laughed and I slapped his arm. "Jinja. I'm tired." I pouted and he got up and faced his back towards me. "Well?" He looked over. "ALRIGHT~ " I jumped onto his back, wrapped my leg around his waist and fell asleep.

About a half hour later I felt someone shake me. "Mhhhhm" I mumbled and fell back asleep.

Zico POV
Aish why wont she wake up? Since I didnt know where she lives I brought her to my apartment. "Minhee its already 8:30 pm! You should brush up and go to bed!" She smiled and nodded. "Give umma a kiss for me before you sleep appa!" She cutely waddled to her room and shut the door. "ok now.. how is this gonna work.. " I still had Jiyung on my back and I was trying to get her onto my bed. "ok what if I turn this wa- OH OH NO" She slipped and crashed down on my bed, bounccing a few times. Luckily se didnt wake up but just continued sleeping. "Whew~" I wiped some invisible sweat off of my face.

I guess I'll crash on the couch then. I looked at Jiyung's sleeping figure and smiled. 'How could someone be so sassy and mean then the next minute cute and bubbly?' I mumbled as my heart rate increaced. 'Kwak Jiyung.. what are you doing to me?'

So hi guys.. Its been a while. Sorry I'M SOO SORRY OH GOD IM SUCH A I SHOULD JUST GIVE UP. But as the wonderful Zico once rapped, "The word faliure has been deleted from my vocabulary" ;)
So yeah thats it I guess. Bye guys :D

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Chapter 4: I love this story! the ending wasnt the one i wanted but the sequel fixed that for me :) This chapter was my favorite though, OMG.. Zico... thigh rubbing... so y!!!
eunki_kim #2
Omg! This is good... Please make a sequel..
kikka6807 #3
Chapter 33: Okay, so the world is one f0ck3d up mess and the world is filled with pcsycopaths

Which is why i blame everything on terrorists

Anyway, i like the ending its great cuz for once im not crying XD
So happay
judithleexd #4
Chapter 32: :'( what is worse they still havent caught the f0cker have they?
judithleexd #5
Chapter 31: Omg omg omg!!! I love you! This is awesome!
And I'm so happy you noticed EvoL!!! Hayana omg is amazing! And their new song like just woahhhh!!!
Judt gonna read the next chapter :)
kikka6807 #6
Chapter 31: No comment, just tears T-T
kikka6807 #7
Chapter 30: Acrophobic?
Meh, I would look it up online but I'm too lazy...
Did ya have fun?
Ps. Im claustrophobic but ive been flying on an airplane sine i was like 6 months old so u get used to it after a while...
judithleexd #8
Chapter 29: Okay okay okay! I feel better now! You have no idea how much i was stressing over who she will end up with so im really glad that it's decided!!! I know i'm being unreasonable but maybe Zico can have a happy ending as well??? Put a chapter where maybe Zinger and Zico had some tension (without Zico looking like the bad guy of course)
Im unreasonable aren't i??? Im sorry!!!!
Well any way... Have an awesome holiday!!!! I'll be patiently waiting for your return!!! Hehehehe :D
Your faithful reader
Judith :) x
Ps. Thank you so much for mentioning me in the previous chapter!!! Just made my day knowing that you enjoy my comments enough to say :) 감사합니다!!! 사랑해!!!!
kikka6807 #9
Chapter 29: Awww, she ran away! Deahyun is such a nice guy!!!
I wonder what she's goona do next!
PS. Have fun in Mexico!!! XD