
My Brother Is In NU'EST?!

I sat between Aron and JR for the interview. There was a bottle of water and a microphone infront of me. "Okay if they ask a question answer them properly, but if its too personal tap my leg and I'll intterrupt." Aron said and I nodded. Suddenly the cutrains infront of us opened and there was a mob of flashes. "Hi everyone~" Aron greeted and everyone shouted. "The reson for this interview is because.. Recently our parents have gotten into an accident, so my sister and I.." He put his arm around me shoulder and continued. ".. Will be leaving to the states soon. Any questions?" Then, a young girl raised her hand. Aron pointed to her and she spoke. "Unnie, when are you guys coming back?" I looked up realizing she was talking to me. I took off the mask Daehyun gave me and leaned into the microphone. "In about a month or so, so some of Nu'Est's activities involving my brother will be postponed." I said confidently and smiled.

Soon the interview was over and I stretched. "Ugh they need to get new chairs." I muttered as I pulled my mask out of my pocket and placed the straps firmly behind my ears. I climbed into the van and upon seeing a sleeping Daehyun, hugging my bear, I smiled. I guess the movement from me sitting down woke him up because he just looked around like a lost child while rubbing his eye. "I-Is it over?" I nodded and hugged kekemato while looking ahead. "Yongguk oppa. How long till we reach the airport?" "About an hour and a half, go ahead and rest." I nodded and tried to position myself to get comfy but I couldnt. "D-daehyun-ah?" I tapped his shoulder and he turned to me. "Can I rest my head on your shoulder?"

He heasitated for a bit but he soon nodded. "Thanks opp- DAEHYUN. THANKS DAEHYUN THATS WHAT I SAID OKAY GOODNIGHT" I quickly buried my face in his shoulder and tried to get some sleep. Good god what was i thinking? I cant call him oppa! I just met him! Stupid Jiyung. But before that, I noticed a smirk on Zelo's face. "Whatever" I thought and fell asleep.

"NO HYUNG IF I WAKE HER UP SHE'LL KILL MEE!" I heard Zelo shriek. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. The first thing they saw when they opened was Daehyun's worried face. "Are you still tired?" I shook my head. "Ahh~" I let out a little moan as I stretched and soon sat back down. "The flight to America is 17 hours. You can just sleep in the plane." The plane. THE PLANE. THATS WHEN IT HIT ME. I sunk into the corrner of my seat, clutching onto my legs. "Damn it. I knew she would do this." Aron said as he walked up and peaked into the back seat. "No" I firmly stated. "Whats wrong?" The look in Daehyun's eyes said. My scared, worried eyes looked straight into his and he understood one thing and one thing only. Heights.

All of the sudden I felt two hands grab my wrist and try to pull me out, they failed. I glared at Yongguk as he sighed. Then, to my surprise, Daehyun wrapped his arms firmly around me and carried me out of the car. "NO! I REFUSE TO GO ON THAT DEATH MACHINE!" I shouted as I squirmed around. Daehyun suddenly put me down and grabbed me by the shoulders, the glare on his face evident. "It'll be fine, pabo. I'll protect you. Now lets go" I slowly nodded and the rest of the guys gasped. "HOW DID YOU TAME HER?!" Hwayoung suddenly burst out. Daehyun just shrugged and gave me my bags. I held the bear Aron gave me and he held the bunnies.

Aron led us into the airport and to the ticket desk. He handed the lady the Seven tickets and she nodded, accepting them. She gave us all a slip of paper and we turned to eachother. "JR, Ren, Minhyun and Baekho. Take care of the dorm and try not to break anything, please." They all nodded at the same time and I laughed. I gave them each a hug and they, in return, ruffled my hair. Yongguk then turned to Himchan, Youngjae, and Jongup. He was about to speak before Jonguo cut him off. "Yeah yeah clean house, nothing broken, and we have money. We'll be fine hyung~"  The trio ignored their hyung and turned to me with their hands behind their backs. "We have gifts for out favoreite dongsaeng~" "I have one for you too, noona~!!" Zelo butted in and I smiled. They each pulled out the same bunnys as Yongguk and Daehyun's.

Zelo's had a blue mask, Youngjae's had a Yellow, Jongup's had a green and Himchan's had a pink mask that was a darker pink than Daehyun's. "Waaah thank you oppas and dongsaeng~" I recieved the bunnies with good care and smiled, putting them into the bag that had my extra clothes. "Oh, Be right back I gotta change~" "I see you took my advise" Ren smirked and I nodded. "Thees heels are killing meeee~" I sanag as I ran to the nearest restroom. I quickly threw off the heels and pulled down my skinny jeans and pushed my legs through the leggings. Then I took off my tie and edd my blazer, revealing a black top that I covered with a black oversizedd sweater.
 Dip-Back Brushed-Fleece Striped Top~
I tied my hair into a messy bun and slipped my feet into some vans. "Ahh so comfortable~" I said as I walked out. I met up with everyone and we said our goobyes again. I moved away from the group for a bit and pulled out my iPhone. I dialed Zico's number and after a few rings he picked up. "Yo its the Z~" I was about to speak but I heard a voice on the other line. "Oppaaa come back~" It was the voice of a girl. I suddenly felt betrayed, hurt, angered, and I felt like crying. All of these emotions were mixed up inside. "I'm dealing with you when I come back." I said through gritted teeth. The last words I heard from Zico were "What?! No babe let me explain-" Before I pressed the big red 'End' button and shoved the phone in my pocket. I turned back to the crowd and put on my best fake smile. "Ready?" They nodded and we said a final goodbye before boarding the airplane. As we reached the gate my body began to shake more and more. It seems like Daehyun caught it and put his hand on my shouler.

"Its fine, I'll protect you, remember?" I nodded and grabbed his hand. He gave me a light squeeze and we walked over to the gate. I gave the lady my slip of paper and shee allowed me through. I felt Daehyun's body bump into mine. I turned around and looked at him. "Dork, you're supposed to keep walking. Ppali!" He nudged my body foreward and I walked along the bridge eading to the plane. I boarded it and looked at my slip of paper. "Daehyun-ah let me see yours" He gave me his. "I'm 12a and.. you're 12b! We're seat mates" I smiled happily and he just patted my head. I quickly went to put the luggage in the overhead bin while Daehyun went to thhe restroom. I was too short, even on my tippy toes, to reach the bin. Suddenly I felt a warm masculine body press up against mine and push the luggage in. As soon as the person's arms went back down I turned around. This guy. He had the same badass- aura as Zico. "Thanks." I said from behind my mask and he smirked. "No problem. If ya need anything, my names Jay." He said in fluent english. "Oh dont worry. My friend is coming back. But thanks" I said pointing to Daehyun who was walking this way and drying his hands on his pants. "Kay bye cutie~" He said and went to sit down to his seat, which was three rows behind mine. "Ugh. Hes a player." I said. And suddenly his aura came back to my mind. I placed the bag of my clothes and big bunnies on the floor and sat down, running my hand through my hair.

What was I going to do about Zico? Could he have really been cheating on me? "!" I shouted and punched the wall. Suddenly Daehyun and a flight attendant came over with wide eyes and worried faces. "Miss is everything alright? would you like something?" She asked quickly and I nodded. A huge headache began to crawl up behind me and I needed to relieve myself of it. "May I have some water and an advil please? oh and sorry for the disturbance." She shook her head. "Its alright. We all get stressed once and while. I'll be right back with your water and pills." I thanked her and looked over at Daehyun. "ARE YOU OKAY? What happened?"  I shook my head and laughed a little. "I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. Or I could just be being a paranod , ya know." I stated bluntly and he was taken aback by my straightforward-ness. "Sorry Daehyun-ah. I'm just being stupid today. I think I will need that nap." The flight attendant came back with the water and pills. I thanked her and took two pills and drank them at once.

The cool, refreshing water calmed my throat and I let the pills sink in. I snuggled with Kekemato but I couldnt get comfy. I suddenly felt a light tap and turned over to Daehyun. He pointed to his shoulder with a questioning look and I smiled. "Thanks, your shoulder is as comfortable as a pillow~" I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt him put his arm around me so I could get more comfy. "Goodnight Daehyun-ah." I said and fell asleep.

Daehyun's POV

Jiyung lied down and I put my arm around her so she could get more comfortable. I saw that she was struggling with breathing so I slowly and carefully took her mask of and tucked it into her bag. She looked so cute while sleeping but I knew that in reality, she was a stubborn, mean, and somewhat bubbly girl. "you like her~" I heard a sudden whisper behind me and I snapped my neck towards Zelo. "Shut up." I blurted out and he smiled. "YONGGUK HYUNG! DAEHYUN HYUNG JUST SPOKE!" He shouted accross the seats over to Yongguk. He had a look of astonishment on his face and quickly walked over to Zelo and switched seats with Zinger, who was sitting next to Zelo. She groaned muttering incoherent words as she grabbed her blanket and bear and made her way to the empty seat accross the room. As soon as Yongguk got comfortable he spoke. "Jjinja? What did he say?!" Zelo's face turned from a smile to a pout as he recalled my words. "He told me to shut up."

Yongguk scoffed and turned to me. "The first time you talk and you tell one of my kids to shut up?! Say it again and- Your. . Is. Mine" He borke out into a grin and said he was just kidding. I wasnt paying attention though, I was still deep in thought about his words. "No wonder he and Jiyung are cousins. They say the exact same things." I thought recalling this morning when I walked past her room and head her threated Zelo with the words " " Or your is mine." I laughed and turned around, snuggling up to her. I decided to get some shut-eye too. But my dream was interrupted due to the whimpers I heard next to me.

"N-no umma.. appa.. n-not.. you.. too.. Jiho.." She mumbled and a tear escaped her eye. She must be going through so much right now and Zico wasnt helping at all. I tightened my grip around her and softly rocked her whispering in her ear. "Shh its okay. This will be alright, your parents will be fine." I hugged her and lied my head on hears. Upon closing my eyes I saw a slight smile on her lips.
Okay once again its 10:30 PM and i finished my hw an hour ago (procrastination -o-) and I decided to whip this up c:
I hope you like it to all you Daehyun fans :D
And woo a short scene with Jay Park x)
ok i needa sleep im gettin tired.

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Chapter 4: I love this story! the ending wasnt the one i wanted but the sequel fixed that for me :) This chapter was my favorite though, OMG.. Zico... thigh rubbing... so y!!!
eunki_kim #2
Omg! This is good... Please make a sequel..
kikka6807 #3
Chapter 33: Okay, so the world is one f0ck3d up mess and the world is filled with pcsycopaths

Which is why i blame everything on terrorists

Anyway, i like the ending its great cuz for once im not crying XD
So happay
judithleexd #4
Chapter 32: :'( what is worse they still havent caught the f0cker have they?
judithleexd #5
Chapter 31: Omg omg omg!!! I love you! This is awesome!
And I'm so happy you noticed EvoL!!! Hayana omg is amazing! And their new song like just woahhhh!!!
Judt gonna read the next chapter :)
kikka6807 #6
Chapter 31: No comment, just tears T-T
kikka6807 #7
Chapter 30: Acrophobic?
Meh, I would look it up online but I'm too lazy...
Did ya have fun?
Ps. Im claustrophobic but ive been flying on an airplane sine i was like 6 months old so u get used to it after a while...
judithleexd #8
Chapter 29: Okay okay okay! I feel better now! You have no idea how much i was stressing over who she will end up with so im really glad that it's decided!!! I know i'm being unreasonable but maybe Zico can have a happy ending as well??? Put a chapter where maybe Zinger and Zico had some tension (without Zico looking like the bad guy of course)
Im unreasonable aren't i??? Im sorry!!!!
Well any way... Have an awesome holiday!!!! I'll be patiently waiting for your return!!! Hehehehe :D
Your faithful reader
Judith :) x
Ps. Thank you so much for mentioning me in the previous chapter!!! Just made my day knowing that you enjoy my comments enough to say :) 감사합니다!!! 사랑해!!!!
kikka6807 #9
Chapter 29: Awww, she ran away! Deahyun is such a nice guy!!!
I wonder what she's goona do next!
PS. Have fun in Mexico!!! XD