Whats Nu'Est?

My Brother Is In NU'EST?!

YOU GUISE IT ME AUTHOR-NIM. :0 SO IM CHANGING YOUR BROTHER TO ARON BECAUSE YOU KNOW.. English, L.A YOU GET IT RIGHT? I'll update the other chapters after i put this one up c:

"Now now little sister. No need to sass someone else. Lets go to ahjumma." I bit his hand and he tried to hold in a scream. "Dont put your hand on my mou-" "Thank you oppa! She was being very mean and she was about to hit me!" The of a girl spoke up to him and he glared at her.

"My sister may be sassy, She may be threatening, she may even be killing you in her head right now" He paused and looked at me. I nodded multiple times and also glared at the girl. "But she would NEVER EVER hit someone else with out there being a proper reason." He finished off and the girl looked like she was about to cry.

"Lets go I'm hungry." I grabbed his and Baekho's hand and ran to the ahjumma's shop. "Y-yah slow dooooowwwnn!" I stopped and turrned around. Aron and Baekho had their hands on their knees and they were panting. "W-we need to wait for Ren and JR!" I looked back and they were both walking.

"Fine we can take a rest." I huffed out and sat on a bench. The snow was still there so I decided to start a fight. I snuck over behind a bush and called out JR. "JONGHYUUUNNN" He turned in my direction and I threw the snowball. It hit his sweater. He smirked and grabbed a handfull of snow. "Its on, yo"

He threw it at me and it hit my forehead. I smirked and grabbed another handfull of now. I aimed at his head and threw it. But he dodged it and it hit Ren. He turned around and smirked. 

I have to admit, he looked




"Oh ." I muttered and snowball hit my face. "OKAYOKAY CAN WE GO NOW IM STARVING!" Aron shouted and we nodded. It took us 8 minutes to get to ahjumma's stand. "Annyeong~" I stood infront of her. "AH neh what will it be for you and your friends.?" She asked and took out some plates. "Ahjumma." Aron stood next to me. "Do you not remember us?" We stood next to eachother but she shook her head.

I sighed and looked over at Aron. "Do we really have to?" "Of course so ahjumma will remember us~" I nodded and got in position. The rest of the guys just watched us weirdly. Aron crouched down and I put my head ontop of his. "Ahhjjuuummmaaa~ Can we have some dubbokki~?" We both did aegyo and she smiled.

"AH~ You're eunjae and taesun's kids right?!" We nodded and got up. "AWH I SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT MY CAMERA" Minhun whined and I smacked his head. "I'd rather you didnt". He rubbed the back of his head and I laughed. "So what will it be?" She asked.

In the end we all got fried kimchi.

"So JiYung I have somthing to tell you." I looked up at Aron with a mouthful of kimchi and motioned him to go on. "Well you see, the reason that there was girls was because.. Because we're debuting as a boy group.. you know singing and stuff.." He said quietly but I heard him clearly.

I stopped chewing and looked at all of them. "Seriously?" They all nodded. I shrugged and continued eating. "As long as your y fans dont get up in my business im fine." They all smiled. "You took it bbetter than I thought." Aron patted my back and I shrugged again. We finished and thanked ahjumma for the food.

"Come back soon arraso?" We nodded and went back to their dorm. The wasnt there. I'm assuming she went crying to her friends. Hehehe. I boed to the fans and they did the same. We entered the dorm and I flopped onto the couch. "You know we're gonna have packed schedules right? so you'll be alone most of the time." Minhyun sat beside me and I shrugged.

"I sleep a lot, I can use that to pass time. And its not like I dont have any friends to hang out with." He laughed and Aron sat infront of us. "ANOTHER MATTER TO DISCUSS~" He smirked. "School. You'll be going with Ren, Baekho, Minhyun, and JR" I nodded and got up. 

"Ok, Ren. I'm very tired now. Show me to our rooom~" I hooked my arm with his and we skipped to the room. He opedned the door and I saw all my bags place next to a bed. "Top or bottom?" He asked me. I pointed to the top one and he nodded. I opened my suit case and grabbed my pajamas and other nescessities. -.- . I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

I was about to let it go when someone opened the door. I looked up and saw Baekho. "KANG DONG HO GET OUT BEFORE I CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD AND FEED IT TO A LION" I screamed and he slammed the door shut. I shook my head before changing and brushing my teeth.

I climbed up onto the bunk and fell asleep.




Oh and i my brother was showering and uhh.

I heard him singing and i was like "Will you quit singin?"

Brother "What?!"



Oh god i was so disgusted LOOOLL

So anyways if you wanna follow me on tumblr my url is Jewerds.tumblr.com



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Chapter 4: I love this story! the ending wasnt the one i wanted but the sequel fixed that for me :) This chapter was my favorite though, OMG.. Zico... thigh rubbing... so y!!!
eunki_kim #2
Omg! This is good... Please make a sequel..
kikka6807 #3
Chapter 33: Okay, so the world is one f0ck3d up mess and the world is filled with pcsycopaths

Which is why i blame everything on terrorists

Anyway, i like the ending its great cuz for once im not crying XD
So happay
judithleexd #4
Chapter 32: :'( what is worse they still havent caught the f0cker have they?
judithleexd #5
Chapter 31: Omg omg omg!!! I love you! This is awesome!
And I'm so happy you noticed EvoL!!! Hayana omg is amazing! And their new song like just woahhhh!!!
Judt gonna read the next chapter :)
kikka6807 #6
Chapter 31: No comment, just tears T-T
kikka6807 #7
Chapter 30: Acrophobic?
Meh, I would look it up online but I'm too lazy...
Did ya have fun?
Ps. Im claustrophobic but ive been flying on an airplane sine i was like 6 months old so u get used to it after a while...
judithleexd #8
Chapter 29: Okay okay okay! I feel better now! You have no idea how much i was stressing over who she will end up with so im really glad that it's decided!!! I know i'm being unreasonable but maybe Zico can have a happy ending as well??? Put a chapter where maybe Zinger and Zico had some tension (without Zico looking like the bad guy of course)
Im unreasonable aren't i??? Im sorry!!!!
Well any way... Have an awesome holiday!!!! I'll be patiently waiting for your return!!! Hehehehe :D
Your faithful reader
Judith :) x
Ps. Thank you so much for mentioning me in the previous chapter!!! Just made my day knowing that you enjoy my comments enough to say :) 감사합니다!!! 사랑해!!!!
kikka6807 #9
Chapter 29: Awww, she ran away! Deahyun is such a nice guy!!!
I wonder what she's goona do next!
PS. Have fun in Mexico!!! XD