He spoke. (EDITED c:)

My Brother Is In NU'EST?!

Its been two weeks and I havent left my room. The only time I actually left was the days of the Viewing and Funeral. All of out family was there and they all tried to talk to me but I just ignored them and stayed quiet. I dont know why but I feel like I didn't have the energy to talk. All I did was mope around my room and cry.

Finally the day came when Aron thought it was time to go back to Korea. I just obeyed and grabbed my lugage, that I never bothered to unpack. I put it in the trunk and sat in the car like the emotionless zombie I was. I ended up sitting next to Daehyun again. He had always been worried and he knew how to communicate with me. "Please Jiyung. Just say something!" As much as I wanted to, I didnt. I regretfully ignored him and kept looking ahead, while hugging Kekemato. I just really didnt want to associate with anyone at all. Every now and then the oters would try to talk to me but I either turned away or just kept walking.

After an hour of goodbyes and going through security we boarded the plane. I sat in the uncomfortable seat after putting my luggage in the overhead bin and slipped in my headphones. My favorite song, One Shot, came on and I smiled a little. I closed my eyes and rested my head for a while. After about an hour of sleeping I woke up andd looked around. Daehyun was next to me. I just cant get rid of him, not that I mind at all but why is he always near me? I shrugged it off but I couldnt stop looking at his handsome side profile. Aish Jiyung what are you doing? This isnt the time to think about that kind of stuff! "Are you okay? Please.. Please say something." I just turned and looked forward as if I didn't notice him.

It went on like that for another hour or so. It went on like that for another hour or so. Suddenly my stomach made the noise of a family of groaning whales. I called the stewartess over by waving my hand. "Yes miss?" I pointed to the picture of the red-velvet cheese cake. "Of course ma'am. Would you like anything, sir?" Daehyun nodded and pointed to the regular cheese cake. "A-arrasso.." The woman walked away but I heard her mutter a faint, "Such a weirrd couple" I glared at the back of her head until Daehyun interrupted me. "You like cheesecake too?" He asked with a small smile.I turned my head away. He was trying to get me to talk. I was smarter than that. 

His eyes saddened but he embraced me and put his mouth next to my ear. "Please, speak for me. I want to hear your beautiful voice."
I stiffened. I get that he was concerned and all, but that was really unnecessary. Even if Zico wasn't loyal to me, I wanted a chance to talk with him in person, before i started another relationship. Maybe it was just his...oh who am i kidding? Even if it was just his cousin or something, can i really trust him and his little ego to not cheat on me? I sneak at look at Daehyun . He's really attractive. I trust him and he's been there for me a lot.I don't know who I love right now. Between my parents being dead, Zico (possibly) cheating on me, and being worried over by an incredibly hot guy, I don't know what to do. 



Thanks to BananaGraphics I got this really cute poster :D
Well this wasn't a real chapter. Its a filler ya' nam sayin?
heheheheehefciuedkjsx bye ok.

p.s I edited this chapter because a reader had this really goo idea and I used it :D So you see how suddenly the text turned forest-green? Yeah that part was written by kikka6807~ I'd like to thank her so much cause before that it was a crappy chapter T_T. Hehe <3

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Chapter 4: I love this story! the ending wasnt the one i wanted but the sequel fixed that for me :) This chapter was my favorite though, OMG.. Zico... thigh rubbing... so y!!!
eunki_kim #2
Omg! This is good... Please make a sequel..
kikka6807 #3
Chapter 33: Okay, so the world is one f0ck3d up mess and the world is filled with pcsycopaths

Which is why i blame everything on terrorists

Anyway, i like the ending its great cuz for once im not crying XD
So happay
judithleexd #4
Chapter 32: :'( what is worse they still havent caught the f0cker have they?
judithleexd #5
Chapter 31: Omg omg omg!!! I love you! This is awesome!
And I'm so happy you noticed EvoL!!! Hayana omg is amazing! And their new song like just woahhhh!!!
Judt gonna read the next chapter :)
kikka6807 #6
Chapter 31: No comment, just tears T-T
kikka6807 #7
Chapter 30: Acrophobic?
Meh, I would look it up online but I'm too lazy...
Did ya have fun?
Ps. Im claustrophobic but ive been flying on an airplane sine i was like 6 months old so u get used to it after a while...
judithleexd #8
Chapter 29: Okay okay okay! I feel better now! You have no idea how much i was stressing over who she will end up with so im really glad that it's decided!!! I know i'm being unreasonable but maybe Zico can have a happy ending as well??? Put a chapter where maybe Zinger and Zico had some tension (without Zico looking like the bad guy of course)
Im unreasonable aren't i??? Im sorry!!!!
Well any way... Have an awesome holiday!!!! I'll be patiently waiting for your return!!! Hehehehe :D
Your faithful reader
Judith :) x
Ps. Thank you so much for mentioning me in the previous chapter!!! Just made my day knowing that you enjoy my comments enough to say :) 감사합니다!!! 사랑해!!!!
kikka6807 #9
Chapter 29: Awww, she ran away! Deahyun is such a nice guy!!!
I wonder what she's goona do next!
PS. Have fun in Mexico!!! XD