
My Brother Is In NU'EST?!

"BEEP BEEP" I groaned and slammed my alarm clock against the wall. Groggily getting up I stumbled over to my dresser. The it hit me. "IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY." I screamed and Aron busted in. He saw the panic and fear in my face and chuckled. "Lets get you over to the salon with Zinger and IU." I nodded and quickly brushed my hair, putting it into a messy bun. I also slipped into some tights and threw a Laker's jersey over it. I walked out of my room holding only my phone. "You ready?" All of Nu'est was ready and waiting for me. "Y-yeah.." I muttered and aron gave me a thumbs up.. "Ahh my 18 year old sister is getting married.. Remember the day you jumped on me when you were 15?" I giggled remembering leaving Zelo to attack Aron. "Yeah.. so long ago.." I muttered thinking about all the stuff that has happened in the past 4 years.

The car came to a stop and I looked up. We were infront of a salon. I got out and looked around, admiring the paintings on the walls. An ahjumma came up to me cautiously. "Ah, are you Kwak Jiyung? We've been expecting you." She suddenly grabbed my arm and sat me down on a chair. For other people came up behind her and she motioned towards them. "These are my helpers.. What kind of styles would you like for your nails, honey?" I thought for a bit and decided. "French tip please." She nodded and continued. "Hair?" I shrugged. "Uhm.. I dont know.. A bit elegant but not too elegant.." She nodded and they worked on me. "Just close your eyes and rest for a bit okay? we'll be done in an hour."

After a while I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the ahjumma. "We're done~" I stood up and gasped as I looked in the mirror.


"Ah! Its perfect! I love it~" She smiled and sent me out to Nu'Est. They all gasped at the cleaned up me. "Woah you look beautiful." They all said at the same time and I giggled. "Alright c'mon we have to go to the hotel to get you in your dress and make up." Since the we dding was at the beach, we decided I should get ready at a hotel. We quietly went up the elevator in complete silence. Once we reaced the floor Nu'est seperated from Zinger, IU, Hwayoung and I. "See you in a few hours." Aron smiled and I did too. While we were walking to our rooms I felt butterflys in my stomach.. Not the good kind though.

We entered the room and IU took a ling glance at me. "Dongsaeng.. Are you okay?" I put on a fake smile, pushing the feelings away and nodded. "Of course.. Its my wedding day!" I smiled thinking that by tomorrow I would be Woo Jiyung. Hwayoung sat me down and pulled out her make up kit. "Arasso~ lets get his on you~"

A while later she had finishe doing my make up:


I smiled. I loved it. "AHHH YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL~" IU and Zinger fangirled. "Arrasso we need to get you guys in your dresses~" Zico's mom handed each of us our dresses.

Mine: (SORRY~ I decided to canged the dress, ya know.)

Theirs: (Left to right: IU, Zinger, Hwayoung)

The stylist was fixing my veil and thats when I realized it. "I'm getting married.."  I whispered, barely audible. "Huh?" The stylist ased and this time I said it a little louder. "I'm getting married." "Huh?" IU, Zinger, and Hwayoung tunred to look at me. IU and I made eye contact and she screamed. "GET HER BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!" I ran out the door and down the long hallway, panic fuled my entire body. "I'M ING GETTING AMRRIED HOLY " I was about to turn a corner but Zinger tackled me. She was always good at track -o-. "OH HELL NO. MAMA AINT LETTIN THIS HAPPEN." She glared down at me and I glared back. I was getting anxious and I started to sweat. "I CANT GET MARRIED!" I thrashed around. "WHY NOT?" I suddenly stopped and looked at her. "B-Because I''m not ready.." She suddenly slapped me and looked my straight in the eyes. "KWAK JIYUNG. IF YOU WERENT READY YOU WOULDNT HAVE SAID YES.. Think about it.. What reasons would you give me not to marry zico?" I looked at her with wide eyes. "I'M 18 IM TOO YOUNG! I still have the rest of my life to live! I cant settle down right now!" I pushed her off of me and stood up.

The realization was hitting me. I was way too young and I suddenly felt like a coward. I ran down the emergency exit, down all 7 flights of stairs and out to the front part of the hotel. I felt my body collapse and I fell to the ground, crying. "J-JIYUNG?!" I looked up, my makeup probably smeared by now, and saw Daehyun. "O-oppa!" I sobbed and he lifted me up and hugged me. "Why are you here? shouldnt you be getting ready?" I nodded my head but then shook it. "I-I cant!" He pushed me away from him and glared at me. "LOOK HERE KWAK JIYUNG. YOURE GONNA GET MARRIED OR ELSE!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Or else what?" He sighed and came closer to me. "Or else youre mine." I looked up at him weirdly. "The only reason I stopped trying was because youre an engaged woman." He whispered and hugged me.
Ima let you decide on a poll
Daehyun or Zico?
Or should I make an outcome for both?
Vottteeee~ And I really dont like silent readers :C
thanks for reading, youyou

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Chapter 4: I love this story! the ending wasnt the one i wanted but the sequel fixed that for me :) This chapter was my favorite though, OMG.. Zico... thigh rubbing... so y!!!
eunki_kim #2
Omg! This is good... Please make a sequel..
kikka6807 #3
Chapter 33: Okay, so the world is one f0ck3d up mess and the world is filled with pcsycopaths

Which is why i blame everything on terrorists

Anyway, i like the ending its great cuz for once im not crying XD
So happay
judithleexd #4
Chapter 32: :'( what is worse they still havent caught the f0cker have they?
judithleexd #5
Chapter 31: Omg omg omg!!! I love you! This is awesome!
And I'm so happy you noticed EvoL!!! Hayana omg is amazing! And their new song like just woahhhh!!!
Judt gonna read the next chapter :)
kikka6807 #6
Chapter 31: No comment, just tears T-T
kikka6807 #7
Chapter 30: Acrophobic?
Meh, I would look it up online but I'm too lazy...
Did ya have fun?
Ps. Im claustrophobic but ive been flying on an airplane sine i was like 6 months old so u get used to it after a while...
judithleexd #8
Chapter 29: Okay okay okay! I feel better now! You have no idea how much i was stressing over who she will end up with so im really glad that it's decided!!! I know i'm being unreasonable but maybe Zico can have a happy ending as well??? Put a chapter where maybe Zinger and Zico had some tension (without Zico looking like the bad guy of course)
Im unreasonable aren't i??? Im sorry!!!!
Well any way... Have an awesome holiday!!!! I'll be patiently waiting for your return!!! Hehehehe :D
Your faithful reader
Judith :) x
Ps. Thank you so much for mentioning me in the previous chapter!!! Just made my day knowing that you enjoy my comments enough to say :) 감사합니다!!! 사랑해!!!!
kikka6807 #9
Chapter 29: Awww, she ran away! Deahyun is such a nice guy!!!
I wonder what she's goona do next!
PS. Have fun in Mexico!!! XD