
Purple-Green Love



Here I am again, walking my way up to Daehyun's Mansion's front door. I'm kinda feeling myself a little bit weird these days, it's already been 3 days since I called him by his name and to my surprise as well, he didn't yell or scream at my face. I even stopped calling him 'jackass jerk' these days. But some other times I still does, some things don't seem to change and our ultimate bickering is one of that. We still hate each other, at least that's what I think.

Sigh. I've been thinking about this matter too much. I shook my thoughts away and knocked on the white door when it suddenly opened, revealing a smiling maid walking towards

"Lady IU is waiting for you in her room, Miss Hyosung" a maid told me

I bowed at her and went up to IU's room. Lucky for me, I remembered exactly where it was. I took my final turn and smiled at the two guards who opened the door for me "Kamsamnida"

"Unnie" IU beamed as she ran to me

I waved at her and smiled "Heeeyy"

She quickly held my hand and led me into her bed "Unnie, I wanna know the details.!! Details.!!"

"Huh.? What details.?" I asked, totally not aware of what she meant

"The bonding between you and Daehyun oppa" she said

I sat in her bed, crossing my legs "Bonding.? Did we ever had one.? I don't remember"

She rolled her eyes and looked at me "Of course.! You rarely bicker around each other, unnie.! Don't you notice that.?!"

"Yah.! We still bicker you know.! How can I not notice.? Nothing changed IU" I said, my head confused on what relationship we really have

"No unnie. Maybe sometimes you bicker or fight, but most of the time it's just teasing. AND Daehyun oppa has been talking to you in some normal ways. Like not shouting at you or not calling you stupid pabo girl anymore. He doesn't do that to other girls" 

Now it was my time to roll my eyes "Oh please, he has no choice. We're a group. Whether he likes it or not, we have to work together. AAANNDD for your information little missy, he STILL calls me stupid pabo girl.!"

She narrowed her eyebrows together "Whatever yooouuu saaaayyy unnie"

I shook my head, smiling at her "You're such a goofball" . I looked around her room, trying to find something that we can do "What are we gonna do today anyways.? Didn't you invite Jieun.?"

"Jieun unnie is busy right now" . She quickly stood from her seat, making me look up to her "Ah unnie, I-uh I'll be right back okay.? I'll just bring some snacks in"

"Anniya. It's okay. I'm not hungry at all" 

"No no. You're the quest for today. I was taught to be polite and serve my guests well. So just sit back and relax. I'll be back in a few" she said, and left

As she left, I toured around her room. Her room was even bigger than me and my appa's room and the living room combined or practically our whole mini house. Hell, it was even bigger than our classroom in school. I scanned my eyes through the pictures above her drawer tables, finding solo pictures of her, with her parents but most of them were with Daehyun. They sure are close, I wonder why Daehyun doesn't like girls.? He even won't be here without his umma and now he's hating on our uality.? What an odd guy.

"Where is IU.?!" I randomly yelled by myself





I was just on my way out from my dresser room when someone knocked on my door. "Oppa" the voice called outside. I quickly noticed that soft voice and yelled "It's open"

The door creaked open and IU popped her head out "Oppa. Can you do me a favor.?"

"What is it.?" I asked

"You see, there's this really big box in my room near the bed and I want you to move it for me. Place it in my upper closet"

I scrunched my nose together and looked at her "That's it.? Why don't you let the guards do it for you.? Why me.?"

She walked near me and shook my arm "Pleeeaassee oppa.! I don't want them touching my thiiiinnggss.! Pleeaassee.!?"

I sighed in defeat and tossed my phone in the bed "Arasso. I'll be there in 2 minutes"

"Asa.! Gomawo oppa.! I'll just be in my rooooomm.!!" she yelled as she closed the door

After 2 minutes, I walked my way to IU's room and noticed that her guards are missing. Not caring to know where they are, I went inside her room and closed the door. I looked around the area, searching for her but seem to be failing. Then I remembered that the box was near her bed, I walked near her bed to find no box at all. "Where is it.?" I murmured to myself

"Daehyun.?" a familiar voice called "What are you doing in IU's room.?"

I know that voice. That was -------- I slowly turned my body to face the person's direction. I shot my eyes wide open, I was right, it was Hyosung. What is she doing in IU's room.? "Yah. That's supposed to be my line. I am his brother, I can come here whenever I want. The question is what are you doing here.?"

She took a step back, shocked at my fast remark "Uhh- I-IU wanted to have some talk"

"What kind of talk.?" I asked

"Girl talk"

I suddenly closed my eyes, hearing the word "girl" made me dizzy. And speaking of girl, this girl is making me crazy.! What is she still doing there standing all stiff.? I have to get out of here. I need air. I quickly walked past her and opened the door. What the f--ck is happening.?! I don't remember locking the door. "Yah. What the---. O-open uupp.!" I grunted, trying to open the door

"Something wrong.?" she asked

"Apparently, there is.! The door is f--cking locked.!!" I spat, just facing the door

"What.?!" I can see she was completely shocked as me. She quickly ran to the door and accidentally held onto my hand that was holding onto the door knob.

Fast as lightning, I let go of the door knob, letting her hold the door knob instead. "Somebody out there.?! Open the door.!" she yelled, her hand tapping the door loudly

"The guards aren't outside. Wait, didn't you bring your cellphone with you.? IU has no telephone in her room and I left my cellphone in my room" I said

She shook her head and squat on the floor, her back leaning against the door "No, mya appa borrowed it"

"Doesn't he have his own.? Why does he need to borrow yours.?! Now we're stuck here.!"

"I-I'm not rich like you, you know. Unlike your family, we don't have that much of a money to buy many cellphones. We use our earnings to pay for the house bills and for the food that we eat everyday so that we can live longer. Some people live a kingly life and as we are, we live a rat-like life" she replied

I bit my bottom lip and looked down the floor, feeling like a jerk for what I said. Wow, I even called myself a jerk, who is this girl to make her do this kind of stuff to me.?! For the past 2 hours, we sat on the couch, across from each other, not bothering to say anything at all. Then I heard a growl. I lifted my eyes towards her and eyed on her hungry stomach

"Th-that wasn't a hungry growl. That was just a n-normal growl" she said, obviously lying. Her stomach growling even louder

"Are you sure you're not hungry.?" I smirked

She didn't nod, instead, she stared at the table right infront of her, gawking at the food on the table

"Who brought this food.?" I asked

She her lips many times, still eyeing the food "IU did, just before you came. She said she forgot to bring any fork but I guess she didn't see it under the plates"


"Huh.? What about you.? Let's eat it together" she said, looking at me

I stood from my seat and walked to the bed "I'm full"

She also stood from her seat and followed me, tripping on the table's leg. I quickly turned around to catch her, but we both fell in the ground, her whole body on top of me. "Dugeun Dugeun Dugeun Dugeun" What's this.?! Why the sudden fast beating.?! This seriousy can't happen. "A-are y-you okay.?"

"I-I'm fi-fine". She gazed in my chocolate brown eyes, not moving at all. I hesitantly placed my hands on her shoulders, my eyes captivated by her lips which she f-ckin' all the time. I was drawn with the disease as I followed along with the . my own lips as I stared in her eyes




"I think they have enough time for now. It's already 6 pm" IU thought to herself. She quietly and slowly opened the door of her room and saw Hyosung and her oppa laying down the floor. She covered with her hand, stopping herself from squealing and closed the door again  "Oh my gosh.! Oh my gosh.!"

Meanwhile, inside the room, Daehyun & Hyosung both snapped back from their thoughts and quickly stood up, looking from different directions. They went back to the couch and sat across from each other again, now the atmosphere was beyond awkward. Hyosung glanced at Daehyun from time to time while he was just looking outside the window, distracting himself from the black sky

"Why do you hate me.?" Hyosung asked, surprising Daehyun from her question "I didn't do anything too serious to you"

Daehyun sighed and looked at her "I don't hate you. I hate girls"

She scoffed at his answer "And I'm not.?!"

"Well maybe I do hate you" he chuckled unknowingly 

"Let's be friends" she said

"What.?!" his eyes widened

"Let's be friends"

"What are you saying.?!"

"Let's be friends"

"Why are you saying that.?!"

"Let's be friends"

"You don't know what you're talking about"

"Let's be friends"

He glared at her, annoyed at her repeated words "Stop it.! You don't know who I am.!"

"Then let's be friends.!" she almost yelled. "Let's . . . . . just be friends . . . . . You won't die you know"

"We can't" he plainly said

She knitted her eyebrows together and frowned "Why not.?"

"'Cause we're like fire and rain"


He glanced at her for a moment then turned his gaze outside the window "We're enemies. Just like fire and rain, we don't go well together"

"We don't seem like enemies now. Not long ago, I told IU that we still fight, but thinking about the past few days, we've been attacking each other much lesser" she admitted "Try to be nicer"

"I am nice.!" he spat

"To your friends and family, yeah. But to us.? No.!" she countered

"Why do you keep on insisting on us to be friends.?! Do you want something from me.?" he asked

Hyosung shook her head, staring at him deeply "I may be not smart but I'm not dumb. It's not good to keep on doing something forever for the rest of your life. It's not good to hate GIRLS for the rest of your life. I . . . . I just wanted to be good friends, even if I hate you so much,! Even if you still call me 'stupid pabo girl. Even if you're the MEANest guy I've ever known"

Daehyun laughed at her statement. His actions today kinda scared him, he practically chuckled/laughed at a GIRL's comment. What more if they become friends.? That threatened him. Pausing for a moment, he silently chuckled to himself, tapping his fingers on the pillow on his lap "What if we became friends, and yet nothing changes.? I'll still be the jackass jerk you call and you'll still be the supid pabo girl I know. Whether we became friends or not, nothing will ever change"

"We can just try to be friends" she said

"I can't make any promises. I am Jung Daehyun, the evil of all evil" he smirked

She pursed her lips, smiling at him "Well you're not being the Dark Lord now. So I guess I'm safe" 

Who would have thought that these two great enemies became friends.? As the time passes by, the two of them talked with each other. And as Daehyun had said, he was still teasing her, even getting angry at her and turning their conversation into a fight. Hyosung on the other hand fought back, but deep inside, she was happy to the changes they're both experiencing.






(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.! I aleady got my full schedule.!! Soo happy ----- NOT.! I have classes from Monday to Saturday whereas my other friends only have Monday to Thursday.!! Why is FATE soooooooo baadd tooo meee.??!! What did I ever do.?!!)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!