Say What?

Purple-Green Love


"So what have you guys planned for this coming Yoo Festival, Jae.?" Yoseob asked. All of them were in the private meeting room to discuss matters regarding the festival

"Still the same as what had happened last festival but Jieun and I thought we could do something different" Youngjae explained

Daehyun raised an eyebrow who was sitting next to Hyosung "What do you mean WE.?"

"We're gonna participate in the competition!" Jieun beamed


"Jinja.?! Whoohhooo!" Jongup & Zelo both cheered

"Oh come on Dae, it will be fun" Youngjae smiled

"Since when did participating in competitions fun.?!"

"We're not really gonna BE in the competition, Daehyun" Jieun said "We're just gonna have a special performance. That's it"

"No" he refused as he stood from his seat and walke dout of the room "I refuse to do so"

Youngjae sighed, flopping next to Hyosung instead "Well there goes our best singer" 

Hyosung glanced at him, smiling "You have a great voice too Youngjae" 

"Yeah but it would more great if Daehyun joins"

"We can't do anything about it. If he says No then it's a No" Yoseob laughed "That's Daehyun's rule"

"Hey Hyo, can't you do something about this.? Please.?" Youngjae pleaded

"Why me.?" she furrowed

"Coz maybe he'll listen to you"

"I don't think he will, Jae"

"At least you can try. Please.?"

"But what if he says No.?"

"Then at least we know you tried"

"Alright" she sighed defeatedly. She walked out of the room, wandering around the hallway and saw Daehyun leaning against a glass window, his back facing hers. Inhaling deeply, she walked silently near him

"I won't change my mind" Daehyun suddenly said, surprising her

"H-how'd do you know.? I mean, why don't you want to participate.?"

He turned around, facing her "I just don't like it"


"Many girls would be there, screaming and yelling. I hate it"

She giggled, standing next to him "I thought you're already past that girl code thing of yours"

"Only with you" he chuckled, his eyes fixated outside the window

She blushed instantly, looking down "W-well, uumm --"

"You look good in your hair"

She looked up "W-what.?"

He smiled his breathtaking smile then looked at her "I said you look good with your new hair. It suits you"

"T-thanks" she bowed awkwardly

"Did you just bowed.?" he laughed

"Shut up" she grinned, nudging his shoulder with hers

"Are you gonna perform.?"

"Seems so, if IU & Jieun will, why not"

"So you know how to sing and dance.?" he smirked

"I'm not a good singer but I'm okay with dancing, I guess. I really don't know"

"I'll be expecting"

"You're really not gonna do it.?"


"Even if I beg.?"

"We both know you'll never do that"

"You have a point" she smiled

"I always do" he smiled back, patting her head "Do well"

"I-I w-will"



"U-umma.?! W-what are you doing here.?" Jieun asked in shock

"I missed you too baby!" Mrs. Song chuckled, sarcasm in her voice

"I-I mean, umma, why are you here.?"

"For the festival of course"

"Aunt Jihae!" Youngjae greeted, hugging Mrs. Song

"Hello Jae, how have you been.?"

"I'm doing good Auntie. But what brings you here.? Mother and Father didn't tell me you were coming"

"She didn't tell me that either" Jieun added

"Your father sent me here, dear" Mrs. Song smiled, caressing her daughters hair "I have an announcement"

"Well, what is it.?"

"It'll be announced tomorrow"

"Tomorrow.? It's the first day of the festival. Why can't you say it now.?"

"It's your father's orders"


"Well guys, I tried convincing him but he sai --- O-oh, annyeonghasaeyo"

"Hyosung-ah! Come here, this is my mother"

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Song" Hyosung bowed "My name is Jun Hyosung"

"My, what a cutie. Hello dear"

"Oh! Aunt Jihae!!" Zelo said, running towards them with the others following him

"Zelo! You've grown!"

"I did Auntie" Zelo pouted "And I don't like it"

Mrs. Song laughed "And why is that.?"

"I don't wanna keep growing"

"At least you're lucky you're gifted with the height Zelo" Jongup interrupted "Hey Aunt Jihae"

"This is such a surprise Auntie. I presume you have something important to tell us" Yongguk stated

"As a matter of fact, yes. Very important"

"What is it Auntie.?" Yoseob asked

Jieun crossed her arms "She won't tell us until tomorrow"

"Must be really important then" IU said

Mrs. Song looked around "Where's Daehyun.?"

"In his room" Himchan answered "So what's the big catch Aunt Jihae.?"

"Now I know all of you are very excited to hear the big news but let's just wait until tomorrow. I'm very tired and I need to rest"

"I'll accompany you to your suite Madam Song" Aunt May bowed

"Okay then. I'll see you kids tomorrow"


"Goodnight dear" Mrs. Song smiled, kissing Jieun's cheek "Goodnight kids. And to you too Hyosung"

"D-deh. Goodnight" she bowed one last time

As soon as Mrs. Song left, Jieun sighed, puffing her cheeks "I wonder why she's here"

Youngjae wrapped his arm around her neck "What's the matter cuz.? You don't want Aunt Jihae to be here.?"

"It's not like that. It's just that I have this funny feeling that umma is here for a very very particular reason. I can't put my finger on it but something tells me it's not good"

"We don't even know it yet" Yoseob assured her, smiling "Let's just wait for tomorrow"

She nodded, blushing slightly "O-okay"



Day one of the festival and everyone in the mansion is busy preparing for the spectacular event. Cooks, butlers, maids, gardeners, carpenters, farmers, every working fellow in the mansion is busy doing their work. Youngjae and Jieun are busy organizing the things around the place while the rest are busy looking around

IU was reading her book when Daehyun sat next to her "Oppa, did umma called you last night.?"

He nodded

"What did she say.?"

"I don't know. But she told me it has something to do with me"


"I think that's why Aunt Jihae is here. I don't know" he shrugged

Little did everyone know, tonight will be the night that everything will go things they don't want. Something that has been a tradition for the Jung's. Something that Daehyun can't resist because he knows all too well what will happen if he refuses his father's decision

Dinner was set and everyone was ready. The festival started 30 minutes ago and they all planned to go after enjoying a nice dinner with their Aunt Jihae. Will it turn out nice.?

"I'll be leaving tonight" Mrs. Song said

Jieun knitted her eyebrows, confused "You just got here"

"I know but your father wants me back soon in the office"

"Then why'd you come all the way here.? Is what you're gonna say really important to be flying from Korea over here.?"

"As a matter of fact, it is"

Youngjae nodded, taking a bite of his steak "So what's the news Auntie.?"

"This has something to do with Daehyun"

All of them glanced at her, listening

"Daehyun dear, has your parents told you something.?"

He shook his head "No"

Mrs. Song sighed, wping the corner of with a napkin "I guess they really want me to tell this to you kids"

"What is this about Auntie.?" Yoseob asked

"Before all of you react to what I'm gonna say, I just want to let you know that this was not my decision. This was sealed by Jieun's father and Daehyun's father. Me and Sohee (Daehyun & IU's mother) has nothing to do with this"

"What is it.?"

Mrs. Song kept quiet for a moment, glancing at each and everyone of them "D-daehyun and Jieun are planned to be engaged"

"What.?!" Jieun shrieked

Daehyun's eyes grew wide, staring at Mrs. Song in disbelief while the others had their mouth open. Hyosung on the other hand felt like she was stabbed a million times. She just sat there quietly, her head hung low

Youngjae choked "E-engaged.? B-but Auntie, don't you think that's too much.? I-I mean marriage is sacred. It should be with two people inlove"

"What are you saying umma.?!" Jieun fumed 

"There's nothing I can do about this Jieun. This is what your father wants"

"I don't want this. I ---"

Suddenly, Daehyun stood infront of his seat, making everyone look up to him "This is stupid"

"Daehyun dear, I know you're upset. Bu--"

"Upset.?!" he laughed sarcastically "I'm not upset Aunt Jihae"

"Yo-you're not.?"

"I'm furious!" he stated "I'm in furious about this in tradition in our family! I don't wanna get through with this in wedding!"

"Dae. Calm down" Yongguk said

"I won't calm down hyung!" he yelled

Mrs. Song exhaled "Daehyun dear --"

"No Aunt Jihae! I won't in do this wedding". He angrily threw the napkin on the table

"Let's discuss this calmy and rationally"

"I don't want to disuss anything" he said as he walked near Hyosung and grabbed her wrist, storming off the room

"Thanks mom" Jieun cried and ran out of the room "Now I'll have a perfect teenage life"

"U-unnie!" IU followed


Daehyun who was holding onto Hyosung's hand tightly kept walking and walking and walking. Hyosung just let him be for he knows how he's feeling right now. Engaged.? To someone you only treat as a friend.? That's ed up. But that's how rich kids are, they can't decide their own future, it's decided for them

Finally, they stopped walking, in the middle of the small lighted flower maze outsde the mansion. Daehyun didn't know why here but he guessed it was the perfect place to walk away from everyone

Hyosung looked at him, deciding to break the silence "A-are you okay.?" 

"What do you think.?!" he snapped

She pursed her lips, nodding "I-I guess I-I'll leave you. You need s-some time alone"

Just as when she turned around, Daehyun held onto her hand "S-stay"


They stood there for quite long, Daehyun still holding onto her wrist. So without hesitating, Hyosung instantly entwined their fingers, squeezing his hand gently

He looked into their hands then to her eyes that were shining brightly. He doesn't know if it's just sparkling because of the moon's reflection or because she was teary-eyed, could be both. Within a split second, he pulled her, hugging her tightly

Action speaks louder than words so both of them don't need to say aything to understand each other. They just stood there, hugging each other tightly. Either way, Daehyun will not go through a wedding to a girl he doesn't love. The girl he loves is right here in front him, tightly and securely cuddled in his arms




(Aaaahh! Midterm week already >_< Tsk .. Hey guys, if there are spell errors or grammar errors in my previous chapters and this one or the future chapters, I won't be fixing it. Hahah. Too lazy ;) So I hope you understand)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!