The Promise Made

Purple-Green Love


"Okay everyone. I have a very important announcement" Mr. Jason grinned "Your group that I assigned to you during our midterm days is officially EEEEHHHHNNGGGGKKK"

"What.? Whyyyyy.?" one student whined

"That's because I'll be pairing you up"

Youngjae raised an eyebrow "What for.?"

"For this.!" Mr. Jason said, showing them what seemed like a bird cage

"What's under the blanket.?"

Mr. Jason tapped the cage and pulled the covers off "TADAH.!!"

"Uuuwwaaaa. A rabbit. Tokki-tokki"

"What are we gonna do with the rabbit Mr. Jason.?" Jieun asked

"This rabbit my dear will be your child"

"What.?!" one student shrieked

"Don't you 'what.?!' me" Mr. Jason mocked "For the next few weeks, YOUR CHILD will be with you. You'll treat it with love and care, just what like real parents do. NO MORE QUESTIONS PLEASE. Now, I'll allow you to pick your own partners this time"

"YEAAAAAAAHH" the students cheered

"BUT.! Male and female only"


"Jieun-ah.! Jieun-ah.! Let' be partners.!" Youngjae grinned

"Sure thing cousin" Jieun responded

Everyone in the class already had partners. Only Daehyun, Hyosung and 2 other girls were left with no partners at all

Mr. Jason clapped his hands, looking at his students "Okay, does everyone already have their partner.? How about you Minah.?" 

"Can I just be partnered with Hyosunngie, Mr. Jason.?" Minah asked

"So that leaves Eunji with Daehyun. Is that alright with you Eunji.?"

Eunji shook her head violently "I-I d-don't want to Mr. Jason. Just let me be paired with Minah"

"Looks like we have no choice. Okay then, Minah with Eunji and Daehyun with Hyosung. After class, I want you to go to the faculty room and claim your CHILD. Okay, cla---" 

"D-daehyun.?" Hyosung thought to herself

Daehyun suddenly stood from his seat, making everyone stare at him

"Is there a problem Daehyun.?"

"Actually there is. I don't wanna be paired with anyone for this project" 

"What are you saying all of a sudden Daehyun-ah.?" Yongguk interrupted

Hyosung bit down her bottom lip, her eyes focused on her table

"I want to do this project ALONE" he insisted

"That's not possible Daehyun. And you want Hyosung to do this alone too.?"

"Let her join with the others. I don't care. I want to do this alone, with no hindrance"

"Hindrance" Hyosung murmured 

"That's impossible Daehyun"

"Alright. Then I guess I'll have to fail and repeat. No problem with me" he said and left the classroom, astonishing everyone

"Did something happen to him.?" Mr. Jason asked 

Youngjae shook his head "Last time I remembered, nothing happened to him" 

"You guys should convince him for this. This is really important. I don't want any of my students to repeat here" Mr. Jason stated then left the room

Himchan stood from his seat and sat on Yongguk's table "What's gotten into Daehyun.? Did something happen in the shrine last night that we didn't know.?"

"How should I know.? I was with you guys" Youngjae responded

"What about you Hyosung-ah.? Noticed something different from him last night.?" Jiuen asked

Hyosung shook her head softly "No"

"Don't worry, he'll come to his senses and you guys will be partners" 

"Mmnn" she nodded, smiling faintly



"Partners.! Partners.! Partners.! Aish.! Why does it have to be her.?!" Daehyun growled to himself as he walked inside B.A.P's Sacred Room

"Having a bad day.?" someone said, interrupting his thoughts

He quickly looked to the side to where the voice came from and saw his cousin, Yoseob, sitting on the couch with a book in his hand "Hyung". He just stared at Yoseob, remembering what had happened between him and Hyosung last night "Not really"

"Are you okay.? You look ---"

"I'm fine hyung.!" he voiced out angrily

"Okay. If you say so" Yoseob smiled, totally not convinced

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Mr. Jung Daehyun, the Lord of all Darkness, what was that all about.?" his bestfriend asked, walking inside the room

Himchan grabbed a can of soda from the mini fridge and sat on the couch next to Yoseob, "Mr. Jason told us that we should convince you for this" 

"I already made it clear, it's either I do it alone or I fail" he stated

Youngjae raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms "Yah. Did something bad happened to you last night.? When we watched a movie, you were just fine. But when you came back looking for Hyosung, you turned out like this. Tell us, what happened" 

"She has nothing to do with this, alright.?!" he yelled, getting out of the room

"Oh yeah. She definitely has something to do with this" Himchan chuckled

Yongguk nodded his head "And we're gonna find out"

Daehyun walked his way out of the room. Out of the school building. Out of everything. The only place he wanted to go now is his peaceful place, near the school. He opened unlocked the giant gate and locked it again, for the purpose of no one to disturb him. He made his way to the big tree and leaned his back against it, staring at the green meadow "Finally"

For hours he just sat there, his eyes wide open but his mind focused on one thing: Hyosung

"Why am I being like this.? I can't this anymore. I don't want any more of this bull. Please make it stop. It's hard. It's too painful. Pabo girl, do you like Yoseob hyung.? Is that why you're pushing me away like I'm just a stuffed animal.? If you hate me so much, just say it. I can no longer bear with the pain" he murmured, finding himself cry

"Aaahh.!!" he groaned, scratching his blonde hair "What's this.? Why the hell am I crying.? Just f--ckin give up Daehyun. You have no chance anymore. No more. She doesn't want you now. She has Yoseob hyung"

Just as when he was about to close his eyes, his phone rang. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, looking at the caller I.D

'Jay appa'

"Appa.?" He whispered to himself, then clicking the answer button "Hello.?"

"Daehyun-ah. It's me" Mr. Jun said

"D-deh. What is it appa.?"

"Are you free today after school.? I have something to tell you" 

"Deh I am"

"Great. Would it be okay for you if we meet at Jeongjea Cafe.? Around 5pm.?"


After hanging up, he suddenly felt nervous. Not because he'll be alone with Hyosung's father but nervous of what Mr. Jun's gonna say. He felt as if something bad is going to happen. Something that will greatly affect their lives. But the question is: WHAT.?



School was finally over and Daehyun quickly rushed out of the classroom, leaving his friends without a word

"Yah.! Where are you going.?!" Youngjae yelled

Himchan raised an eyebrow "Hmm. Wonder where that punk is going"

"Hyosunggie. Let's go home" Jieun smiled

Hyosung didn't respond, she was too busy looking at the door that Daehyun exited through, wondering where could he possibly go "Does he have a date with Hyuna.?"

"Jun Hyosung. Jun Hyosung" Jieun repeated, poking her shoulders

"H-huh.? Huh.? What.?"

"I saaaiidd, let's go home"

"O-oh okay"


Waiting patiently to arrive in the cafe, Daehyun looked out of the car window, staring at the teenage couples walking in the sidewalk holding hands. He smiled to himself, thinking on how it would feel if it ever happened to him and Hyosung. Imagining wonderful and memorable things to do if they would ever be a couple. Just then, someone interrupted his thoughts

"Master Daehyun" the driver called, opening the door "We're here"

He blinked his eyes rapidly, nodding his head and getting out of the car. There, he saw Mr. Jun seated near the clear glass window. He made his way inside the cafe and sat across from Mr. Jun

Mr. Jun smiled as he sat "I'm glad you came Daehyun-ah"


"I hope you don't mind that I already ordered for you"

"Deh of course"

"I ordered my pumpkin's favorite, choco vanilla latte. H-how i-is she.?"

"She's doing fine, appa"

"Are you taking care of her very well.?"

He shook his head, unable to look at Mr. Jun in the eyes "I'm sorry. I can't"

"Why.? Did something happen.?"

"S-she l-likes someone else"

"What.?" Mr. Jun said in shock "Are you sure.?"

"Mmn" he nodded "I-I saw them h-hug"

"It's just a hug Daehyun-ah"

"No appa. Before it happened, she pushed me away"


"She told me to like her step sister. I mean, what the heck is that.?! That's just screwed and stupid.!!"

"What else did she say.?"

"She said that she loves her sister and that she'll do anything to be a good older sister. Does that mean she doesn't like me the way I like her appa.?"

"No. I know that she likes you. Like really really like you"

"Here's your order sir" the waiter interrupted

"How do you know.?" he continued nonetheless

"I can see from the way she looks at you. And when she talks about you when we're alone"

"I-I don't kn-know appa. I really think she likes Yoseob hyung"

"You can't be so sure Daehyun-ah. Don't you 2 talk anymore.?"

"I'm k-kind of avoiding her now. We were partnered to be a parent of a rabbit but I insisted on doing it alone"

"Then this is your chance" Mr. Jun grinned

"Chance on what.?"

"Chance to see for yourself that she really likes you. Just try. I'm sure you'll be happy with the result"

He sighed, holding onto his cold latte "I-I don't know appa"

"Listen, I have something for you"

"What is it.?"

"Actually, it's for Hyosung" Mr. Jun chuckled, grabbing something from his shirt pocket "This used to be my grandmothers'. And I want you to have it and give it to my daughter"

A beautiful diamond purple ring captured Daehyun's eyes but also wide mouth when he heard what Mr. Jun said


Mr. Jun held his right hand, placing the ring on his palm "I'll leave her into your hands"

"B-but. I-I'm not sure if I can g-give it to her"

"You can definitely give it to her. You know, it was supposed to be her mothers'. But on the night that I was gonna give it to her, she left. Funny right.?"

"Didn't you give it to her before you got married.?"

"No. I was kind of nervous when I proposed to her that I forgot where I placed the ring. Funny, when I remembered giving it to her, she gave up on us. Maybe she would have changed her mind if she saw this beforehand"

"I-I'm sorry appa"

"It's okay. Right now, I'm glad that he has Charles and Hyosung has you. But really Daehyun, I'm serious. Give this to my daughter. Love her with all your heart"

"I already do"

Mr. Jun smiled, nodding his head "She needs you"

"She needs you too"

"Not that long"

"What do you mean.?"

"Anniya. So, do I have your word.?You promised me last time that you'll never leave her side no matter what. I hope you'll stick to your word "

He paused for a moment, biting his bottom lip as he played with the ring "Deh. Y-you have my word"

"Promise, son.?"

"I am a man of my words appa. I promise"







( Errmmaagggoossshh.! I'm so addicted to POISON.! Baby Hyo is sooo damn seeexxaaayy.!! And I'm lovin the B.A.P+SECRET feels right noooowww especially in ther Younha Radio Show ^_^)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!