
Purple-Green Love


Hyosung sighed deeply as she sat down in the sofa window, looking at the setting sun. Her knees were curled up closed to her chest and her cheeks were leaning against her knees. Her thoughts were occupied by what happened awhile ago, where she got lost and was found by Daehyun. Where she can't help but think the moment when she hugged him, not wanting to let go "Why am I like this.? Do I like him.?"

"Hey" Jieun said faintly, smiling at her

She smiled back "Where have you been.?"

"I went to the convenience store nearby. I bought ice cream" Jieun replied, giving her a mini-sized ice cream "Seems like you need someone to talk to and a little bit of sweets. Wanna talk about it.?"

"Thanks" she said as she started eating the ice cream "I was just thinking about what happened this late morning"

"Did something bad happened when you got lost.? I'm sorry for ever leaving you out of my sight. I'm such a useless friend"

"No you're not. It's not your fault. Nothing bad happened. It--it's just . . . . . ." she trailed off

"It's just what.?"

"I-I don't know"

"Is this about Daehyun.?" Jieun asked, eating a spoonful of ice cream

Playing with the ice cream, she suddenly stopped hearing his name. She looked up at her friend and saw her smiling widely

"It is about him" Jieun grinned "Right.?"

Biting her bottom lip, she slowly nodded her head "I can't stop thinking about him. When I hugged him yesterday. I didn't even know why I suddenly hugged him. It just happened and then the next thing I knew, I don't wanna let go. I don't want him to let go"

"You like him" Jieun simply said

"I--uuhhh I-----"

"Ladies.! Ladies.! Ladies.! Ladiiiieeeesss" Mr. Jason suddenly walked inside the room "I have a quick announcement to make so please go down to the main lobby"

After Mr. Jason walked out of the room, Jieun stood up, furrowing her eyebrows "You know, on earth, when you go to a girl's room, there's a thing called KNOCKING"

Hyosung laughed, putting the lid of the ice cream back and placing it on the mini fridge "He's our teacher Jieun-ah. Besides, the door was already opened"

"That's why he should knock, cause he's our teacher"

She held her hand out, chuckling "Come on, let's go"

Thw two of them went to the main lobby, holding hands and giggling all the way. They both arrived and noticed that some of their classmates still haven't arrived so they decided to sit down in the sofa with the others

"Hyosung-ah" a classmate of them called

"What is it.?" Hyosung asked, smiling

"Do you like our Dark Lord.?"

"Wh-what.?" she stuttered

"Do you like Daehyun-ssi.?"

She didn't answer, her cheeks blushing red. Instead, she looked down on the floor, biting her own lips to refrain herself from talking

"Omo.! Omo.! Omo.! You do like him" another classmate said, squealing

"You'd be so cute together Hyosung-ah.!"

"Wh-what are you gu-guys tal-talking about. Me and Dae-Daehyun are just f-friends" she said

"That's how everything starts. First you're strangers, then you're enemies, then you're friends and next thing you know, you're madly deeply inlove with each other" Jieun teased "Right girls.?"

"Soooo right.!!"

"Eeeeehhppp.! I can't believe this.! Too good to be true.!!"

"I wonder what will Hyuna do if she finds out that you like Daehyun-ssi"

Hyosung shook her head "She doesn't have to know"

"Oh so you do admit that you like Daehyun.?" Jieun grinned

"Jiiieeeuuunnn.!" she pouted

"Don't worry Hyosung. You've got our back. We like you better than that Ice Princess who thinks she's better than all of us"

"Speaking of Daehyun, they're here" Jieun said, patting Hyosung's shoulder

Daehyun and his friends walked along the hotel hallway, looking as f--ckin perfect as ever. Hyosung watched them walk, like they were some sort of Gods. As she watched them, she met eyes with a particular person. Locking eyes together, Daehyun nodded his head towards her, worry on his face

"Are you okay now.?"

She smiled at him, assuring that she's okay "Yes I am. Don't worry" 

He smiled back, looking down. Even if they were afar from each other, they can talk by just looking at each other. It was a special communication thingy to them. By just looking at each other's expression, they can directly know what it meant

"Okay. Now that you're all here, I will make this quick as possible. So one of the school administration called me, saying that the trip to U.S will be canceled"

"Whaaattt.?! Aahh wwaaee.??!" a male student whined

"Too bad.! I really want to go shopping there" another student said

"Don't whine. It's the school's decision. So our trip here in Rome will be extended for a day. And after that, our final stop will be in Paris, for another 3 days. Tomorrow, you're all free to go anywhere you want. We won't have a tour and I won't be with you so feel free to roam around Rome"

"Roam around Rome, get it.?" Himchan laughed, nudging Youngjae

"Really hyung.?! Really.?" Youngjae asked sarcastically, narrowing his eyebrows

"What.?! It was funny"

Daehyun shook his head, laughing quietly at his friends. He and Yongguk slowly walked away from them, not wanting to get involved if Mr. Jason ever caught them talking. And they were right, Mr. Jason glanced at Himchan & Youngjae, his hands on his hips "Kim-Him-chan. What did I ever tell you about talking when I'm saying something infront.?"

"Mr. Jason, why am I the only one being scolded.? Youngjae talked to me too" Himchan pouted

"Yah hyung.! Why are you dragging me down with you.?! You started it.!" Youngjae said, punching him lightly in the arm

"Stop it. Both of you. Okay, as I was saying, you are free to go explore around Rome. Just don't let anything happen to you, like getting into troubles with other foreigners or some Italians fellows. Understand.?"


Mr. Jason clapped his hands "Good. Okay that's it. I'll see you ALL in dinner" then left

"Yah Hyosung-ah.! Let's go shopping tomorrow. My family owns a shop here and I can just get whatever I want" Jieun beamed

Hyosung smiled at her "It's okay. I didn't bring any money with me but I'll come with you"

"What are you talking about.? Of course you get to have designer clothes for free. You're my friend.!"

She shook her head, still smiling "It's really okay Jieun-ah. You and IU are really spoiling me you know. I don't want the others to think that I hang out with you guys because of your money. It's not right"

"They're just jealous and wrong.! And, you're not hanging out with us because we're rich right.?"

"Of course not.! I hang out with you because of who you are not because of your money.!"

Jieun smiled, linking arms with her "See.? You admitted it yourself. So pleeeaassee let's go shopping tomorroooww.!"

"Yah. You're lucky that those puppy eyes work on me" she giggled, poking the tip of Jieun's nose




Later, dinner finally started, all of them were eating excitedly, wanting the day to end soon so that they can go wherever they want tomorrow. Daehyun and his friends were seated 5 tables away from Hyosung. They were deciding on where they should go tomorrow

"Aaaahhh.! We've been here for like 8 times already and I've seen everything that is to see in Rome.! It's getting boring.!" Himchan whined

Youngjae nodded his head then glanced at Yongguk "So hyung, where are we going tomorrow.?"

Yongguk sighed, leaning his elbows against the table "What Himchan said was true. We've been here for a few times and it's getting really boring"

"Well it's not our fault that we're filthy rich" Youngjae said

Yongguk chuckled "Well said"

"I know" Youngjae grinned "But really hyung, where are we going tomorrow.? Are we just gonna kill ourselves by staying here in the hotel.? It's much better to go out than stay here. Wwwhhheeerreee are we goiinn---"

"The beach" Daehyun interrupted

Himchan snapped his fingers, liking Daehyun's idea "You're right.! You're right.! You're riiigghhhtt.! I've only been in there beach twice. Let's go there.! R'me beach would be the perfect choice.!"

Youngjae raised both his eyebrows "Just the four of us.?"

"Do you have someone else in mind.?" Yongguk asked

"Let's bring my cousin . . . . . . And Hyosung" Youngjae smirked, looking at Daehyun

Daehyun could feel that all eyes were on him, he slowly looked up and saw his hyungs and Youngjae looking at him, grinning like idiots "What.?"

"It's decided then. Tomorrow at the beach with Jieun and Hyosung" Himchan confirmed

After eating, they decided to stay behind for a little, talking with their other classmates. Daehyun went outside to the balcony which was followed by Youngjae. He leaned his arms on the cold metal railing, facing the city lights while Youngjae leaned his elbows against the railing, facing the balcony door, opposite to Daehyun "What are you thinking.?"

"Nothing" Daehyun answered

"Really.? Doesn't seem like nothing though"

Youngjae was right, it was not nothing. It was something and it was Hyosung "It's bothering me"

"Why is SHE bothering you.?"

"I-I can't stop thinking about her. Wa-wait, I-I didn't sa-say it was a SHE" he stuttered

"You don't have to. I clearly know it's about Hyosung. Why don't you just admit that you like her.?"

"It's not that easy you know.! For someone like me who hate girls"

"But you DON'T anymore"

"I do-don't know" he sighed "Th-there's just one problem"

"Is it Yoseob hyung.?"

He nodded his head, sighing heavily "She likes him and he likes her"

"Yoseob hyung won't be a problem if you just make your move"

"It's not that f---"

"F--ckin easy.!! I knooooww" Youngjae mocked him "But by the way I see things, Hyosung likes you more than he likes Yoseob hyung"

"And how would you know that.?"

"I may be not an expert when it comes to love but I've had my experiences. I can see the way she looks at you, like a lost puppy and confused. Just like seeing her f--ckin prince charming and can't help but be in dazed. Call it cliche but it's true. Unbelievable as it is, we didn't expect it either that you'll fall for her. Even though others see you as the jerk you are, Hyosung brings out the angel inside you"

"Wow. That was cheesy Jae" he chukled

Youngjae laughed, rolling his eyes playfully "Shut up"

"I hope you're right"


"Yah.! You f--ckin know from the very f--ckin start that I don't f--ckin go well with girls.!"

"What's with all the f--ckin cursing.? Am I f--cking missing something.?" Yongguk asked, stepping outside the balcony

Youngjae shook his head, smiling "No hyung. You're not f--ckin missing something. We were just talking about Hyosung"

"So are you gonna make your move now.?" Yonnguk grinned, looking at Hyosungs' table through the glass door

"No hyung. I'm not"

"And when are you f--ckin planning to make a move.?! When the world ends.?! When earth is already invaded by aliens.?!" Youngjae shrieked

"You're exaggerating"

"You'll do well with her Daehyun-ah. I can see that you have the bit of being flirty when you're around her. Your inner You will come out eventually" Yongguk said

"That's the other thing hyung. I can't help but be like that when I'm around her. It's frustrating me" he groaned

Youngjae turned around, facing the filled city lights view "That's because you like her. If you don't do anything, Yoseob hyung will be your biggest rival. And judging by Yoseob hyung's personality, he'll win" he teased

"Yah.! You're supposed to be on my side"

"I am. But I won't be for long if you keep on being a slow turtle"

Yongguk went up to him, patting his shoulder "We'll help you. You have our back"

Himchan walked towards them, opening the door and peeking his head "You guys. Mr. Jason said that we should all go back to our rooms now" 

They all went back inside. Daehyun stared at Hyosung's direction and saw her staring at him first. She smiled at him as he found himself smiling back. Yongguk who was walking ahead of him noticed the scene, he stopped infront of Daehyun and pushed him to the side, smiling "Invite her tomorrow"

Youngjae smirked then waved at his cousin "Jieun-ah.! Let's go together.!"

"Huuhh.? Aaahh-waaee.? Waaee.?" Jieun asked, being pushed forward by her cousin

"We'll go ahead first.!" Youngjae grinning at Daehyun and Hyosung

"Ookkaayy.?" Hyosung laughed, walking by his side "Did I miss something.?"

"Naahh. Just let them be" he chuckled "So where are you going tomorrow.?"

"Why.? Are you taking me somewhere.?" she thought to herself  "Jieun and I are going to a shop that her family owns. She wants to go shopping. Wae.?"

"Aah. Really.? The guys and I were planning to go to R'me beach, and we wanna invite you. But it seems like you already had plans. I'll just tell the others that you can't come"

"A-andwae.! Don't. W-we'll go with you"

"Are you sure.? But what about your----"

She smiled, nodding her head "I'm sure. But we won't probably coming with you in going there. After Jieun is done with her shopping then we'll catch up with you guys. I'm pretty sure she knows where R'me Beach is"

Not even realizing it, they both arrived in the room hallway, Hyosung's room was the first one on the left while Daehyun's room was 10 doors further away. They both stopped in her doorstep, standing quietly. His hands kept firmly inside his jean pockets. Hyosung on the other hand kept fidgeting with her fingers, hesitating whether she should do it or not "Li-listen"

"What.?" he asked

"I just--uuhmm. I just wanna---I just wanna say thank you. For this morning"

"It was nothing compared for being my nurse" he smirked

She smiled blushingly, biting her bottom lip "It's already huge deal for me. Thanks again"

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow" he said then started walking away


"What is it.?" he asked, turning his body around

She ran up to him, snaking her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his chest "You might hate this but to tell you the truth, I like hugging you. It may be direct and random but I just want to let you know that"

His mind went completely blanked as his face went numb "O-ohh. Uuhh---"

"Thank you for being You" she said, hugging him tighter

His hands were on his sides, he slowly brought his hands to her back, hugging her "Thank you for being with me"

"Maybe I do like you" she thought to herself, burying her face into his chest, not caring if it's weird for someone like her to hug him out of nowhere

"Maybe I like you"





(I have to make their romantic relationship fast. Still a long way tooo goooo. Comment on how well you like/love it ^_^)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!