I need you, DongHae

Until You're Mine
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            “Will you watch me?” I began to breathe uneasily and he laughed a bit.

            “Of course! It’s my musical, I have to watch it.”

            I frown, “Can’t you close your eyes when I sing?”

            He grins and shakes his head, “DongHae…Taemin was the lead role…so you will be singing the WHOLE time.”

            I pout, “And you have to watch?”

            He nods, “Yup, still wanna do it?” he was teasing me.

            I nod and he hands me the script and my jaw drops, this stack of paper was heavy!! I stand and walk off, “I’ll come tomorrow…for the rehearsal.”

            He nods and waves “See you then DongHae.”



            I spent my week studying the script; I read it over and over and over again until I became the character myself. The character was simple; he was shy and scared of what people thought of him. I smile, poor him. Since it was intended for a young girl’s birthday, I have to sing Disney songs and such and my character will go through songs and in these songs his shyness will somehow die down and he will become a stronger person; inside and out. During the rehearsals, we practiced the dance moves more than my singing but either way I was so nervous and the nerves were killing me especially because Hyuk Jae was directing us!


Aish my heart would pound when he would glance at me.


            It was one more week until the musical and I was backstage sitting in my dressing room with my script in hand. I had memorized most of it, and that’s what I always did; Sit in the back and reread my script until my brain hurt. I was currently reading it when Hyuk Jae walks in and sits beside me; I was on the ground and leaning against a wall with the script on my knees.

            He looked hesitant, “Taemin…talked to me today.”

            I couldn’t peel my eyes off the script! “Oh...really? Did he apologize?”

            He exhales, “He wants his part back.”

            I freeze and my eyes peeled from the page and looked at him, I forced a smile, “That’s great…looks like you get the person you imagined for the part.” I smile sweetly and nod.

            He stares at me, “DongHae…you’ve been really dedicated to the part, so I won’t give it back to him. You deserve it.”

            I shake my head, “No. He’d probably do the part a lot better anyway.” I half shrug and smile a bit.

            “Don’t give me your fake smiles.”

            I pout and stare at the ground, “Sorry.” I mumble and he smiles a bit.

            “You don’t want the part?”

            “I do…but he has the voice of the perfect character.” I repeat what he said. “So you should give it back to him.” I nod, “Plus…I’m awkward and…yea.” I

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Chapter 34: Fast fwd...?
Chapter 1: So...some high schools are actually like that?
Chapter 42: can't say I expected this ending. it seems a little rushed, but now that I see you have a sequel prepared along with another version that's told from Hyukjae's POV, I'm suddenly super understanding of why this is the case :D

also, I want to say that really love how pure you write donghae. he's childish, but he can get serious. he isn't stupid or immature, he's responsible and caring. he's just a good soul; sweet and kind and deserving of love, and I loved seeing Hyukjae slowly falling for him. thank goodness it wasn't borderline instantaneous; you really made them work for each other's love ♥️ also turning sooyoung around was just a huge bonus in my book; thank you for not turning characters into mindless villains who are horrible without a tangible reason ♡

I'm not a fan of exo and I honestly know nothing about the members either, but you honestly got me caring about kai! I could tell early on that he probably harbored feelings for donghae... it was genuinely sad to see him struggling so badly with himself ;-; I'm just glad he didn't die tbh!

this was such a sweet story. thank you for writing this! can't wait to check out the other version and the sequel :) ♡
Chapter 12: finally, he confesses!! but if course that's when hyunbin appears too OTL
Chapter 1: A great beginning!
can't wait to see what this fic has in store. :D
Chapter 2: Donghae is really adorable. Eunhyuk is dreamy as always
EunhaeStan86 #7
Chapter 13: It's not a surprise it's EXO-K
I love how detailed and un-rushed this story it. Awesome!
I'm gonna read this now
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this story for the nth times, truly one of the best ❤️ Thank you so much for writing this story! ❤️❤️