Conversations with my little old self

Until You're Mine
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DongHae’s POV


            Time slowly went on by and now it is Amber’s birthday.

            I walk outside and wait patiently for the lazy butts to get up (Henry already left for school). I prepared them pancakes and packed some for Hyuk Jae; I run over to his house and knock on his house. I hum a tune while I wait patiently for him.

            He opens the door and smiles at me, “Good morning, DongHae.” He says sweetly.

            I grin, “Morning, HyukJae!” I was so happy. I hand him his sealed plate and he smiles confused. “Gotta go, See you at school!” I wave at him and run off.

            Amber walks out holding SoHee’s hand and they stare at me confused.

            I grin and yell out, “SURPRISE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER!!!!” I stood beside her surprise birthday present and waved my arms around it proudly.

            Their jaws drop and Amber runs over to me and presses her hands on the car, “Ar- Are you serious?!” I nod and she jumps up and down excitedly. “OH MYGOD THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!” She hugged me, nearly suffocated me but still I laugh and hugged her back.

            She laughs, takes the keys and runs to the driver’s side.

            Sohee frowns, “You don’t know how to drive!!”

            Amber just shrugs it off, “PSH well looks like its time to learn!! Get in!” she tells us; we both looked at each other scared but for some reason SoHee and I ended up getting inside the car. Her in the back seat and me in the passenger seat.

            “HANG ON TIGHT!!!” Amber laughs excitedly as she starts the car and drives off.

            Sohee and I were busy praying for our life but luckily we made it to school in one piece, but we were laughing most of the time.

            Once we stepped out of the car I wrapped my arms around them both as we walked through the campus.

            “Did you hear about the talent show tonight?” Amber asks.

            “No, why?” I frown.

            “Can we come watch it? PPPLLLLEEEAAASSSSEEEE” SoHee clung on my shirt as she pled.

            I have smile and nod, “Luckily I don’t work tonight.” I smile at them and they hugged me at the same time.

            “See you later, Fishy!” They say happily and walk off to their direction of class.



            At the talent show, the three of us walked in early and sat near the middle of the stage. Since they needed the stage for the talent show the musical practice was called off so Henry runs up to us and sits beside SoHee.

            SoHee leans her head on his and we patiently wait for the hsow to star. I look around and smile when I see Hyuk Jae near the front of the stage, he was sitting in between HeeCHul and KyuHyun.

            The show started off with individuals and I must admit that many of the singers were actually really good, while others made me cringe a little; I still clapped for every performance though.

            The host walks up on stage and says, “I hope you are all ready for the last performance!” Everyone cheered while Hyuk Jae stands and heads out; I watch him go and half shrug.

            The curtains open up and reveal four girls in the middle. The song plays and they instantly start to go down, moving their hips around in a seducing way. I frown and stare at one of them….isnt that…OMO IT’S SOOYOUNG! My jaw drops as I stare at her; she was wearing a bright red corset that flowed down like a tutu with fish net leggings, high heels, and long gloves.

            “Her s look bigger than usual!” Amber exclaims.

            We all just stared at her, completely shocked.

            SooYoung was the center and I just stared at her as she slowly started hip ing and running her fingers up and down her legs; slightly brushing over her crotch while she winked at me. What the…

            She placed her hands on her hips and slowly turned as she started swaying her around, we could clearly see her lacey underwear since her tutu was pretty short. She went down and slightly spread her legs while the other girls were singing “Lady Marmalade” and when it came down to her part she moved her long legs around, ran her fingers through her wild, long hair and slowly swayed her hips around, slightly hip ing as she innocently stared at the crowd.

            I looked at the door and silently prayed that Hyuk Jae wouldn’t walk in anytime soon.

            She walks over to a pole (well all of the girls do but my eyes were only on her), wraps her fingers around it, spreads her legs and allows the pole to be in between her legs as she slowly moves down while swaying her hips. She wraps her legs around the pole and while her legs hold her up she bends back, revealing her as her hair flows back; she her lips, jumps down then presses her on the pole as she slowly goes down.

            What are you doing, SooYoung?

            “Is she trying to seduce you?” Amber frowns and looks at me.

            I look at her confused and shake my head, “I don’t….think so…” I hope not.

            The song was over and they all posed as the curtains closed, everyone was cheering like crazy well mostly guys while the rest of us just sat there, still shocked.

            “Can I see now?”

            I look over and see Henry was covering his eyes; I smile and say, “Yes, Mochi, the performance is over now.”

            He exhales and removes his hands and smiles at me.

            I wonder where Hyuk Jae went…I stand up and walk outside and look around. “Hyuk Jae?” I call out and walk around the campus but I didn’t see him. I half shrug, call for my siblings, then we go home.


            The next day when I went over to Hyuk Jae’s house to give him his breakfast he wasn’t there; he was already gone. I pout; where did he go? I half shrug and we all go to school, but as soon as we got there I noticed that many people were whispering to each other.

            I didn’t think much of it but Amber whispers to SoHee and me, “I bet they are talking about SooYoung’s freak show.” She giggles and I just shake my head. “Bet someone told Hyuk Jae about it….”

            I half frown, “I hope not…he must be mad.” I look around. “I will go look for him, k?”

            They nod and I walk off and head inside the performances area; where Hyuk Jae spends his time writing music. I slightly open the door and peak inside and sure enough there he was behind his piano with a sad face. I look around and the red chairs were empty, the stage was empty, the whole room was empty except for him in there.

            I exhale slowly and tip toe inside.

            He was playing a sad medley on the piano, I pout and walk up the steps and across the stage, “You ok?” His back was to me as he played.

            He slowly shakes his head and I take the initiative to sit beside him on his little bench, I stare at his fingers as they move around elegantly. I exhale slowly and look at him, “Are you upset?”

            He half smiles but his eyes told me that he was hurt; I lean my head on his shoulder and mutter, “Don’t be….please, I don’t like to see you upset.”

            He looks at me and I lift my head and stare at him as he says, “You watched SooYoung’s performance?”

            I slowly nod.

            “I told her not to perform.” He mutters bitterly, “Now the whole school keeps talking about her s, her , her everything!” He glared at the piano as he slammed his fingers down.      

            I look at him sadly, afraid to say something that would make him feel worse, “She…didn’t say sorry?”

            He shakes his head and breathed in deeply; calming himself down, “She didn’t care about how I felt.” He says softly.

            I chew on my lower lip and whisper, “I care about how you feel.”

            He smiles and shakes his head, “DongHae, you are one in a million.”

            I grin, “thanks!....but about SooYoung…I think you should talk to her.” I pause, “I mean, you do love her right? So then you shouldn’t hold once mistake against her.” I nod and he frowns.

            He stares at me, “You haven’t heard?”

            “Heard what?”

            “She ran off….” He shakes his head.

            “Ran off?” I frown. “What does that mean?”

            “Means I don’t know where she went or where

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Chapter 34: Fast fwd...?
Chapter 1: So...some high schools are actually like that?
Chapter 42: can't say I expected this ending. it seems a little rushed, but now that I see you have a sequel prepared along with another version that's told from Hyukjae's POV, I'm suddenly super understanding of why this is the case :D

also, I want to say that really love how pure you write donghae. he's childish, but he can get serious. he isn't stupid or immature, he's responsible and caring. he's just a good soul; sweet and kind and deserving of love, and I loved seeing Hyukjae slowly falling for him. thank goodness it wasn't borderline instantaneous; you really made them work for each other's love ♥️ also turning sooyoung around was just a huge bonus in my book; thank you for not turning characters into mindless villains who are horrible without a tangible reason ♡

I'm not a fan of exo and I honestly know nothing about the members either, but you honestly got me caring about kai! I could tell early on that he probably harbored feelings for donghae... it was genuinely sad to see him struggling so badly with himself ;-; I'm just glad he didn't die tbh!

this was such a sweet story. thank you for writing this! can't wait to check out the other version and the sequel :) ♡
Chapter 12: finally, he confesses!! but if course that's when hyunbin appears too OTL
Chapter 1: A great beginning!
can't wait to see what this fic has in store. :D
Chapter 2: Donghae is really adorable. Eunhyuk is dreamy as always
EunhaeStan86 #7
Chapter 13: It's not a surprise it's EXO-K
I love how detailed and un-rushed this story it. Awesome!
I'm gonna read this now
Chapter 43: Just finished re-reading this story for the nth times, truly one of the best ❤️ Thank you so much for writing this story! ❤️❤️