The Misfits
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There was no single scar left on Luhan's body, thanks to Lay's awesome healing ability. “That bastard got away.” Sehun shook his head, his expression dark and gloomy. It was the first time for Hana to see Sehun that expressive, and she had to be honest here, she was simply amazed by it. “Forget him. It is pointless to chase after him. We will get our chance.” Luhan stood up and looked around.

It made him sad to see a once beautiful place stained with so much blood and death. “How are Victoria and the kids?” Before anyone could answer the question, Victoria popped out of the nowhere. “They are safe, don't worry,” Changmin was more than relieved that she was alright, but a frown appeared on his face as he couldn't see Nat and Falvé anywhere around. “They are back in Anwynn. I thought that it would be safer for them in that way."

A sigh came over Changmin's lips, and he rubbed his neck. “We should tidy this mess first.” Victoria snapped her fingers and the trees moved on their own. The earth rumbled slightly, before it opened up and let the blood disappear. With a sigh, Chanyeol suddenly sat down on the ground and shook his head. “We are not going to go anywhere soon, right?” Probably not, considering that Matthew would probably alarm everyone at the border right at that moment. They decided to stay in Springfield for two more days before they would decide what to do next. They returned to the hospital, and Changmin and Victoria immediately disappeared in the VIP room of the lounge. “I don't want to imagine what these two are doing now.”

Kai shook his head while he and the others sat at the bar. “You guys don't mind if I get drunk, right?” It was luck that the bar had liquor, which could even make Vampires drunk, and Baekhyun ordered a whole bottle of it. The guys joined him, even Sehun, but Hana took her leave. She didn't want to get drunk or anything like that. She needed time to think about her the whole situation.

As she went up to her room, she immediately fled onto the tiny balcony. She couldn't even cry as the hand wrapped around . “It's me.” Luhan whispered, and Hana immediately spun around. “God damn it! Don't ever do something like that ever again!” She slapped his chest twice, before she bit her lips and looked away. It somehow didn't surprise her that he only wore some sweatpants and a tank top.

Memories of their training session rose up inside her, but Hana didn't moved her hands away from his chest. “So, your majesty, how are you feeling?” His body had been pierced multiple times and even though Hana knew that she didn't have any reasons to worry about him, she was worried. “Don't call me by that. I am not a King.” His hands closed around hers, and he was incredibly happy that she didn't back off.

“But you are.” Luhan bit his lips while his thumb brushed over the back of her hand. “I... Taemin told you quite a lot, huh?” Somehow, he regret not being the one to tell her everything. “Someone had to, since a certain someone here is quite secretive.” She pinched Luhan's chest lightly, and he faked and expression of pain. “Are you angry at me because of that?”

Somehow... he had missed having their moments with her like that. It was like medicine for his foul and dark soul. His ray of light, as cheesy as it might sound. “I was... and I still am, a bit. I can understand you. I understand you hid that from me, and I understand that you probably have a lot more secrets and things probably are by far more complicated than that and...” Luhan put his finger on her lips and shook his head.

“You talk too much, my dear,” Hana flushed a tiny bit, but closed . “What do you want to hear?” He whispered and pulled her closer. “I want to hear it from you, Luhan, not from Taemin or from anyone.” Luhan suddenly lifted her up and sat her down on the balustrade so that she was on the same height as him. “From me, hm?” Luhan closed his arms around h

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93 streak #1
New subscriber here^^
I would be happy if you can accept my friend request. Thank you!
Chapter 5: Restarting this series ^^ sent a friend request too; kindly accept it! ^^
After 3 years I'm finally back and reading this story again😊
Chapter 69: Changmin and his whole heart want to skin Luhan alive...🤣
Chapter 12: Changmin really just described Kai's falcon as chicken...dumbhead.🤣
Chapter 10: Changmin just straight savage! 🤣 At least have mercy on Hana's heart. She's a new vampire and a monster looking vampire could scare her...yeah, pretty much Luhan..🤣
Chapter 5: It seems like I understand Hana better now. She just lost everyone in her family and she was being turned into a vampire without her knowing. And had to hear it from someone else must be shattering her so much. Imagine, she just lost everyone and she is now a vampire. I would be a wreck too if I was in her place.😭
Chapter 4: Not at Luhan insulting himself..🤣
darkangle #9
Chapter 178: OH GOD that was a goood ride I fell in love wiyh the story all over again every thing is perfect characters and their development through the story, the plot, the dialogs and of course the fights I can't wait for the lost king to be finished cuz Sehun here is one of my favorite characters
darkangle #10
Chapter 115: one of the best things in this story is the brotherhood between them and how they have each other back specially Luhan and Sehun. love how sehun hates Neyla for toying with him and making his relationship with luhan gets worse it though he loved her this shows how much he holds this relation dear to him and it is important to him.. also though he isn't fond of Hanna and he is afraid she might be like Neyla but he treats hear good even protects her like he did before she became strong