It's you, maybe.

My complicated life

"C'mon Jin Mi. Let's dance." Sehun invited. 

"Are you sure you want me to dance with you?"

"Of course."

"Do you really want to end up having an injured foot or something?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a terrible dancer!" She confessed.

"Oh really?" Sehun smiled.

"Well...honestly speaking...I haven't danced for so long now"

"It's okay. I love challenges. I wouldn't mind if you're going to step on my foot." he said.

"Oh well... I know you won't stop bugging me until I agree. But don't blame if ever something bad is going to happen to your foot."

Sehun smiled on his victory.

"I warned you OH SEHUN! Remember that."


Jin Mi is nervous. She can feel her body is going numb. Not because she can't dance but because of this guy she is with. She'll be absolutely be in shame if she will step his foot. She don't dance. No...she can dance amazingly and gracefully BEFORE. But what the hell, she stopped dancing a very long time ago. And she's scared that she might hurt this guy's feet. She followed carefully every moves Sehun made. I felt amazing. I haven't dance for so long. Thanks to this adorable guy. She said on her mind.

Sehun chuckled. "You're shaking."

"No I don't" Jin Mi denied.

"Don't worry I won't eat you if you happen to step on my foot." Sehun said and laughed. "You haven't stepped on my foot yet."

"Because I'm trying my best no to."

"But why. It's normal."

"You're a famous idol. If I'm going to hurt you, all your fans will start chasing me and probably I'm  receive threats coming from a crazy fans."

"You're weird." Sehun said.

"I know!" she agreed.

And then silence prevails... She can hear her heart beating so loud. 

The Sehun started talking.

"Tell me about yourself, Jin Mi."

"My life story is boring. You don't have to hear it"

"But I want to. I'll even do aegyo just to let you share your story.~" And he did an aegyo." Buingg~ buingg~~" Damn this guy looks cute.

"Okay.okay! You're such a kid." She laughed. "Well you knew I grew up in Upper East Side as you know. My family runs a Korean Restaurant around the globe. I'm a big spender. I can spend almost a thousand dollars in just a blink. I'm a shopaholic. But despite being this big spender, I still makes my parents proud by graduating in high school with flying colors. I passed the college exam but unfortunately I'm not going to..." she stopped when Sehun speaks up.

"You won't go to college?" he asked.

"I am going to college. Not this year, of course. Next year I'm going to college. I have some important personal matters that I need to do here in Korea."

"What's that important personal matter of yours?" Sehun asked.

"Let's just say...something that involves the love of a daughter to her mother." She said.

"You really won't tell me, do you?" Sehun asked, again! Jin Mi nodded. "Okay. Just tell me what are you're dreams." he said.

"To be like you!" she said while laughing.

"Really?" She can see Sehun's face brighten up.

"Kidding!" She burst out her laughter. 

"You're bad!" Sehun said in a childish manner.

"It was my dream." She murmured. "Before. When I was young. I really wished to be an idol."

"But why didn't you pursue it." 

"Well.. Let's just say... I trusted a traitor. I befriended a traitor. "and even loved that traitor."I don't blame that traitor of course. I am not in this situation now if it wasn't because of that traitor."

"Just let me ask one thing. Is he a guy or a girl."

"It's something for you to discover." She smirked.

"You know what. I really don't understand you sometimes. You're so full of mysteries." Sehun said.

She laughed. "Now it's your turn."

"Turn for what?"

"I shared a lot of things to you. And now you have to share your story too." 

"Well unlike your life story, my own life story is very interesting. If you hear my story you'll just pity me and feel sorry. So I prefer not to tell. Right time will come for you to know." Sehun smiled. 

Jin Mi looked at him sharply. "You're bad. I thought we're friends."

"You're such a kid!"

"Speak for yourself!"

Sehun laughed. "C'mon I want you to see something amazing." 

Jin Mi followed Sehun. They went upstairs. She have no idea where the hell mis he taking her. Well she trust this guy.


As they reached their destination, Jin Mi's eyes widened.(O____O like D.O.'s eyes.. Ahihihi!) In her front was the most amazing flower garden she ever saw in her entire life. The place is very beautiful. She can't take her eyes off from the garden. 

"This is friggin' awesome. Whoever came up with this idea is a pure genius." She commented.

"Thank you!" Sehun smiled.

"Why are you thanking me?" Jin Mi asked.

"For saying that I'm a genius."

"Whaaattt?" Jin Mi was shocked. "Oh're joking right?"

"I'm not. But it's my fault that they've decided to have a garden here."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you a secret. Since we're friend." He said. Jin Mi looked at him as if preparing to listen to something intriguing.

"This garden started when a young boy. His parents were never together. His mother married a chinese-korean when he was five. His step father has a son who is three years older than he was. His father lives far away from him. His father lives in a country side. So that young boy visits him twice ot thrice a month." Sehun said. Even though he didn't tell who is that young boy, she is 100% sure that Sehun is that young boy. But she chose to shut and listen to Sehun. "One day that young boy was scouted by some agent of an Entertainment company. He then passed the audition. He was too excited to tell his father the news. He went to his father place but when he arrived at his father's house, no one was there. He went to his father's beautiful garden and waited for him. But time runs so fast and he was really unpatient. He then decided to wait on the streets." She can feel how Sehun forced himself not to cry. "A moment later the one he's been waiting for has arrived. His father was across the street and the young boy couldn't wait any longer to tell his father the good news. He then shouted, 'Dad Dad! I made it! I made it! I'm going to be famous!' The young boy sounded happy. The father was excited to hug his son so he rushed to reach his son's place. Without them knowing, there is a fast approaching car while the father is crossing the street. The father and the car collided." she saw tears falling from Sehun's eyes. 

"Sehun..." Sehun looked at her and forced smile.

"The father was a victim of hit and run. Th young boy came to his father who is lying on the ground with blood all over his body. The young boy cried but the father smiled at him. The father gave the flowers he was holding to the young boy he was and said, I am happy for what you've achieved my son. Keep doing what you wanted to do. I'll always be with you, remember that. I'm you're number one fan!  Those were the last words the boy heard from his father." Sehun is crying!!! She wanted to hug him, to comfort him. 

"Sehun..." she don't know what to do.

"3 days after his father's funeral he started his training. The president of the company noticed how down and sad he is, They boy also keeps on avaoiding contact with other trainees. He was alone. One day the president saw the young boy holding a flowers. A flower with no life. But the young boy was happy by just looking at the flower. The president then decided to use the empty rooftop as a flower garden. The garden makes him remember the person he adores so much. His father." Sehun wiped his tears and looked at her. He smiled. 

Jin Mi didn't utter a word. She hugged Sehun. Sehun hugged her back.

"Thank you for listening. I don't want you to feel sorry for what you heard Jin Mi." Sehun said still hugging her.

"I am happy for you Sehun. I really am. You don't have to be sad." I won't make you sad Sehun.Jin Mi thought. She then pulled herself away from Sehun. "C'mon let's go downstairs. People might wonder where we are."


Jin Mi went to the table where the twins are sitting. In her surprise she saw the twins are trying to drink some beer. The twins looked at her in terror. They immediatley hid the bottle of beer under the table.

"What the hell is that?" Jin Mi asked. "Is that a beer you're hiding?"

"Beer? There's no beer!" Youngmin denied.

"And you sounded drunk."

"No he is not." Kwangmin defended his brother.

"You guys are underage! Why the hell are you drinking that?" Jin Mi scolded.

"We just tried how it taste until we liked the flavor. It's an innocent mistake!" Youngmin said.

"Innocent? You are sixteen. You know what a beer is and it's effect." Jin Mi said. "C'mon let's go home. You guys are drunk."

"But we're still enjoying the party. You enjoy the party too, right noona?" Kwangmin said.

"We are leaving! I'm older than both of you. So you should follow me."

"Okay." the twins shrugged, 

"I'll drive you home Jin Mi." Sehun offered.

"Ani. We'll just take a taxi."

"Don't be ridicolous. You have two drunk teenagers with you. I insist I;ll drive you home."

"But your party..."

"Forget about the party. What's important is that you'll get home safe and sound. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you so much!"


Silence again prevails....... Only the twins are make the noise. They murmured something she don;t understand.

Finally they've reached their house...

"What happened?" her Aunt said while opening the gate.

"Well your twins are drunk. I'm sorry I enjoyed myself too much. I didn;t know they were already drinking." she apologized.

"It's fine. Let's just bring them inside. And they're really going to have worst nightmare tonight." Sehun helped them carry the twins inside.

While her Aunt is busy scolding her son, She and Sehun went outside.

"Again, thank you so much!" she thanked.

"It's not a big deal!" he replied.

"You should keep going now. Your party haven't finished yet. Enjoy yourself." Sehun nodded and walks off. But then he turned around and said, "Would you mind going out tomorrow? I want you to see a beautiful place" Sehun invited.

"Sure." she answered.

"Tomorrow then."



"Bye Sehun!"


"Goodnight to you too Sehun."

"See you."

Jin Mi laughed. "Just go Sehun!"

He finally left. She smiled. Tomorrow eh?! This is gonna be fun!


I'm going to be busy these coming days. School is going to start already next week so I need to prepare for it. I won't be able to update soon. But I promise I'll update two chapters at the same time! Thank you for understanding!

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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D